
Chapter 7

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: I have reached 100 reviews on this story, so I rushed to make this chapter as fast as I could. The quality might have suffered for that but I doubt it changed that much. Hopefully this is as liked as the last chapter.

The Hulk had experienced a couple of things in the short time that it had been out and about. It mostly experienced anger, lots of it. It experienced being annoyed by the people who shot at it. Bullets did nothing to harm it, it tickled. Missiles were like a breeze of hot air, nothing the Hulk couldn't handle.

Pain, pain was something new to the Hulk. Puny Banner was used to it, but the Hulk was not.

"You … *snarl* you hurt HULK!" screamed the Hulk as he climbed back to his feet looking at the form of the 4 tailed Kyuubified Naruto.

Naruto let loose a roar that shook the ground and Hulk growled in anger as a response. Without any more words or noises, the Hulk threw himself at the fox like figure. Naruto sent his 4 tails of chakra to grab the Hulk. It didn't even slow down the green giant as he caught all 4 tails in his left and used them to pull Naruto towards him.


Hulk's massive right fist smashed into Naruto's face, making it flat until Kurama's chakra manage to make it 3-D again. The force also sent the fox like figure flying, until the Hulk tugged on the tails grasped by his left hand and pulled. Naruto came tumbling back towards the Hulk like a yo-yo. The Hulk delivered a jackhammer like blow to Naruto's back, right above his tail bone where his tails that the Hulk just released.

With his left fist, the Hulk slapped Naruto into the ground, before lining Naruto's head up and punting it several hundred feet.

The Hulk roared in triumph, but sniffed the air as if sensing something that he wasn't sure of, something dangerous. In the distance from where Naruto had landed, the sky had darkened around that location. The wind picked up greatly and the sky was split by a beam of red energy and a howl was heard that shook the world.


Inside Naruto's Mind:

Naruto gasped loudly, only to suck in water. Rolling over, he coughed up some water and was treated to the sight of the shitty ceiling of his sewer like mindscape. His hand flew to his chest and over his heart. There was a tear on his shirt, but he wiggled his fingers through the hole in his shirt but felt nothing but the pounding of his heart inside his chest when he put his fingers over his heart.

'I'm ok? But am I dead?' Thought Naruto as he moved on and climbed to his feet. He looked around and saw cage doors that normally held the towering figure of Kurama. As he took a single step towards the cage, a wave of red energy came out of the cage and wrapped itself around Naruto.

Naruto didn't fight it as he knew this was of the energy, the chakra of his tenant. Instead he allowed it to crash over him, seemingly soaking into his skin. It filled him with more strength than he had ever had in his body. But it burned, this was more than he could happen, the burning spread throughout his body and he collapsed to all fours, groaning in pain.

"I would say that I am sorry, but I did what I had to do" came the deep voice of Kurama

Naruto looked up form the water covered ground and saw Kurama, but he wasn't towering. No he was much smaller, he was barely 20 feet tall. His deep orange fur was slightly off color and his eyes which normally held the power of a God, were empty tired shells.

"W what is h ha happening" gasped out Naruto as his body struggled to get accustomed to this massive change in power.

"You were dead, for a while." replied Kurama tiredly

"Dead? I died?" questioned Naruto as the edges of his body slowly became pain free

"You were gone for a little over 20 minutes. You should be dead, faded from this plane of existence onto the next great journey. However, I am not quite ready to experience that myself just yet. So with a little help from the medics on the outside and my own vast powers, we brought you back from the dead. Just in time to be turned into a stain on the side of the mountain by the Jolly Green Giant out there." explained Kurama as he slowly regained his angry orange color.

"Green Giant? You mean the Hulk? I am fighting the transformed version of Banner than" Naruto put together before looking Kurama in the eye and asking "Now what?"

