
Marvel: As Wonder Woman

A woman who got reincarnated in Marvel and lived there for 30 years before she got the powers of Wonder Woman.

Nov_Vi_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Questioning a Will

;';2*3#: Alrighty then, any other burning questions or are we ready to get back to business? Woman: Um, nope, good to go. Wait, who are you exactly? Are you like a god or something?

;';2*3#: Haha, no way. I'm just an AI programmed to run this whole shebang. So, is everything cool now? Woman: Yup, all good.

;';2*3#: Phew, finally. Okay, let's get down to it. According to the official rules and regulations set by...

Woman: Hold up. Can I call you Buzz? You seem like a Buzz kinda of AI.

;';2*3#: Uh, sure? I guess that works. So, any more queries before I bestow upon you the skills, abilities, and items of Wonder Woman? Check out this swanky list I've got for ya on this here holographic screen!


Amazon-Olympian hybrid physiology

Superhuman physique 

-Superhuman strength

-Superhuman durability

-Superhuman speed

-Superhuman reflexes

-Superhuman agility

-Superhuman stamina

Poison immunity

Regenerative healing factor



Divine magic


-Divine shield construction

-Divine wave emission


-Weather Manipulation

Lasso of Hestia capabilities

-Truth inducement




Master combatant

Master armed combatant

-Sword mastery

-Lasso mastery

-Shield mastery

-Master markswoman

Master acrobat

-Stealth mastery

Genius-level intellect

Indomitable will


Lasso of Hestia

Bracelets of Submission

Sword of Athena

Eagle shield

Battle Armor

General Antiope's tiara

Asteria's armour

Swan plane

Woman: Woow

;';2*3#: Whoa there, hold your horses. Hate to break it to you, but you're not gonna start as strong as Wonder Woman. Just Spider-Man level.

Woman: Excuse me?

;';2*3#: Yeah, yeah. Those are the rules. Gotta work for greatness and all that jazz.

Woman: But...

;';2*3#: No buts! Take it or leave it.

Woman: (sigh) Fine.

;';2*3#: Alrighty then, your special skill will be Inventory Management. Now scoot!

Woman: Wait!!

;';2*3#: (irritated) What now?

Woman: Can I ask a favor?

;';2*3#: (suspicious) What kind of favor?

Woman: Could we make an exchange for another item with a special enchantment?

;';2*3#: Hmm, okay. Which item do you want to trade?

Woman: Asteria's armor.

;';2*3#: (surprised) Really? And what do you want in return?

Woman: The Tiara, enchanted with a skill that hides my true identity as Wonder Woman.

;';2*3#: (impressed) Clever girl. Deal! Now get outta here before I change my mind.