
Marvel's Super God Game Producer....

Xu Dan travels through the Marvel world, Awakening super god game development system! Make games, get loyal fans, and earn points! And the points can be exchanged for any items, equipment, abilities, and even characters in the game! Make the King of Fighters, exchange for Mai Shiranui, and exchange for Orochi Ability! Make World of Warcraft, Redeem Burning Legion, and dominate the universe! Make a League of Legends, exchange for Raven the bunny girl, Diana, the goddess of the moon, and the Dragon King who cast the star! [This is Not My Story, I Just Translating It. All Credits Goes To the Original Author. If there are any sentence or word mistakes plz tell me in The comment.]

DragonNecromancer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Ch - 2 :The King Of Fighters Character Design....

No matter how naive the other party is, he can't let her see this scene!

"Ah, sorry, please wait a moment!"

Xu Dan took action immediately, turned on the air conditioner and ventilation fan, took out the air freshener from the bathroom, and sprayed it wildly.

Pick up the mop and clean up the ground in less than ten minutes. At least there is no pool of blood here.

After checking again, he went to open the door.

What Stands behind the door is a standard blonde beauty, who looks a bit like a British person.

Ying people pay attention to dressing, and even more elegant demeanor. The word lady is vividly displayed in this blonde girl.

When the pungent smell of air freshener overflowed from the room, she immediately turned to the side, covering her mouth and nose with her snow-white hand, and sneezed vigorously.

"I'm sorry, there should be some smell, it's a little pungent... Achoo!"

It's not that Xu Dan has never seen beautiful women. When he was rich, he also played with Some big beauties.

But after coming to this world and seeing this little beauty, His depressed mood was relieved a bit.

He smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Xu Dan."

The girl extended her hand generously, "I'm Liva Edward, we're meeting for the first time, and this is my resume!"

She handed in her resume as soon as they met. It seemed that it was her first internship, so she was a little nervous!

He has seen many newcomers like this in the workplace, generally speaking, 70% of the newcomers are the same!

However, Xu Dan was not that particular, so he took a rough look at the resume after receiving it. She was nineteen years old and was an artist.

She was just a student studying at an ordinary university, and there was no such thing as an out-of-the-ordinary MIT. The students there looked down on his small workshop.

"It's Good and You've been hired!" He directly concluded and announced.

Hearing this, Liva immediately became ecstatic. Her family members said that it was difficult to find a job in New York, and they asked her to go back to her hometown to work. However, she never expected that she would pass the first interview.

"Very good!"

"Well, time was from 9 to 5, off on weekends, the monthly salary is 2,000 USD during the probationary period, and the monthly salary will be 5,000 USD plus commission after three months of work, is it acceptable?"

The monthly salary is two thousand USD, which is already very good for an intern.

Unless it is some large enterprises, they will give sky-high internship salaries, starting at about 6,000 USD.

Of Course, with Liva's educational background, she can't get in!

Liva couldn't stop smiling, she was already very satisfied with the company offering her a job, and she couldn't refuse such generous treatment!

Immediately, She nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Great! Great! I'm totally fine with that!"

"Well, it's not yet seven o'clock, you can go to have breakfast, as long as you arrive on time at nine o'clock."

Xu Dan now wants to go in and learn more about Liva's art skills, but the room is indeed too choking.

Even he didn't want to stay, let alone this newly appointed female college student.

College students are more particular, unlike old employees, who are willing to suffer any hardship for a job!

Around 8:50, the members of the studio arrived one after another.

Due to the programmer incident last time, more than half of the people in the studio resigned for various reasons, and now the rest are a few middle-aged people who have not found a new jobs.

They also have resentment in their hearts

Seeing Xu Dan, they greeted him with a half-smile.

Xu Dan doesn't care about this, if it were him, he would do the same.

At least, these people still obeyed his orders.

After he explained, everyone stopped all work and re-invested in the development of the King of Fighters.

A few of them are responsible for modeling, interface, and other edge settings, while Xu Dan does the programming independently.

On the one hand, he has suffered losses here, and on the other hand, it is because he now has god-level programming skills!

When the time slowly slipped to five o'clock in the afternoon, he exercise his sore waist and stood up.

Stepping gently to Liva's side, he found that she was engrossed in her work, and didn't notice that there was someone behind her.

Xu Dan only told her a general idea, describing the characteristics of several classic characters in The King of Fighters, and left the rest to her.

On the computer screen, several characters have been roughly formed, and now she is fine-tuning.

"Mai Shiranui's style of painting should be fuller. To put it simply, it is more 'colorful'. We just want to explore wildly on the verge of being banned!"

The sudden sound startled Liva, her body trembled violently, and the electronic brush in her hand wiped out a smudge on the picture.

"Ah! It scared me to death!" Liva said, timidly blocking her work.

Xu Dan didn't pay attention to these trivial matters, but directly sat next to Liva, and turned on the computer next to her.

This computer is a machine commonly used by the previous artist, and there are still many resources in it.

He skillfully opened a folder and clicked on a set of picture packages.

Immediately, pictures of astonishing scale were reflected in Liva's widened eyes.

"This... oh my god!"

Facing Liva's disgust and shock, Xu Dan's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Yes, you may think that these pictures may be Hot, and you may even think that we may be making an 18+ game, but can you tell me, Is there any violation in these pictures, no! It's just because the painter rendered that sexy atmosphere, which makes you spontaneously think of those scenes that make you blush."

"I, I know!"

"Everyone's characteristics are different, you have to grasp the key point. If Mai Shiranui wants to be like this, the others are not necessarily the same."

"Thank you for your advice, I'll modify it right away!" Liva replied nervously.

But Xu Dan shook his head, "Let's keep it as it is. I don't like you to work overtime. Go back and think about it in your head. It's better than trying to revise it in front of the computer!"

Several other old employees also secretly heard this sentence, and their eyes immediately brightened.

In the past, they didn't have this kind of treatment. For the development of the studio, one person did the work for three people, and they often left work at nine o'clock at night. They were squeezed miserably!

Why is the boss suddenly so generous today?

Oh god! This is great!

It was just just a sentence, and the hearts of the people which were a little scattered were instantly drawn together.

However, if he wanted to completely unify these people's hearts, he still needed to work harder.

Just talking about it verbally, the effect is still limited.

"That's it, everyone get off work." Xu Dan stood up straight and said loudly.

Sure enough, the atmosphere suddenly became very good.

If There are any Mistakes in sentence or word, Comment on it and let me know. And I will try to fix it, Thank u.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

[Schedule : 3 chapters in Week + There Can Be a Bonus Chapter On Sundays ]

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