
Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

(Imagine a Peter Parker with Garou from one punch man's build and then some, depressed and almost insane, brought back from the dead with no Aunt May to keep him grounded.) Sixteen-year-old Peter Parker's life was a mess. His successfully failed attempt at giving himself superpowers turned him into a giant mindless feral lizard and his death battle with the very vigilante that inspired his actions, the one who he once admired(Spider-Women) was the least of his problems. After being left for dead and actually dying, something brought him back, changing him to the point where he doesn't even know how much of him is him and how much is the cosmic being that's now a part of him. This novel is written by an amateur in their spare time, and as such will contain Grammar mistakes Spelling mistakes Syntax mistakes Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a work of fiction inspired by existing characters, settings, and/or concepts from [original source material]. It is created by fans for entertainment purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. All rights to the original characters, settings, and/or concepts belong to their respective creators and/or copyright holders. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and scribblehub.com too.

Othniel_Seth · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

Battle of New York Part 1(Edited)

- Manhattan New York City-


Peter dropped onto the room of a building tugging on his bandages that violently pulled a group of Chitauri foot soldiers that unceremoniously crashed into the building at high speeds killing them instantly.


His Kagune pulsed with a crimson glow, and the four killer organs extended from the base of his spine into four tendrils that flowed around his form. One of them impulsively stabbed into a groaning Chitauri near him. The other two liquefied into a mass of RC Cells that resembled blood before crystallizing into large crimson wing-like constructs that shot out sharp crystallized shards at the Chitauri that drew near him. Blue Cypher was still compiling data regarding whatever this was but too many things were going on for Cypher to uncover what was really going on aside from the glaringly obvious hole in the sky and the aliens attacking anything that moved.


The best way to figure things out would be to head to the source. That was easier said than done as the swarms coming out of them were attacking in waves. With a determined breath, he sent another mental ping to Garfield to keep May safe. It wasn't needed as the cat was already ensuring that his aunt would be safe having sealed her into a diamond-hard carapace made from its own biomass within the room to ensure she could withstand the building collapsing on her. Nothing short of being dropped from orbit would leave a dent in it.


The cat's ability was truly versatile. When given instructions with the help of a cipher using the treasure trove of knowledge from the meta verse made for an effective combo.


Peter let out a slow determined breath as another swarm of Chitauri foot soldiers closed in.


'They're like bugs.' Peter thought to himself. 


He buckled his knees as webbed cracks formed on the cement beneath his feet.


Peter blitzed out of focus in a burst of speed appearing in front of a group of Chitauri in the air before ripping them apart with his Kagune, bandages, and martial skills. He used their bodies and the surrounding skyscrapers for footing to navigate the swarm in the air; his makeshift liquid crystal wings to help him glide and propel himself forward, his speed proving too fast for the Chitauri to keep up with him as he tore through them in the air.


Soon his actions got the attention of a wandering Leviathan who turned to target him as a threat. It swooped low, metallic fleshy jaws agape to crush Peter in its maws.


Peter spun in the air as countless crystal shards shot out from his Kagune impaling the Chitauri foot soldiers, he commanded his bandages to latch onto those near him pulling them close and cashing them in together in a mash of flesh and armor.


He planned to use it as a platform to propel himself at the descending leviathan.


Peter clenched his right hand into a fist hard enough for his fingers to dig into his palm drawing blood. The crimson liquid flowed out, crawling on his palm and then flowing above his wrist until it reached his shoulders. It then crystallized forming hexagonal shape like pattern, reinforcing Peter's arm with blood armor. His bandages bind themselves over the blood armor for an added edge.


He needed this for the next part.


A Shock wave erupted in the air as Peter shot at the giant alien beast using the meshed bodies of the Chitauri as platform.


{Will of Saitama: Active}


He drew his arm back, clenching his fist before letting loose. Hopefully this time he could throw a punch this his arm still intact.


*Boom! *


 -Else Where-

(With the X-Men)


Explosions and smoke were scattered around the city of New York. Swarms of Chitauri flew above the city skies attacking anything within their sights. The titanic Leviathans slithered among the many towering buildings through the air dispatching foot soldiers that made up the bulk of their ground forces.


Below in the streets, people ran in panic and fear seeking shelter from the nearest buildings they could find.


