
Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten)

(Being rewritten)Our lovely MC becomes The Gamer of Marvel. Nuff said. The timeline will be a mixture of the comics and the MCU. Be warned, it will be weird, and probably not accurate.

fallingstar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Title Here

"Are you sure you haven't noticed anything weird with Will?" Jean asked Kurt.

They were on the way back to the mansion with the rest of the X-Men members.

"No, not really, but he did start ignoring me after lunch. I zink he got mad at me." Kurt shook his head. "Are you sure you are not having issues with your powers?"

"Yes, Kurt, I'm sure. My issue is that I can't fully control my powers. I can numb down people's thoughts, but their emotions are hard to tune down. And when I touch someone, it's even harder."

Jean looked out of the window of the bus they were riding.

"Yesterday, if I hadn't seen your friend next to you, I wouldn't have even known he was there. He was pretty much invisible to my psychic senses. When I shook hands with him, there was nothing. I felt no emotion, no thoughts coming from him."

"What are you talking about?" Jean and Kurt heard their fellow X-Men member Cyclops ask.

"It's none of your business!" Jean, with her eyes filled with anger, snapped at him.

"Sorry." Scott backed away, looking as if he was about to cry.

"Anyway, I thought your friend was a telepath like me. And a strong one since I couldn't sense anything. I tried connecting with him in the astral plane, but again, there was nothing. I couldn't even find him there. It's like... I don't know, he felt like he wasn't even a human."

"Ahhh! Do you zink zat Will was replaced with a robot?" Kurt asked, his eyes filled with panic.

He didn't have many friends since he liked pranking, and Will was one of the few that didn't mind it. The first time Kurt pranked him, Will laughed it off and asked if Kurt wanted to play games with him.

"I don't think so," Jean said, a hand on her chin, thinking hard about it.

"But, but, vat if he was captured by aliens, and they replaced him wiz a robot?"

Two years ago, Jean would've said that's impossible, but after Galactus attacked and nearly destroyed Earth, she knew that aliens existed. Jean still didn't know how the Fantastic Four drove the being that towered over the skyscrapers in New York, but they did it.

If it wasn't for them, Earth would've been doomed. That was the reason why they were accepted and loved as a superhero team, while others, not so much.

Jean hoped that one day, the X-Men could be seen in the same light as the Fantastic Four. However, that was a long way to go, considering how mutants were currently viewed by everyone.

"I'm not sure," Jean answered. "Will didn't feel robotic when I shook hands with him."

"Vat if... if zey used some super alien technology?" Kurt asked, all kinds of thoughts running through his mind.

"What's this talk about aliens?" Scott again butted in.

"Summers, if you try to join my conversation again, I will throw you off the bus," Jean warned him.

"But... I"

Jean didn't need her Telepathic powers to know what he wanted to say.

"No, Summers, you don't know what's best for me. You just think you know. I don't want you meddling in my life, and I made it clear to you that I see you as nothing more than a friend. Which will change, and not the way you want it if you continue acting like this."

Jean shook her head as Scott walked away. She couldn't understand how or why he was so obsessed with her, it's not like she gave him a reason for it.

"So, vat can ve do about, Will?" Kurt asked her

Meanwhile, our lovely Gamer had finished his 'fight.'

"You might think our fight ended in a draw again, but you would be wrong. My wounds will heal after a tasty meal, but yours would still be there when I come back tomorrow."

Pff, stupid tree, thinking he is my equal. He is nothing more than a stepping stone, a grindstone for me to sharpen my skills.

Both my Martial Arts and Physical Endurance increased by a level, and I think that should do it for the time being. Now, it was time to test out my new skills.

"Create ID!"

I felt something wiggle from within me. It came from my chest, traveled down my arm, and exited out of my palm. I figured that was mana. Hmm. I can try to replicate this and create a magic skill or two.

However, despite using the skill, nothing changed.

I looked around, but I was still where I stood in front of my nemesis. That's when I noticed, there were no sounds.

I ran out of the park, and there was not a single living being in sight, nothing. That explains what an empty Dungeon meant.

I ran back to where my nemesis was and used the other skill.

"Escape ID!"

There was a crack before I saw the world shatter and reform back. With that, sound and life returned.

That was so cool! Space literally shattered in front of me!

"Create ID!"

"Escape ID!"

"Create ID!"

"Escape ID!"

I was like a little kid that was just given the best toy in the word, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. The shattering space looked cool!

Okay, I had my fun.


[Lying increased to Lvl. 8]

Maybe, I haven't.

"Create ID!"

"Exit ID!"

"Create ID!"

"Exit ID!"

Okay, I'm satisfied, maybe I wasn't, but I was all out of MP since each use of Create ID or Exit ID cost me 20 MP.

Now it was time to test what I can do with that, but first, I needed to recharge. Thankfully, meditate existed.

One quick meditation session later, I had regenerated over half of my MP. So, let's see what I can do now.

I used Create ID before running a short distance away and used Exit ID. I didn't appear back to the location I used Create ID.

Oh, wow. Oh, wow. This is bullshit. I repeat this is bullshit.

Depending on if someone that is close to me when I use Create ID comes with me to the Dungeon or not, I could use this ability to escape from anyone.

And that's not all. With this, I can become the perfect robber. Okay, stop right there. This is an easy way to become a criminal, and I wasn't raised as one.