"Now what? Must I do everything for you? I have provided you, a mere human, the use of 6 tails of my power. 6 tails of endless power, go out there and make sure that we don't die here. I am not a magic man, I can not nor will I be performing miracles to keep us alive every day" spat Kurama

Naruto nodded and the sewer faded from his view as it was replaced by the earthly view of the Colorado mountainside. Naruto shook his head as he realized that he didn't feel the pain that he felt before. Looking up, it was hard to miss the giant green asshole that was trying to kill him flying towards him.

Sliding to his left, Naruto avoided getting stomped by the Hulk and slammed him body into the ribs of the green giant. Did it damage the Hulk? No. Did it allow Naruto to come back with a second quick attack to throw the Hulk of balance? Also no. It did allow the Hulk to grasped Naruto by the shoulders and slam him head first into the ground.

Grabbing the multiple tails, the Hulk grabbed Naruto and slammed him in to the ground before doing it again on the other side of his body.

Naruto snarled and that 6th tail exploded out of his body and wrapped itself around Hulk's neck. The Hulk was unprepared for this attack on one of it's vital areas and released the rest of the tails to try and pull that one off his neck. Feeling stronger than ever, Naruto decided to capitalize on that.

Raining body shot after body shot onto the Hulk, Naruto failed to do any real damage. The Hulk was prepared for this level of strength and growled before tossing Naruto into the air and jumping up after him. A single punch left Naruto dazed and unable to do anything as the Hulk aligned his feet with Naruto's body.

The result was the force of a 100 story building being dropped on Naruto. The chakra cloak vanished and in the dust, the Hulk never noticed Naruto revert back to normal. Looking around the Hulk was unable to find the fox like creature it had been fighting.

"WHY YOU RUN FROM HULK? HULK FIND YOU, HULK SMASH!" screamed the Hulk before he jumped off looking for the red thing.

Natasha and the SHIELD agents aboard the jet landed and looked at Naruto.

"Is he alive?" asked Natasha

He is, just knocked out. We are going to put him in a medial coma for a couple of weeks until he can get him back to 100 percent." said one of the medics

"Why? What's wrong with him?" questioned Natasha as she gave him the once over, he looked fine.

The medic held up a portable X-Ray gun and said "This kid managed to crack just about every bone in his body, he needs time to heal."

"Alright, get him back on the jet and take him to home base." ordered Natasha.

23 days later:

Naruto's eyes fluttered as he opened them and was met with complete darkness.

"I am telling you Fury, this is a false alarm, there is no way that he is awake. He should be in the coma for another 3-4 weeks." said an unfamiliar voice

"I'm awake" Naruto said in a raspy voice that was not his usual voice. Clearly being asleep for some time had left his throat dry and scratchy.

"As I was saying Doctor, Naruto is awake. If you would give us a moment, before you run your tests on him" commanded Fury.

The doctor didn't bother putting up an argument with his single eyed boss, Fury got what Fury wanted.

"Before you ask your questions Fury, I am going to ask my own set of questions and you better not lie to me, I will know if you are" stated Naruto, turning his eye covered head to look in the directions of Fury.

"Well, go on, ask away" answered Fury to the unsaid challenge

"You told me that I came here through a portal as a fox like creature, did you know that it was a separate being that lived in my body?" asked Naruto

"No, I thought it be might be some kind of split personality, but I never would have guessed that it was its own entity." answered Fury

"He is telling the true" confirmed Kurama

"Ok Fury, did you have anything to do with why I can't remember my home world?" questioned Naruto

"No, I believe that is something the world council did. And they did it without my permission" stated Fury


Naruto nodded and asked his final question "Did you know the Hulk was going to be there in Colorado?"

"No, he was supposed to be in Brazil, but that dumb ass General Ross doesn't know how to wait a minute and listen to reason" answered Fury


"Okay, Fury. You haven't lied to me so far. I appreciate that, so what can I do for you?" asked Naruto

"I was checking on you, Naruto. I know that SHIELD seems cold and sometimes evil. I do what I can to make sure my agents are taking care of. As long as you work for me, I will make it my priority to make sure that you stay in good condition, good health." said Fury as he walked over to Naruto and slowly unwrapped the Blond's head.