One unlucky Leviathan was struck down by a barrage of lightning strikes that rained on the Chitauri from a rapidly forming storm. Floating above the city with a form shrouded with electricity was the mutant Ororo Monroe, known to some as Storm. The sparking ling bluish-white electric energy complimented her silver hair and glowing eyes now, she was dressed in a black and white suit with an x insignia on the chest complete with a cape. She used her mutant ability to conjure lightning storms to attack the Chitauri, around her was a miniature tornado that swept up any foot soldier that came too close to her.


As the leviathan fell, its body crackling with electricity large pillars of ice shot up from the surrounding buildings to hold it in place allowing the people below to run for cover. Bobby Drake slid down on a rapidly forming path made of ice in the air using his own abilities to attack the Chitauri foot soldiers to protect and shield a few from plasma bolts with walls of ice.


The swarms of foot soldiers that descended onto the crowd were picked out at a rapid pace by powerful ruby beams. The beams held no heat but had enough force to carve their armor into their chest. They were beams of concentrated concussive force discharged by Scott Summers's eyes, it was a part of his mutant ability which was regulated and controlled by his visors.


 Jean Gray Stood near him, she telekinetically lifted cars to shield them from plasma bolts from the swarm providing cover for them.


"This is crazy!" Kat shouted as she phased through one of the cars Jean lifted. "Aliens are real!"


All three of them had the standard yellow and black combat suits gifted to X-man members upon their recruitment into the team. Their suits also had the signature silver x insignia on their chest.


"Any word from the professor yet?" Scott asked Jean, he continued to take our foot soldiers with his optic beams.


"They're on their way…They'll be here in thirty minutes." Jean replied, she flung a car at a group of advancing foot soldiers crushing them underneath. A few lightning bolts stuck the car igniting the fuel resulting in a massive explosion taking out some more of the Chitauri.


Bobby slid in on his icy path to freeze what was left of them before erecting are massive all of ice around them. He slid off to meet more soldiers without pause, their plasma bolts doing little damage to his icy figure.


"We just have to hold them off until the rest of the team gets here." Storm declared as she descended from the sky. "Jean, are you getting anything from them?"


"No, it's difficult to make out, it's like their all thinking the same thing, it's too loud in their heads. They all respond to something, a signal that drives them, but there are too many and there to spread out to tell what it is. My best guess is it has something to do with that hole in the sky." Jean replied, her arms spread wide as stone debris, cars, and other surrounding objects rose to form another defensive barricade around the icy wall.


"That's just creepy," Kat commented before asking Jean. "Is there anything you can do about it? maybe mess with them or something. 


"No, not unless I can reach the source," Jean answered she a shake of her head.


"No, it's too dangerous to try, we don't know what we're dealing with yet…So what's the plan, Monroe?" Scott asked turning to Storm.


"We help," Storm answered simply. "Save as many as we can and help keep the creatures attention on us keeping them in the city."


"We're all on the same page here about the aliens from outer space thing right," Kat asked drawing everyone's deadpan gaze to her. "Hey, I'm just saying. These are actual aliens, here, on Earth. Guess that answers the whole, are we alone in the universe question."



"Ah, guys," Jean interrupted them urgently, she held her head in discomfort. Scott supported her shoulders.


"Jean? You, ok?" Scott asked in alarm.


"Oh shit." Jean cursed; her eyes widened in alarm.


Before she had the chance to explain a thunderous roar echoed through the streets as a swift figure shot past the skyline crashing into the leviathan held up by Bobby's ice pillars. The ice pillars shattered, and the leviathan came crashing into the streets below.


Scott reacted quickly by maximizing his optic beams by blasting the falling pillars of ice. Storm conjured up mini tornadoes to blow some of them away. Jean erected a shield around them. Bobby retreated to a stop ahead of his companions, he raised his hands and blasted a steady stream of ice at the falling leviathan hoping to slow its descent.


As the leviathan tumbled through the skyscrapers, the pillars of ice did little to halt its fall. 


When the dust cleared the group was left staring at the crushed face of the metal monster. There was an unsettling calm as they checked each other for injuries before a crunching echo filled the streets. The leviathan's armored shell burst open from the inside as a hulking green mass of muscle and rage busted its way out of the back of the leviathan's neck.


"Robocar!" Hulk raged as broke out. He stood on the head of the metal beast and growled at the X-men.


Jean was the first to act. "Nobody moves, don't attack y, any threatening movements and it will attack us, it's only here for the…aliens."


"You sure about that red? Cause I don't like the way this guy's staring at me," Bobby asked his friend, his hands held up in preparation. Scott followed his lead as his hands were at the ready by his visor ready to unleash his optic beams.


