

A random ordinary guy died due to god's losing bet. He was reincarnated as Arthur Rimbaud from Bungou Stray Dog's. God gave him a "Transformers System", which allows the protagonist to create the famous robots from the movies and comics. Arthur was given a dimension of his own. But what was the most shocking of all he wasn't back on his old earth, but the famous and yet dangerous Marvel Cinematic Universe. Arthur shrugged, with the help of his system he was sure that even Thanos can't stop him and his army of transformers.

Boundless_Child · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

"So logically speaking I am dead, and you are going to reincarnate me?" I asked the fat old grandpa wearing a white toga with a bald shiny head while brushing his long beard in front of me. He introduced himself earlier as god and his purpose is to reincarnate my soul.

"Yes young mortal" God said.

"Isn't this privilege only available to people that have created a big contribution to the lives of other people?" I asked. 'I mean, I am just a normal guy how could such huge chance present itself onto me. I didn't do any sort of stuff like saving my colleague or a child's life while almost getting hit by a moving truck.'

"Well, I struck a deal with my fellow god's and I ultimately lost. Since I lost I had to do the share or the punishment and that was to roll the random lottery for all the humans in it, and you were the lucky one chosen." God said as he dropped his head down remembering that he lost the bet.

"Oh, well that sucks" I said calmly while laughing sarcastically inside my consciousness. "Quick question!, what is this place?". I asked, I was very curious when I first arrived in this dark and cold place.

"This is the Void" God calmly answered without any hesitance and was direct. I nodded my head and remembered many preference on this place from fanfics to novels that I once read. "Ok then, can we start the reincarnation now?. So how does this work?"

Suddenly a towering roulette appeared that came out of nowhere. There were many words written on the roulette or should I say Universes.

I walked near the towering roulette and rotated it. I was very enthusiastic yet afraid of what world I will get transported to, there were many Universe written on the roulette such as anime's, movie's and series that were available and famous back on earth.

The roulette slowed down, the arrow pointed to "The Marvel Universe".

"So it's the marvel universe, will it corresponds to the movie's I watched?" I asked.

"Yes, it's the same" God said while giving me a smirk while stroking his long beard.

The roulette's written words were changed into names, there were familiar ones like Naruto, Sasuke, Eren, Armin and ton's more such as side characters were also added.

"Spin the roulette to determine the character you will posses".

I nodded and rotated the roulette with all my strength. After twenty seconds the roulette started to slow down. "Yes Sasuke Uchiha!" I cheered with happiness as I could possess such a strong character. "Wait No!" The arrow continued to move once more and landed into. "Congratulations mortal you will posses Arthur Rimbaud!". God smiled.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Arthur Rimbaud from Bungou Stray Dog's there weren't many information about him as he was only showed on season three and was only a side character. He did possess a strong ability but was never justified or truly showed his full capabilities in the animated series or the manga. But he's handsome though so I could use his looks since my past self was an ugly son-of-a-bitch.

"Will I get the original Arthur's memories and experiences?" I asked as the original Arthur's memories will be a huge help in controlling and understanding his ability and capability. "Yes, you will be given his memories" God said.

At least if I merge with his memories I would not die easily. I will have his combat prowess and it will help me in controlling the ability. "Will I get anymore powers?, like a system perhaps?".

"Quite greedy you are and yes, but it will be random" God said as he smiled devilishly unlike his first old and kind grandpa look. The roulette's words changed once again, I rotated it while enthusiastically waiting for my other power's.

The arrow stopped on "Transformer's System". A creepy smile rose onto my face as I laughed devilishly. This was a blessing, with this system doesn't that mean that I am already overpowered?. I thought a bit and asked "The system is quite confusing will I transform into a transformer or will I summon or create one?".

"Let's wait and see on your other power's that will be given" God said as he looked at me while urging to rotate the roulette.

I rotated the roulette due to the urging by God, and I was also curious. The arrow stopped at "The Allspark". "The transformer's system allows you to transform into the characters such as Optimus Prime, but now that your given the Allspark it seems like you can create your own set of army." God clapped his hands while smiling at me.

'This is awesome!' I shouted and as a tiny me ran around my consciousness. "Question, will I carry around the allspark wherever I go?. I'm thinking that it's just too dangerous with it's power and capabilities I might get hunted down by Thanos or any other big guys in Marvel" I asked.

"That is a problem, so instead I will tweak a bit and create it as the allspark is inside your body that way you can just wave your hand to create the transformers you'd like" God said.

"Thank you" I said as I continued to rotate the last draw I have in the roulette. The arrow stopped at "Space Dimension".

"How interesting you are mortal. This power allows you to create your own dimension in the Marvel Universe, this dimension only allows you and your creation. If someone or something wants to enter it needs your approval, this dimension will only be visible to those you approve and in this space you can control it however you want. How lucky, i've never seen a mortal that was given such big powers from the roulette." God said while narrowing his eyes.

"That's basically overpowered!" I shouted at God's description, if Thanos enters my dimension doesn't that mean I can basically kill him as I have complete control over it?.

"Anyways I'm in a good mood today by seeing such an interesting display, as such I will grant you one more wish" God said.

"Then can you give me High-Level Scientific Knowledge all around the whole multiverse?" I asked and pleaded with my eyes. "That is just a simple wish for me mortal" God said as he chuckled and waved his hand. A small blue light entered my body and input many scientific knowledge into my brain causing my whole body to shake as the information were to many.

"It's done mortal. I wish you farewell into your journey everyone of us will be watching you" God said as my body started to fade "Thank you!" I said gratefully one last time.

God just smiled and looked at the mortal's body as it faded away and entered one of the universes path.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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