Fury looked at Naruto and continued to speak "You were never meant to fight the Hulk, at least not as you are now. I know about that energy that flows within you, that empowers you beyond anything a human could hope to match. I am not just talking about that red energy that comes from what lives inside of you.

When you fought along side Tony on Stark Tower, you were overflowing with that energy and lifted a car. That energy didn't feel like a foreign power source, it was all you. It felt like an extension of what you usually feel like. I can feel it, sooner than later, we are going to need that to fight was is coming. I don't know what it is yet, but it is coming."

Naruto looked up at Fury and looked him in the eye.

"He is telling the truth"

Naruto nodded and said "Okay, I am 100 percent committed to mastering that power, this energy that flows through me."

"Good, you can do that while you babysit Stark, he is under house arrest until further notice. Don't let him out of your sight"

The Next Day: Stark Residence

Tony was tearing apart his work station, not because he was working on a solution. Not because he was angry, no because he had finished his work and had arrived at the conclusion that there was no solution. He couldn't exactly feel it, but he could imagine the metal slowly poisoning his blood. Every heart beat slowly but surely bringing hims closer and closer to the end. Every second that he lives, his own body, his own invention that was meant to keep his heart being was slowly making sure that his heart would one day never beat again.

It was a sobering event, a sobering moment in life. To know that you're dying, to know that it is your own body doing it to you. The shivering pain that crept up and down his spine, the full body spasms that he couldn't control. The inability to control his body upon waking up until his body readjusts.

"Stark, you look like you've seen a ghost" said Fury

"If I don't find a solution, you will have to talk to my ghost Fury" replied Tony as he looked away from his data projection and at Fury.

"Oh look, you brought the kid along too. Finally caved and decided to give him to me" said Tony looking at Naruto.

"No, I brought you a babysitter to make sure that you haven't done anything too crazy nor that you will do anything crazy." said Fury as he turned and left

Naruto looked at Tony and frowned, "You're dying?" questioned the Blond Shield Agent

"Yeah, it happens to the best of us" replied Tony as he began to run more tests on his computer, trying to solve a puzzle with no earthly solution.

In New Mexico:

This earth place was very strange to Thor, the people were not in tip top shape. They were not warriors, they didn't understand the request of more when smashing a cup on the ground. Truly, these were people living in ancient times.

The females were quite pleasing to look at, this Jane Foster and her assistant Darcy were both very attractive in different ways. Darcy was more physically attractive overall, while Jane held great natural beauty but her mind was the true gem. She understand things on a level that didn't belong on earth, she was far more advanced than anyone else that Thor had encountered on this planet.

"Hey, did you guys here about some kind of hammer that is in the middle of the desert, they said that nobody can lift it. It is right around the area that we found you Thor." said Darcy, pushing the plot forward for the author of this story.

"Then I must to this location immediately. If father is truly testing my worthiness, I must not disappoint." said Thor as he stood up.

"okay, I guess we can take you there" said Jane as she grabbed her car keys.

With Tony and Naruto:

Tony was slightly paler than when Naruto first arrived but nothing too concerning, Naruto could still hear his heart beating as strongly as before.

Naruto was sitting off to the side, a scroll written by someone named Minato Namikaze on how to use chakra to it's full potential.

"My chakra will feel like angry hot lava flowing from within, a piece of my own ability to sense negative intent and emotions. You should feel another source of chakra, more pleasant. It should feel like a gentle breeze or the soft tapping of waves onto the beach shore." explained Kurama

Naruto frowned 'That sounds terrible. To be so in tune with purely negative emotions and actions from the world around you, that it infects your chakra'

Kurama's ears perked up at hearing Naruto's thoughts, 'Father, is this the human that you told me would free me from the curse of Hatred that I bare?'