After a short but intense standoff, a barrage of bright blue lighting streaks showered the green Goliath, in a blur of motion something crashed into the Hulk sending him flying across the street and into another building.


"That wasn't me." Storm quickly stated as the group turned in unison to her.


A crackle of energy got their attention once more. The space above the leviathan where the Hulk once stood moments ago was sliced apart as two new figures made their way out of the creak in space.


A beautiful blond woman in green armor was accompanied by a large bald man in black armor covered in Nordic tattoos, in his hand he held a rather imposing battle-axe adjourned with glowing Nordic runes that were even bigger than him.


They regarded the X-man with a passing glance.


"Take care of the mortals my Executioner, I must tend to the beast with my beloved." The blond Asgardian turned and ordered the large man as she vanished in a wisp of green energy after the trail of lighting and destruction.


The large, tattooed man jumped off the Leviathan's head brandishing his weapon as walked in imposingly towards the mutants.


"What about him?" Scott asked Jean.


"Him we can attack," Jean replied, already telekinetically lifting the objects around her.


"Great. I don't even know what's going on anymore." Bobby sighed exasperated, he blasted toward the man in frost-filled fury, the temperature around his icy form dropping to a chilling breeze as the air around him froze, he launched a steady stream of form at him.


The Executioner launched himself toward the icy teen with agility unfitting to his stature, he met the Iceman in the air before batting the mutant aside. He used his battle axe to slice through the objects Jean launched at him only to be pushed back by a concentrated blast of concussive force from Scott's optic beams.


The Executioner was pushed back to a skidding stop. Before he could retaliate, he caught sight of Storms hovering, her white glowing eyes glaring at him from the air. The storm bent to her will as lighting rained from the sky on the Asgardian warrior who brought his axe up in defense.


When the lightning cleared however the executioner's form remained unhurt, only his armor was slightly singed and smoking from the attacks, and his axe glowed and crackled with blue and red ambient energy absorbed by the subsequent attacks. He gave the mutants an expressionless stare, and he brought his weapon high above his head.


"Good." He commented his tone was deep and held a hint of satisfaction.


He brought his crackling weapon down, amplifying and releasing the energies stored within resulting in a violent explosive shock wave of concussive force and electricity.


*BOOM! *



-Else Where-

(With Yuriko on the train)


The train that Yuriko Watanabe was on shot through the city on the bridge as it was attacked by boarding Chitauri foot soldiers. The aliens crawled through windows and the roof of the train attacking any unlucky pass anger that they came across.


Yuriko tried her best to fight off the remnants of Chitauri foot soldiers who latched onto the train. Her compartment filled with students and teachers huddled in a corner at the end next to a sealed door.


Yuriko didn't know what these creatures were and where they came from, but one thing was for certain, they weren't here for peaceful coexistence.


She unloaded her last magazine into a Chitauri until the gun clicked. She then threw the gun at an advancing foot soldier, ripping out one of the seats to shield herself from the plasma bolts as she ran to it. The chair did little against the bolts, she could feel the heat burning her chest as a bold struck her, but it did little to stop her. The bolt barely got past her skin. 


With a grunt, she discarded the seat and met the Chitauri foot soldiers for a brawl. She severely underestimated her physical strength because her punch tore through the chest cavity of the Chitauri foot soldier without much resistance.


She tossed it aside before moving on to the next one and then the next. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her breath hitched as she tore them apart, she hardly noticed the small grin that formed on her face.


She could feel her blood boiling beneath her skin, but she was against drawing on the powers of the shard even now. She grabbed the last one by its weapon, bending the alien steel before punching it in the face, ending its life with a sickening crack.


 More foot soldiers boarded the platform ahead as the looming shadow of a leviathan hovered above the train. It seems everyone in the platforms ahead was dead if the foot soldiers rushed down to her were any indication.


She was about to turn to warn the students and teachers behind her but something else got her attention. The sounds of the looming creature grew louder. It was descending on the train she realized as the train turned the around the corner.


She turned to the students behind her to warn them.


"Get down!" She called out before she was running to the cowering students to protect them, she managed to get to them in time to hold down, shielding them with their teachers using their bodies from the blast that followed. The windows shattered as explosions went off outside the train. Thankfully whatever transpired outside forced the leviathan to crash onto the platform ahead of them. Ripping into it with it using its body,


Ironman shot past the train unleashing more short missiles onto the leviathan drawing its attention away from the train.


