
Chapter 03:

After my talk with Professor Xavier, I was shown to my room. It was actually quite a nice room too, with a big bed, armchair, and high windows. But honestly, I didn't like the idea of staying cooped up and just lazing around! I mean, I'm in the Marvel Universe—well, one Marvel Universe—and there's always something going on that I can join in.

I left my room and walked around, trying to see if one of the X-Men was willing to hang out and talk. Surely, I would connect with them faster if I approached them proactively rather than waiting to see.

Barely a minute out of my room, I saw Wolverine marching angrily out.

"Hey, Logan, right? Can I tag along?" I asked him.

He looked me up and down for a second, then asked, "You're a soldier, right, bub?"

"That I am, Sir," I replied. Well, I'm not one, and I was never one, but Francis was, so I know what to do.

"Then follow me," Logan said as he took big strides, and I followed.

I didn't really know what was going on, but if Wolverine had decided to get up and go out to deal with it himself, then it would most certainly be something exciting.

After a few minutes of walking, we reached the garage, and I just thought, 'Oh, so we have to leave the school.'

He got into one of the cars in the driver's seat, and I took the seat next to him.

As he drove, he didn't talk much, but I could feel that he was agitated for some reason, so I decided to ask him.

"Logan, Sir, where are we going?" I asked nervously. Honestly, the man had an aura of adult-level maturity to himself. I mean, I know he's probably one of the oldest members of the X-Men, but he just gives off these grumpy uncle vibes that make you be polite.

"Drop the Sir, bub," he said, falling silent for a moment before speaking up again. "The girl Jubilee, the one in the yellow coat, she's disappeared, probably ran off to look after her family, and now you and I are going to check if she's alright and bring her back."

"Understood, Logan," I said as I leaned back into my seat, giddy because Wolverine had allowed me to stop calling him Sir. That means we're basically best friends forever.

Unbeknownst to me, Logan felt a shiver go down his back, and he looked left and right worriedly.

After a long drive mostly filled with us silently staring at the road, we reached the girl's neighbourhood, and as soon as we got out of the car, Logan was on edge.

He walked around for a bit and picked up the girl's trail. As soon as he found it, he looked annoyed and angry.

"The girl was here, but she's been attacked with some chemical compound," Logan said, and I couldn't help but wonder just how sharp his nose was.

'Thank God, I didn't fart in the car!' I thought with dread. If the guy could smell her after hours, he'd surely hate me for life if I farted inside his car.

"What are these robots?" I asked Wolverine.

"I don't know much, but it was all over the news a while ago. They're called the Sentinels and are part of the Sentinel Program," he explained, and I could feel myself tense up.

'Am I in a world where those things are being used?' I thought, annoyed. They were quite the challenge for mutants, so much so that they basically had to use a low-budget version of time travel to change the future.

"Okay, where to now?" I asked him.

"Follow me," he said as he dashed away in one direction. I looked back at the car that he didn't even lock, then back in the direction he was running.


'I know they're rich, but at least look after your stuff!' I thought before opening a portal and pushing the car with telekinesis through it.

What I didn't know was that minutes after I placed the car back in the garage, Gambit saw the car and assumed Logan was back in the manor, so he decided to look for him and talk with him. Apparently, he looked all over the manor for a man that wasn't there.

I took to the air and followed Logan. Flying is absolutely convenient. Logan was dashing through the forest and city like an absolute beast.

He was running at least 60 miles per hour (96.56 km/h), which is far faster than an Ostrich. I don't know why I know the speed of Ostrich's, but these damn birds creep the living hell out of me, in fact all birds do, but I am getting side tracked.

'Wow! And this guy isn't even a Speedster!' I thought, shocked at just how fast he was, and thanks to his healing factor, he could keep this pace up indefinitely.

I do wonder now how fast that kid

It took us around an hour, but eventually, we reached a facility, and Logan just watched the place from some distance. I flew closer to Logan and asked him, "Is she in there?"

"Probably," he replied.

"So how are we doing this?! Go in, kill everyone, get out? Or go in, secure the target, and leave unseen?" I asked him for our game plan.

He looked away from the facility for a second, then looked at me and grinned.

"I like your way of thinking, bub. I've been working with these amateurs for so long that I can appreciate it if someone is professional about a mission," he said before pulling out a cigar for himself and lighting it up.

"So?" I inquired.

"We wait," he said, and I accepted that. I leaned back against a tree and started playing around with my telekinesis.

Lifting up pebbles, accelerating them, throwing them at trees, or just outright trying to crush them, and I could feel that I was insanely powerful already because I could grind a stone into fine powder, and it didn't place any kind of burden on me at all.

Well, technically, I had eaten up Francis's soul, but I did wonder how this whole soul-eating thing would work out.

While I was playing around, I suddenly heard a woman talking. "I can still remember when I was thirteen, I had a friend, and when I kissed him, the poor guy fell into a coma for three days. At that time, I understood that I am absorbing energy from the people I touch. Great power, right? Since then, no guy has ever called."

"Well, lucky you, at least you didn't have to deal with hair dandruff like me," a male voice replied, amused.

"Tsk, that's nothing! Whenever I got in trouble in school, I transformed into the headmaster and gave the other kid detention." another man replied.

Just then, I see Wolverine jump to his feet and say to me, "Okay, bub. Time to get started."