Naruto listened to what Naruto had to say and remembered the flickers from when he was nearly successful when he was training with SHIELD. The momentary flashes of great energy flowing through his body. Naruto didn't see it because his eyes were closed but his body took on a blue outline (A/N: I know his actual chakra color is Yellow, I also don't give a shit. In the show it is BLUE, so in this story and all of my other stories, NARUTO WILL HAVE GENERIC ASS BLUE CHAKRA LIKE EVERYONE ELSE).

Stark looking at his computer that suddenly beeped as Naruto's chakra output steady rose.

"New power source detected … Running analyst with new source of power … Power Source accepted" said Jarvis to Tony

Tony looked around the room and saw Naruto outlined in blue, "The kid is the source of this energy?"

"It seems so, sir" replied Jarvis

"Naruto, would you be able to outlet any of that energy into something else?" asked Tony as his mind raced with ideas

"Umm, I honestly do not know" replied Naruto as he opened his eyes and continued to focus on the energy that was racing through him.

Looking down at the scroll in front of him, Naruto looked at Tony and said "Maybe there is something about channeling my energy through things in this scroll."

Tony nodded and turned to his computer, "Jarvis, I need you to break down that energy source, I need to know the wavelength, the conversion into our normal units of power, the life cycle that it has. I need to know everything"

With Thor:

Thor was hiding behind some rocks, along with Jane and Darcy.

"So what's the plan Fabio?" asked Darcy

"The plan is you wait here while I go retrieve my hammer, restore my powers and honor, then come back here before go get those shots of jelly that you suggested earlier." replied Thor as he stood up and walked right up to the SHIELD fence that was surrounding the area around his hammer.

Jane looked at Darcy who shrugged.

Thor grabbed one of the poles that held up the fence and pulled it out of the ground and slipping through the gap before slamming the pole back into place.

He extended his hand, hoping that his hammer would just shoot off and come to his hand like it had so many times before, but nothing happened.

"Where in Odin's blazes is my hammer?" whispered Thor as he looked around and saw multiple white tents.

Deciding that he would have to recover his hammer the old fashion way, Thor started trying to navigate his way through the maze of white tents.

It seems that a silent alarm went off as countless shield agents exited the tents and were all on high alert.

Thor was not concerned with them, he was in the greatest shape that one could be in with physical strength only rivaled by a certain blond shield agent currently assisting Tony Stark.

They most have spotted Thor because one of the agents yelled "Freeze" at him.

"Ah perfect, a tour guide" said Thor, "Can you point me in the direction of my hammer? I kind of need it this moment"

The agent didn't say anything as he came with a nightstick and swung it at Thor. Thor leaned back and let it pass by his head unimpressed before punching said agent in the solar plexus, knocking both all of the air in the agent's body and the agent himself out.

This made the other agents more hostile and they all prepared to attack him.

With Naruto and Tony:

Normally any one of Tony's projects required a large set up time. However, having a super strong, super willing teenager helper allowed Tony to set up this project in no time.

Naruto was hooked up to a machine, one that Tony hoped would be able to wield the power that Naruto possessed into creating a new power source for Tony to use.

Tony looked at the coils that would be used for the power reactor and grabbed his wrench, and prepared to turn the dial.

"You ready kid?" he asked

"As ready as I'll be. And you are sure that this will work right?" stated and then questioned Naruto as he looked at the numerous wires attached to his body and to the massive coils Tony had him set up.

Tony didn't say anything, he simply placed his crystal prism into the correct position, double checked his arc reactor that was to house the new power source, custom built for this occasion and turned the dial.

Naruto took it as his turn to flare his chakra and flare he did. The results were immediately seen, as the conducting coils were lit up in a blazing deep blue as the energy was redirected through the crystal prism.