Without rails, the train was steered off the bridge violently crashing onto the streets below. Quickly thinking Yuriko bit into her palm, feeling her shard vibrate in response, she could feel the flow of blood as it exited her body. She bit into her other palm and then commanded her into whip-like tendrils that she used to hold the teachers and students in place against the walls of the train.


She tightened her grip as the singular blood tendril extended into a net-like structure with spikes digging into the sides of the train holding teachers and students safely within it.


The train crashed into the streets below soon after.


"Hold on tight!"




-Else Where-

(With the Captain America)


The captain fought his way through the waves of Chitauri foot soldiers with nothing but shield, wits, skills, and enhanced physique. After helping Natasha commandeer a Chitauri hoverbike to reach Stark Tower he fought his way to the nearest defensive blockade using the coordinates provided by Jarvis.


"Fifty meters ahead, just around the corner under the bridge." Jarvis's guided him through the earpiece.


He fought his way through the streets. Dodging and weaving swiftly using his surroundings to his advantage. Hawkeye provided cover from his newfound nest, taking out any threats to the cap as he could.


With a heave, the captain dodged a shower of bolts, jumping off a car as it exploded launching him ahead. He dropped to a role launching his shield ahead, the trajectory already calculated within his mind reinforced by his years of experience. It bounced one of the oncoming foot soldiers and flew right back into his hands. He met the head taking them out with ease.


As he dispatched the last one, he reflexively brought his shield up deflecting a few bullets that bounced off harmlessly.


"HOLD YOUR FIRE! Hold your fire! We got friendlies over there!" Someone, presumable the one in charge shouted over the chaos. Captain America ignored them opting to take out the remaining Chitauri with extreme efficiency much to the amazement of the onlookers who just shot at him.


"Cap. You got a big something heading your way." Hawkeye warned.




A shadow fell over the streets as a leviathan descended onto the bridge next to the barricade made by the cops and armed civilians. The alien metal jaws were open as it fell upon a train moving on the bridge.


"Stark, need a little back up here," Cap said calmly keeping an eye on the beast as more foot soldiers were shot out of its side onto the streets and buildings.


Captain America heard Ironman's voice over the earpieces. "Already on its cap."


Explosions went off as Ironman intercepted the leviathan with an array of explosive projectiles forcing it to miss its intended target. The beast quickly turned, destroying the bridge in its entirety as it chased after Ironman.


The captain brought his shield up to defend himself from the falling debris, as what was left of the train bounced off the leviathan's armored body crashing into the streets below. It slowed to a crawl directly in front of the captain.


There was a moment of pause when the dust settled as the captain expected more Chitauri foot soldiers to exit the train but what greeted him made him lower his guard. Yuriko walked out with an alien plasma rifle in hand getting into a stare-down with the cap who lowered his shield slowly with a nod.


One that Yuriko returned with relief as she noticed the barricade behind them.


"It's clear!" She called out. "Hurry! Get everyone out of there. We don't have much time!"


 The group of children, students with teachers hastily guided by Yuriko rushed out of the train with trembling steps and tear-filled eyes towards the makeshift barricade.


The captain quickly helped by picking up two with a few reassuring words and quickly guided them to shelter with the help of a few cops who ventured out to help them.


When they were safely taken in Yuriko fell in with the rest police force giving them her name and badge number while Captain America moved in to meet the closest authority figure to relay instructions that would help them defend the city better until the military was able to provide supper or the portal and Loki was dealt with.


More Chitauri foot soldiers depended on the streets from the city skylines. The moment of respite passed as the battle was back in full swing.


It didn't take much for Captain America to quickly take charge of the police and armed civilians in the ensuing chaos.



-Else Where-

(With the Hulk)



"RRAAAAAAAAAR" Hulk raged, Thor's hammer struck him in the face again. He shook it off before retaliating with a punch of his own.


The Asgardian prince swiftly dodged his by jumping back and throwing his hummer at the Hulk. The force behind the blow sent the hulk tumbling across the building breaking into the concrete walls as if they were made of cardboard. Thor recalled his hummer rushing forward and attacking the beast with a barrage of strikes with his hammer and fist.


Hulk could do little to defend himself against Thor's onslaught. The Asgardian had centuries of experience and his innate strength and speed gave him an advantage over the Hulk. He fought with nothing held back fueled by the Enchantress's influence over his mind which made his actions ruthless and without the remorse or control he usually held.


Their fight all but destroyed the building and carried over to the next one with the Hulk sporting more bruises and wounds than Thor. If anything, the Norse God of Thunder was winning the fight.