"Were we waiting for them?" I ask him.

"Yeah, we wanted to attack this place beforehand, but ironically, Jubilee's trail also leads here," he tells me.

'Mhh, I don't know what to expect, but I think it will be fun,' I think as I follow Wolverine.

"You guys took your sweet time," Wolverine says.

"What are you doing here?" Cyclops asks, and Logan goes on to explain about Jubilee's trail leading them to the Mutant Control Agency.

Meanwhile, I move over to Rogue and decide to strike up a conversation. I mean, she's hot and her powers are insanely dangerous, which in a way guarantees her safety in this dog-eat-dog world.

"Hey, you're Rogue, right?" I ask her as I approach.

"Uhh, the pretty boy is hitting on Rogue," I hear a guy whisper, and he sounds just like me. When I turn around, I notice that he not only sounds like me but also looks like me.

"Well, aren't you a handsome guy?!" I ask him, amused.

"Haha, finally someone who acknowledges my beauty," he replies, amused at my pun.

"Yes, I am Rogue, and you are Ajax. We were sitting inside that car for quite some time but didn't get to talk much or even introduce ourselves," she admits.

"Well, we had our hands full with other stuff..." I try to downplay the situation.

"Just as we do right now!" I hear Cyclops's voice from behind me as he interrupts.


'I get why people hate him,' I think, annoyed.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask him.

"The plan was for Storm, Beast, Wolverine, and Morph to infiltrate the place and destroy everything they have on mutants," Cyclops tells me, somewhat annoyed.

"Yeah, that sounds like a shit plan!" I reply, bored.

"Oh, and why?" he asks, annoyed.

'Well, time to see if I am just an NPC, or if I can somewhat influence the outcome of things,' I think to myself.

"Assuming we send them in there, and they manage to destroy everything, then whoever runs their operation will get notified about our presence," I explain to him.

"And why should that bother us?!" Morph asks me.

"Well, because until now our enemy thinks he is the playmaker, but if we pull the attention onto us, we have to face the brunt of everything, and they'll use our destruction of their information as an excuse to start a shit-smearing contest," I answer him.

"What do you mean?" Storm asks.

"What I mean to say is that our actions will be counterproductive! First, we give away our existence. Second, we leave ourselves open to being attacked. And third, by destroying their information, we enable them to label us as terrorists," I bring everything to a point.

"So what is your plan?!" Cyclops asks, assuming that I have an actual plan besides just pointing out the problems.

"I say, you guys let Storm, me, and Wolverine handle this, and wait for us back in that plane of yours, and give us support in case we need it," I explain my plan.

"It's called the Blackbird," Beast says smugly, upon seeing how I praised his plane.

"Cool name," I reply, and I swear I can see him blush even though he is hairy. Well, technically I can feel him blush with my telepathy.

"And how are you going to get rid of the information that they have on mutants?" Cyclops asks, trying to find out what my plan is. As an answer, I open a portal and push my hand through. My hand comes out next to his shoulder and starts patting him.

"As long as I get to go inside, I can move everything possible back to the school. I can also get Beast inside, and he can destroy or copy what is on their computers. Afterward, we get everyone out of here, directly to the school without leaving behind any trails or destruction that can be used to raise anti-mutant sentiments," I say before adding, "Also, even if everything fails, we can retreat safely with me here! And in the best case, there will be nothing to show that we have even been there, besides the fact that stuff is missing. Anyway, they'll have no tangible proof of us or our existence," I say happily.

"That could actually work. I didn't know you were able to open portals," Cyclops says.

"That's just one of my powers, and I have quite a few," I reply smugly.

"Oh, then we need to test them out once we are back at the school and see what you are able to do," he says with a smirk.

Moments later, after hashing out a plan, Storm, Logan, and I make our way inside the Agency.

"Storm, we need clouds and fog. Can you take care of that, please?" I whisper to her, seeing her nod before ascending into the air.

I should probably suggest to the X-Men that we need costumes fitting for any occasion. I mean, her white suit makes her stand out like a sore thumb. A white dot in the sky is one remarkably obvious target to shoot at, but damn that booty pops out in white.

Mere seconds later, the once-clear night sky is obscured by heavy clouds, fog, and rain. Well, I didn't ask for rain, but better to have it than not. At the very least, it helps to cover any noise we might make.

I open a portal and pass from one side of the electric fence to the other, and just as we're on the other side, Storm lands beside us and asks, "Good enough?"

"Absolutely perfect," I whisper back, realizing I'm kind of envious of her when I notice that the rainwater isn't falling on her. Then I remember that I have telekinesis. Seriously, I need to get used to the fact that I have powers and use them for everything, not just what's obvious to me.

I use telekinesis to form a thin shield to protect myself from the rain.

We walk past a few groups of patrolling people, and I make them forget they've spotted us or remember that there's something they need to take care of immediately.

Like on guy wanted to go to the Toilet during his break, but I made it so that he had to go immediately otherwise he'd soil himself.

See, I never understood why the X-Men even bother with this stuff. I mean, ninety-nine percent of their tasks could be dealt with if they used Professor X or Jean in combination with Cerebro.

Inside the agency, there are just normal humans. Just have the Professor hijack a few and start destroying the place systematically from the inside. But no, the man just refuses to use his powers and instead sends out his friends into the lion's den to risk their lives.