Naruto gasped as he felt the chakra being sucked out of his body, the feeling of being drained was not one that he would liked to have repeated on him.

Suddenly, there was a beam of electrified chakra that shot out from the crystal and cut straight through one of Tony's cars. Tony was quick to use the wrench to slowly adjust the position of the crystal and the beam. The beam cut through his car and then his wall, and then his shelves until finally it hit the arc reactor that Tony had set up for this experiment.

The Arc Reactor surged with blue energy, sucking up as much as it could before Naruto gasped and collapsed to his knees and Tony shut the machine down.

"Hey kid, you alright?" asked Tony as he eyed Naruto on all fours.

Naruto gave him a thumbs up before rolling onto his back and taking some deep breathes. Tony rolled his eyes and looked at his custom arc reactor. Moving forward, he could see that it was filled with an electric blue energy, different from his standard bright blueish white color. This one was clearly different from any of the ones powered by his own solution.

"Jarvis, did we do it?"

"I am still running some tests, but it seems that you and Mr. Uzumaki did manage to create a new element." replied the assistant A.I Program.

"Hmm, we don't really have time for you to run tests, we have to get this human trial started." said Tony as he removed his current arc reactor and tossed it to the side and input the new one.

Tony felt the new reactor immediately make a difference and screamed a little as he felt his body go through same changes. The aching pain disappeared, the normal strength of his body returned.

"Jarvis, what is my metrics looking like?" asked Tony as he felt better than ever

"Give me an hour to gather more data, but everything seems to be better, your metrics look to be balancing out" replied Jarvis.

Naruto read the message on his wrist watch and nodded before standing and turning to Tony.

"I take it that you're going to be alive for a while Mr. Stark. As much as I would love to spend more time with you, I have been reassigned." said Naruto

"Oh, Fury sending you far and wide?" sassed Tony.

"I've been sent to New Mexico, there is a potential issue that they want to me to take care of. I will check back in with you shortly, make sure that you're good." said Naruto.

New Mexico

Thor was slumped over in his chair, you beat up like 20 people to go get what is rightfully yours, only for it to reject you.

"Am I truly this unworthy father?" said Thor as he looked up at the bright New Mexico sky. There was no answer that came down to him, only the soft thumping of something heavy in the distance. Wait thumping? Thor left the chair in the shade and walked out onto the street to see an Asgardian Destroyer walking down the street. This greatly puzzled Thor, there was no reason to send one of those here. There was no threat to Asgard here, the only person who even knew what Asgard was himself.

The Destroyer opened its head and sent a blast of energy right at Thor's location. Thor jumped back just in time to get blasted right off his feet and land painfully on his back.

"What in Odin's name is going on? You shouldn't be able to harm me, I am a citizen of Asgard and those you should be cursed from being able to target me." said Thor

The Destroyer didn't say anything as it simply reopened its head and launched another attack at Thor, who rolled away on his side. The blast sent him skidding and even his tough Asgardian skin did little to prevent the scrapes that littered his arms and back as his shirt was torn up by the rough road.

Thor's breathe was running ragged as he was sent skidding and flying from the blasts, barely able to avoid them. Laying on his back, he looked at the sky and he thought about his father.

"Father, I am sorry, you've always tried to teach me to be the best that I can be. The best warrior, the best leader, the best person. I've ignored your lessons time and time again, they never made sense, but they do now. I'm sorry, it all makes sense now." said Thor as he laid, his strength drained by the rag dolling of his body.

The Destroyer didn't care for his tender moment of realization, it just continued onto launching it's next attack. Only for it to get hit a brick, causing it to stop it's attack.

Thor looked and saw that Jane had done something really really dumb for such a smart girl. The Destroyer loaded up an attack and Thor felt his chest twist in pain.

"No, don't hurt her. You want to kill someone, you kill me" screamed Thor

The Destroyer didn't listen and sent a blast of deadly energy at Jane while Thor screamed "NOOOOO!"

