
Marvel: A King Among Heroes

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 《 Marvel Fanfic 》 English is not my first language, so be kind when pointing out any grammar mistakes I may make along the way! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Did you ever imagine what would happen if a normal person from our world got transmigrated into the universe of Marvel? What if that said person had gotten the luckiest transmigration ever? Well, this person certainly did. If you wish to, follow our protagonist in the body of Gilgamesh The King Of Heroes, as he paves his way through Marvel, all by himself. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ No mongrels were harmed in the making of this fanfic. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Gilgamesh_Official · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

| Chapter 07: I Should Live, Right? |

| Author's Note: I am sorry for taking 2 days to post again, but life got complicated and full of things that took away my attention. We are back now, so I wonder, are you guys truly liking my work so far? :) |

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| Gilgamesh 1st Person Pov | New York City, Random Bank |

The atmosphere at the bank is not so great, as the robbery keeps on going forward. The faces of the people I can see from my hidden position showcase fear and regret, — most likely from regretting coming to the bank today, and cursing themselves for not staying at home.

As my mind kept going over different possibilities for the dispatch of these criminals, a sudden warning shout sounded from near me, where what I would call assailant number one was standing.

With a mean face, a brown mask that covered his face and a large light machine gun, the assailant n°1's voice warned the innocent people inside the 'room'.

"If no one gets up, nobody will get hurt today," He warned in a serious tone, brandishing his black weapon in a wave motion, striking even more apprehension and fear into the people around me.

Assailant number two came into the warning 'game' as well, finishing his partner's sentence as he saw fit. ",— just do as we say, and everything will end swiftly." He warned.

Both of them were the nearest armed man around me, and I was already thinking of a way to end their pathetic act, inside my mind.

However the assailants kept shouting warning words, and I kept listening. Something within me told me that I was being too fast-forward in the way I was thinking of dealing with these scum of men, and that made me halt my movements for a little while, observing and listening to the situation instead.

A moral battle taking place in the corners of my mind, as the assailants kept shouting. "We're here for the money only, but if any of you people think you can try something funny with us, then you all know what will happen." The assailant n°3 roared, a raised pistol in his hand shining brightly as a consequence of the lights from above reflecting on the weapon's superficie.

That was when I heard the 4th assailant speak, the one who was pointing a weapon at a cashier who was opening a safe bullet-proof circular door. "Keep an eye out for any sign of heroes, we can't afford to slip up here..." His voice came out as nervous, and consequently, a colleague of his (N°3) turned to look in his direction, muttering worriedly in his direction as well.

"Relax, what kind of heroes would even show up at a bank robbery? They probably have better things to do, as throwing parties or somethin'." Though his voice came out much firmer than the assailant n°4, prompting n°4 to nod his head in exasperation, continuing to force the cashier to open the safe door faster, using a shooting motion of his weapon by falsely pressing the trigger of his machine gun.

However, as he did so, he ended up muttering a self-lament as well, using his still nervous tone of voice. "I didn't sign up for this, man. This is too risky."

That lament made the assailant n°1 direct his words at the former, utilizing a harsher tone, which made me realize that this was probably the leader of the 'team'. "Hey Fabien, just calm the fuck down, man." He said to assailant n°4, calling him by his given name, Fabien.

My eyes wandered to the windows of the bank, and the reflections of all assailants minus one, stood out in transparency, ready to be dealt with by GoB. However, I didn't move yet, as I wished to have all four men well in my 'aim', not wanting to end up being the cause of any deaths here.


It took me a few moments of waiting, for me to have all four men's positions etched inside my mind, and it was then that I decided it was best to act before something went wrong.

After all, criminals would always be criminalsz and I wouldn't risk them hurting someone else by sparing them. It was simply not how I viewed things, no matter what, they chose to do this. They chose to put inocent people's lives in danger for their own benefit, and that would be their own sentence.

Willing Gates Of Babylon to manifest before my will, a golden portal of small dimensions materialized in the air above me, getting the attention of the nearest assailant to it. "W-what?" I heard N°3 muttering in confusion and surprise, as like a projectile, a small one-handed sword shot out of the portal.

Its speeds were greater than I had imagined they would be, faced with my yet-to-gain experience on Gilgamesh's main power, and the sword left a streak of gold in the air as it ventured forward.

With a swift piercing manner, and a horrendous sound of flesh being pierced and torn, the life of n°3 came to an end, without me being noticed as well.

However, the 3 other men did notice their friend dying, and surprised, they shouted to the broad and unfocused area where my small portal was yet still open. Rage and confusion were all that I could hear in their voices as they shouted things like "Xavier?!" for assailant n°4, or "What the fuck is/was that?!" for the rest of them. (N°1 and N°2 respectively.)

Soon, they found themselves pointing their weapons in my direction, though none knew I was there. Their only bad luck today was that I had decided to embrace this power of mine, and that would unfortunately for them, cost them their lives, one by one.

And that's how it went, as I soon willed GoB to turn in its place and aim at the currently nearest armed man. This time it was the assailant N°2, and before he could even notice what happened, or even before he could decide to pull the trigger of his weapon and unload his magazine in my portal's direction, his life ended.

