
Marvel: Character template.

What would happen if a man gets reincarnated in mcu with a template system. He uses it to get powerful. While doing so tries to find out about his past life and why he was reincarnated and by who. Some oc characters and comic accurate heros(some). First template: Vinsmoke Sanji. Second template: Azimuth.

Red_roseking · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Not a chapter just a question.

(A/N):Well what I want to say is that, thank you all for your support. Most of you were really kind and supportive. You guys have given me many ideas for what characters to give as a template.

Actually I never truly wanted to continue this fic (Not that I will drop it). I wrote this fic for two reasons.

First: As you know by now my grammar and some wording is not good. Some might have problems reading the story. But, the main reason I wrote thus to improve my English writing.

Second: To test something. You see before thus I wrote two Marvel Fic, which some of you really liked. But, later on had to discontinue for some issues. Now, I am back and trying to write more often. But, sometime the update will be late because my mind might be out of ideas or I am busy.

But, before this I wrote a Naruto fic. Which weirdly enough no one read. I first thought the story was bad. But then I had a idea, what if you guy enjoy Marvel fics more than Naruto?

And this fic proved me right.

But, enough of that. I have a question for you. Well two Actually.

First I need to give the mc a new template as his current one will be completed after the fight in the 1st iron man movie.(iron man vs stain)

So, I need a new character some one with high intelligence. My examples are,

1. Lex Luther.(Dc)

2. Senku Ishigami (Dr stone)

3. Sherlock Holmes.( sherlock)

4. Light yagami. (Death note)

5.Etc.....(your recommendation)

No fighters, because as I said when he completes the sanji template he will the best martial artist which will effect any other characters he would get.

Second question, the most important one.

Ship.... you give me a idea. But, no heram.

I mean I can give like three lovers but that's the max. I will not!! Give him every girl in the Mcu. He will be not collecting girls like pokemon. So, single or three.

That's all but.....