The blast approached her and right before it hit her, it was intercepted by a blur of blue energy. The blue blur tore the energy apart and there stood Naruto, his eyes blazing with energy as he held his sword in front of him, it covered in a thin blue outline showing that he had super charged it with his chakra.

"Sorry, Ms. Foster, I got lost because everything looks the same around here" said Naruto as he stood in front of her, his hair swaying lightly in the wind.

Jane just nodded dumbly and suddenly the sky crackled with Lightning and the sky darkened. Naruto sniffed the air and suddenly a hammer slammed into the Destroyer, sending it skidding backwards on it's back.

Thor dropped down next to Naruto, in his traditional Asgardian armor with his red cape flowing behind him. Jane looked at him in awe and Naruto made a face of disbelief.

"Thank you blond child, you have saved a very special person to me" said Thor as he slammed his hand onto Naruto's back. Naruto didn't move at all, surprising Thor who laughed.

"Are you an Asgardian as well? I don't recall ever seeing you but with this level of strength, I could see it" stated Thor

"No, I'm just a SHIELD Agent" replied Naruto as he looked at the Destroyer get up.

"Ah, those people who I beat up in the tents, you should have been there, they might have stood a chance" said Thor before he threw his hammer and nailed the Destroyer in the face. The Destroyer bounced but Thor wasn't done just yet. Flying towards his hammer, Thor used it to blast the Destroyer into the sky, when he was surprised to see Naruto slicing it in half with his sword.

Shaking his head at the strange sight, Thor began to spin his hammer and again the sky darkened and the sky was split by lightning. A small tornado appeared around Thor, controlled completely by him. He didn't waste any time and using it to pick up the two halves of the destroyed destroyer and using his tornado to tear it to shreds.

Raising his hammer, lightning came down multiple times striking the tornado over and over again, making sure that the magical Asgardian object had no chance of surviving. With a single bat of his hammer, Thor sent the tornado blasting through the skies, never to be seen from again.

Turning to Jane and Naruto, Thor smiled brightly.

"Jane, I will never forget you" Thor said to the beautiful scientist before he turned to Naruto.

"My name is Naruto, by the way." supplied Naruto

"Thor. And it was a pleasure to meet you, Naruto." Thor said after introducing himself before he turned back to Jane.

"I wish that I could stay here with you forever, but I am afraid that my planet need me" stated Thor as he stepped closer to her.

Jane wiped a slightly wet eye and sadly said, "I know. Promise me that you'll visit"

Thor didn't say anything but he did step forward and kiss her.

After a moment, they broke the kiss and a beam of rainbow energy broke through the sky hit the Asgardian Prince.

"He didn't promise to visit did he?" Jane asked absentmindedly

"No, no he did not." replied Naruto as he looked at the streets that were damaged before looking at Jane and saying "How would you like a job where you can research whatever you want with unlimited funds?"

A/N: So at the time that I finished this chapter, I have 101 reviews, which is great for a story with like 6 chapters and about 33k words. If you have any questions or concerns about the story let me know. I did get asked about Naruto's personality, he has 2 modes. On duty serious and off duty standard Naruto. Nobody is that serious all of the time, and if they are, they're dicks.

Hopefully you guys liked this chapter because after Thor was the Avengers Movie. So, I know that you are excited for that. That will probably be the longest event to date that I have written. I believe that it will be about 3-5 chapters to sum up that move. I haven't even actually introduced Captain America to you guys yet.

I don't know how my Thor is, it is hard because originally he was all serious, all old english speaking and then the third Thor movie came out and he was amazing, Infinity war came and he was amazing, Endgame came out and he was the picture of perfection.

Oh, I do have the plot written out to end game. Realistically, there is about 30-33 more chapters about this length for this story. I have one spin off that I could do, but more on that later.

Follow me on Twitter at HKM_FF or whatever, until next time. HighKey_Mars out.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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