The two fighters paid no mind to the fleeing humans and couldn't care less about the destruction they left in their wake.


As hulks frustration and anger grew so too did his strength increase by leaps and bounds.


Hulk growled as his sights slowly adjusted to Thor's speed, with a grunt he caught Thor's fist. Hulk roared and punched the Thunder God who responded in kind with his hummer.


Hulks first met Thor's enchanted weapon with a resounding shock wave leaving static energy in the air as both combatants were forced apart.


They both circled each other, glaring intently at each other.


"ROOOARR!" Hulk raged at Thor, readying himself for another fight, and though he could not understand why an ally of Banner would attack he did not care. This puny god would fall all the rest. His rage intensified with each passing moment. His wounds and bruises already rapidly healing by the second.


"Come. Beast of Men." Thor challenged; his hummer raised pointing at the Hulk. The Thunder gods' eyes glimmered with power as the green hues glowed brighter, covering his natural electric blues. "You will kneel before my beloved."


Hulk growled in seething anger, the concrete floor shattered as he launched himself at the thunder god with reckless abounded, his only thought being to punch the blond prince into oblivion.


That was his mistake which the god of thunder capitalized on.


Thor acted swiftly, dropping his hummer with a clang before redirecting the Hulk's intended punch aside before grabbing his wrist and throwing the Hulk over his shoulder and on its back. Before the Hulk could so much as move Thor recalled his hummer into his hand and then proceeded to drop it on the Hulk's chest utilizing the weapon enchantments to hold the Hulk down.


He then got behind the Hulk and proceeded to hold him down in a sleeper hold, strangler the beast as it struggled against the enchanted weapon holding it down.


"Enchantress! Now is the time!" Thor called out. The Enchantress appeared beside the Hulk in a shimmer of green. The Hulk tried to reach out, but Thor held its hand by the wrist in a struggle for power.


The enchantress came close, caressing the Hulk's cheeks tenderly as the Hulk raged against Thor's hold.


"Well done my beloved, now beast, Calm yourself." The enchantress spoke softly with her melodious voice. She bent low before placing a soft kiss on the Hulk's forehead before taking a few steps back.


Pulsating green energy seeped into the Hulk's skin from the enchantress, and slowly the Hulk's struggling subsided into calming breaths. His growls faded into soft grunts.


His dark emerald, green glowed brightly as a haunting green bleed into his iris. The veins around his eye pulsed with magical green energy.


Thor let the Hulk go and recalled his hummer, moving to Amora's side to protect her as the spell took root within the Hulk's being.


Hulk groggily got to his feet, frequently shaking his head as if to wake himself up, his attempts to fight the influencing bindings of the enchantress were ineffective. For a moment the hulk heard Banner cries within his mind but that also faded. The strange woman's oddly soothing voice rang in his ears followed by a more familiar one he could not recall as his mind drifted into a dream-like haze.


"It is done."


"Wow! Big guy? Is that you? Buddy! I thought that was you crashing in here, fancy meeting you… here…OK… Who are you guys supposed to be?"




-Chapter End-

So, nothing much to do with Peter here but that'll change soon. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

below is a rehash of Yuri's ability for those who may have forgotten.

Yuriko Watanabe

Sin of Lust

Branch: Excess (Enough is never enough)

Code Name: Wraith

Branch Power: Blood Whip/Blade (Speed Type)


She can make blood whips from her blood which she could harden the whips edges into bladed forms and propel them at supersonic speed allowing her to cut most objects with relative ease. She can also freely manipulate her blood and its applications as she chooses.


 Enhanced physique and regeneration are standard for all sin shard holders however they/do not need to consume blood like Peter.


Special Ability granted by her sin shard:


Excess- Enough is never enough

-Everything about her is amplified, her strength, speed, emotions, Intellect, the more she strives for it, the more she pushes past her limits, and the more they are amplified with no upper limit to her growth. Etc...

Mental/Emotional Side-Effect

She has a religious maniac-like obsession with the holder of the original sin Shard Peter Parker due to her suffering from transference syndrome and its combination with the branches of sin's innate nature of ensuring complete loyalty to the original sin. The feeling of gratefulness for being saved from the brink of death by Peter and the brunch of sins nature of loyally and her own unique ability that amplified her emotions created a feedback loop in which her feeling of gratitude and loyalty are further amplified by her ability into an odd combination lust, loyalty, duty, and obsession.