But free stuff! Ugh, maybe I won't go around robbing every place blind, but if really, really need something, I could use this. Yeah, I think that would do.

Okay, let's just stop thinking about this. I need to distract myself, and I have the perfect way to do that.

Mana! I now had a basic understanding of it, and I wanted to test it out!

But first, I used Create ID. Better to make sure that no one is watching me.

I was a bit low on MP, so I sat down for a quick meditation session.

I got up, prepared to try using Magic, but there was this feeling, call it a sixth sense, that someone is watching me. I swooped around the place, but there was no living being in sight. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Since I didn't see anyone, I just returned back to what I was going to do. Magic!

Last time, I had no idea what I was doing, but now that wasn't the case anymore.

I tried replicating the same thing that happened when I used Create ID and urged the mana within me to move. It did! I made it travel from my chest, down my arm, and out of my palm.


[Throught a specific action, a skill has been created]

[Energy Blast(Active) Lvl 1/10: A skill that attacks by emitting mana, attack power depends on Intelligence. MP cost: 20. Range: 10m]

Oh, yes! I got my first magic skill! You stand no chance against me now, tree.

"Energy Blast!"

A bolt of blue of energy flew out of my palm and slammed into the tree with pieces of bark flying everywhere.

Oh, tree, your days are numbered.

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

That was all it took for the tree to fall down, and my skill even leveled up.

[Energy Blast(Active) Lvl 2/10: A skill that attacks by emitting mana, attack power depends on Intelligence. MP cost: 19. Range: 11m]

This was great, but I was starting to feel tired, so it was time to return home.

I decided to use a different route, so I can use this chance to use Observe on anything I see, multitasking at its finest.

On the way home, I passed by a store and used Observe. What I saw made me stop in place.

[Red Bull(Energy Drink): It doesn't give you wings, but it does restore your energy, drinking it will give you 2 hours of energy. Each consecutive drink's effect will be reduced by 50%]

I want it, so I entered the store.

It cost me almost all the cash I had on me, but I got 9 cans of Red Bull. That was worth it. If I drink three of them each night, I can get three hours and half more to work on my skills or stats.

I probably won't even feel the lack of sleep in the mornings since every time I got up after gaining this ability, I wake up filled to the brim with energy.

After I got home, I took a quick shower and started working on something for myself.

I got a piece of cloth, a needle, and thread. I wanted to make a face mask for times that I needed to hide my identity. For example, like getting into a fight.

*Cough* Or stealing Red Bull from a store. *Cough*

It took me some time, but my efforts were awarded. Not only did I create a face mask, but I also got a skill out of it.

[Crafting (Active) Lvl. 1/100: The crafting skill, the higher its level, the better stuff you can make]

Simple, but very good. I wonder if I can make a suit like that of Dr. Doom's, the guy that the Fantastic Four had fought a few times. Maybe when I increase Crafting, I can make something even better.

Anyway, I used Observe on my newly created face mask.

[A simple face mask: Created by a newbie Crafter, so the face mask barely covers the wearer's face. It will be useful only against people with bad vision.]

"Newbie Crafter? Useful only against people with bad vision? I didn't ask you!"


[Lying has increased to Lvl. 9]

"Well, fuck you too!"

I might need to make a few more before I have a usable face mask. I can always go and buy one, but this way, I can increase my Crafting skill.

Anyway, I drank a Red Bull before I started working out. By the end of the night, I got 2 more points in Strength and 1 in Intelligence since I also finished my homework.

Today was a fruitful day if I say so myself. I was happy with my improvements.

Like yesterday, I didn't go directly to bed, but I sat down and started meditating. After all, I'm a gamer, and we are efficient.


Wait, I could've used Meditate in class to grind the skill. Tomorrow, I will make sure of that in the boring classes.

In the morning, I woke up filled with energy just as I expected. It seems it didn't matter how much I slept as long as I did sleep.

Good to know, but it was time to go to school. Ugh.

[Name: William Williamson

Mutant Power: The Gamer

Level: 2 Next Level: 54%

Title: The Gamer]

[HP: 186

MP: 187]

[Strength: 18 + 1.44

Vitality: 17 + 1.36

Dexterity: 16 + 1.28

Intelligence: 17 + 1.7

Wisdom: 19 + 1.9

Luck: 10]

[Stat Points: 5

Cash: 2$]

[Skills: Lying(Passive) Lvl. 9/50

Observe(Active) Lvl. 2/10

Physical Endurance(Passive) Lvl. 5/100

Martial Arts(Passive) Lvl. 4/100

Cooking(Passive) Lvl. 1/100

Meditation(Passive/Active) Lvl. 5/100

Create ID(Active) Lvl. 4/100

Exit ID(Active) Lvl. 4/100

Energy Blast(Active) Lvl. 2/10

Crafting(Active) Lvl. 1/100

Gamer's Body(Passive)

Gamer's Mind(Passive)]

Guys, guys, guys, I need you to clarify something for me. I'm not from America, and I was under the impression that one graduates after 12th Grade, but a bit of Googling told me there's 13th Grades?

Can you confirm this for me? If that's the case, I will have to change his grade to 12th since I don't want to bother with him staying for so long in school.

fallingstarcreators' thoughts