Pierced by a long spear this time, his body flying alongside the former before being locked in place against a marble wall, his feet hanging in the air, lifelessly.

My mind raced with stray thoughts as I ended the lives of such men in all but a few moments, and while the rest of them were getting slightly desperate, I was debating if what I was doing was the correct answer to my identity crisis. However, a sudden scream broke me out of my internal battle, making me look towards the window once again, trying to make sense of the reflection of the men that I was observing before.

"Arghhh!" A feminine cry resounded throughout the bank, and I could make out the figure of a young woman being dragged by the assailant N°1 towards the latter's remaining companion. "What the fuck is going on!" The armed man shouted in confusion, anger and exasperation, as he observed the dead body of his two teammates around the room, and that brought me to a halt.

After all, I did not want any innocent to die as a collateral cause of my involvement here today, so I halted my movement in hopes of a moment where the man would let his guard down without hurting the woman, that he was currently holding by the hair.

"Chief, this has to be a hero's doing, we should run away while we can!" N°4 shouted in the direction of the assailant who was holding the woman by her hair, and a small part of me wished that they did run away, as it would mean that I wouldn't need to kill anyone more.

However, that small part of me found itself squashed by the roar of the assailant N°1, as he directed his voice towards the open room, ignoring his teammate's cry for their escape. "Who goes there?! Show yourself, or the bitch here will die, just like you killed my partners!" He said, and I slowly stepped out of my secretary cover that I had found previously, near by a window.

As I did so, the eyes of the criminal leader found mine, and I saw him snicker in annoyance at my appearance. "I said for the hero to step out, dipshit. Not for a hero wannabe to come out of his hiding spot." He directed his words at me in an angry tone, and I felt insulted by them. Although they held quite a bit of truth to them, since I was in no way a hero, but the fact that a simple villainous criminal would dare to look down on me, who possessed one of the greatest powers and abilities one could wish for, simply felt like an insult more than anything.

And that made me frown, willing a gate to open behind both assailants without them noticing. "You're right, I am no hero. Nor do I know if I will ever be one, but unfortunately for you, I was the one to kill both of your little friends. And that will be your future as well." I nonchalantly told him, irking him, as I noticed a twitch of his brows in return to my words.

"You little shi-..." Unfortunately for him though, he couldn't finish his sentence, as a sword pierced his chest from behind, making him groan in pain and disbelief.

And I stood there, watching with a playful smirk hidden beneath a veil of righteousness. "What? Can't talk with a sword piercing your back?" I taunted the man, observing him kneel with a strained loss of strength, his hateful gaze directed in full force at me.

However, that was of no importance, as I urged the woman who was now free from the man's grasp to run and find cover. She did exactly that, with a fearful nod of her head sent in my direction.

Now, only one assailant remained, and I focused my attention on him. My eyes quickly found him, and I could make out the despair and uneasiness in them, as he threw a fearful question my way. "Who the hell are you?"

I smirked at him, walking slowly in his direction, passing the dead body of his leader without a single care. "There would be no need to tell you, but I am currently feeling quite generous, so I shall grant you a final answer." I told him seriously, although my teasing smirk was still present on my lips.

"I am Gilgamesh, and I'm here to put an end to this little failed heist of yours." I told him curtly, my tone of voice amused among all the surprise and fear that was etched on everyone's faces. "Gilgamesh? I never heard of a hero named Gilgamesh that threw medieval weapons against people..."

Faced with his confusion, I calmly shook my head in boredom, before replying to the last armed man standing. "No you haven't, and that's because only today have I decided to accept who I now am." I told him truthfully, much to the man's confusion of my words.

I didn't expect him to understand them really, but it felt good for once in a while since transmigrating, to speak it all out without a worry.

"You're crazy, man. I want to get out of here!" The last guy shouted in fear while pointing his weapon at me, and I chuckled at his words for a few seconds before turning serious yet again.

My hand was raised as the last guy started shooting his gun in my direction, and I let out an amused laugh as I kept feeling the bullets bounce off my skin without any other side effect.

And he tried to make a run for it as his eyes widened when seeing his bullets not hariming me at all. I shook my head in exasperation at his attempted escaping tentative. "You're not going anywhere. It's time to face the consequences of your actions." I told him matter-of-factly, and I saw him trembling in the raw conflict of emotions that he was undoubtedly feeling right now.

In the end, his attempt had been futile, as a small katana was shot his way from above my raised hand, and with a single slashing sound, the 4th assailant's head was cleanly cut from his neck, falling with a slight thud to the ground.

All around me, the eyes of the people were glued in my direction, and fear was evident in them, however there was also something more.


For another day of life gained, as they now knew that they would not die here today, thanks to the actions I had decided to take.

And a content smile threatened to take the place of my presently displayed victorious smirk, as I uttered a single sentence to myself, turning away from the scene and walking towards the bank's main outside door.

"This is my new life's city, I should do whatever it takes to protect it, no?"

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| Author's Ending Note: You guys have any interesting idea for me to implement on this story? Feel free to leave a comment here with it. Also, the higher we rank in the weekly powerstones ranking, the more chapters I will bring you guys. So please vote for me! |

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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