
Marvel:Akashic record

What do you think would be the most important thing that you should have in the Marvel Universe . Majority would say it's power and some would say that you should have a powerful father (odin lol) but when I was given the chance I choose the third thing that no one chooses.......

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Human or Mutant

(Akashic record is like a computer that has all the data related to technology,magic,and other natural and supernatural events that happen in the Omniverse. To connect with it mc just has to meditate in his mind and think of connecting to it and he can search any knowledge that he wants like we search on google. )


David is thinking what should he do after coming here first. He knows that he can gain many new technology and things by the help of Akashic record but what is the most important thing in marvel world is strength of oneself. Iron man is very powerful in his armor but when when he is not in the armor a single bullet can kill him, Tony has plot armor but I don't think I will also have it. So my first step would be to gain virtual immortality just like Wolverine and in doing so my little Pharmaceutical company would help me in it . In various anime and movies there are quite a few types of immortality like Ban from seven deadly sins, vampire (can regenerates and lives a very long life), swamp fire from Ben 10 and some energy based life forms (immune from physical attack), or natural devil fruit users that can do elementification . So what would be the best way to achieve this, firstly we can exclude x-gene based methods because I don't want a bald head coming to my house sweet talking me to fight for mutant rights peacefully because I am a human being not a mutant. Some would say human and mutants are same with only a difference of x-gene but let me tell you human and chimpanzee have 99% of same DNA but they aren't the species, so I classify myself as a human not a mutant and I can understand the threat that human felt from them. Just think one day when the top people in the world would be mutants like president, minister and etc then what would happen to human being in society, they would be considered weak and pathetic beings by mutants and would behave with human like how we do with chimpanzee use them for experiments.

So I don't want to live in a dream that humans and mutants are same and even my child can be a mutant, I know all of that but here's this human , chimpanzee thing again. They can't be same thing and they never will be because mutants are the more advanced species of humans that is they came after human in evolution and history tells us more powerful evolution will prevail the world just like Neanderthal are extinct as a species. They are only left as a DNA strand in homo sapiens. I don't want human to be like that. But not gaining power from x-gene doesn't mean I would not study them, I also wants to know how it works because I know that it is an experiment of Celestials, I would also like to study the gene of Aliens because their power can also be strong.

For gaining power I can study the immortality of Ban and other ways like swamp fire and elementification of body or eternals or ultraman species. And as for data on them I can get it from Akashic record but first I have to make some thing that can convert the data in my mind to a technological format, which can be done with a brain computer interface and to safeguard this data I have to create a strong A. I that is only loyal to me as in marvel world no system is safe. As for the calculation error I can make it zero with the help of Calculation module of Akashic record. So now start making it.


.... 2 Days later....


Ok so my A.I is done and now let's start it and see what happens.



Database loading........

Neural response starting.......

Basic intelligence module loading......

System security module loading......

Avatar creating......

Successfully started....

∆.i - Hello , Mr. David I am your personal a.i. I hope to be able to help you in your purpose.

~"Okay , from today you would be named 'siri' and your first task is to connect to internet and collect all the data that is available and be careful so that you can't be traced back as their are some forces with same capability as you out there.

∆.i - Okay ,connection established, collecting data, time remaining 2 days....


Meanwhile in MC mind.....


David is meditating and is connected to the Akashic record and is searching for mutant, x-gene, alien-gene.

Data related to x-gene and alien-gene filled his mind as he finally came to know how does mutant gain their power. Power of mutants came from various different things but majority of it cames from cosmic energy and dimensional energy and in some cases they may be connected to some stars or planets so that they can use their power. Like using the power of star to use heat or radiation energy . All in all x-gene is nothing but a medium that connects mutants with different cosmic powers like dimensional power and other cosmic energy and give them different degree of control on the power that they can weild by giving them a little amount of authority of their power some powerful mutants are even given powers from the universal origin that is the the core of universe.

If you have to understand universe, multiverse and Omniverse than you can visualise Omniverse as an ocean that always have waves in it which is called chaos waves and multiverse is simply a small boat or a big ship 🚱🚱 (depending on the size and number of universe in it) which is swaying due to chaos waves from which it gains it's energy to sustain itself and the process is called multiversal shift and universe be like people on the boat which also sways in multivarsal shift from which it gains it's energy to sustain and cosmic energy and dimensional energy are generated from here as well in the process of universal absorption.


Celestials coincidentally created the x-gene and wants to use it but they were unable to find those beings who can have the power or better call it DNA makeup to use cosmic energy as well as dimensional energy along with other supernatural and natural energy and in the whole of the multiverse their is only such species who can do it are humans that's why they choose human being for their experiment.

If I would have thought carefully I should have also come to this conclusion because in marvel comic and movies human being are shown using every type of energy but none of the other species are shown to use all the forms of energy like humans can use infinity gems, can gain power from gama rays, can use dimensional energy (mages), can use qi (Kunlun) can use chaos magic, can use cosmic energy (eternals) and many more.

So my next step should be to make myself stronger along with the whole human civilization because if everyone in the world is at least as strong as Captain America then wouldn't thanos and his army would be destroyed with one punch by 7 billion people. That would make it 7 billion punches with Caption America full power. And think what would happen if every human being is as powerful as Captain Marvel oe Eternals what would happen then. Any roadside gang or child can kill Thanos before he even thinks of doing something. Who in the universe would have the power to go to war with Earth, would Earth even need Asgard's protection, never.

So that is my goal to make humans the most powerful species of the universe or even the multiverse or higher......



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