
Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten)

(Being rewritten)Our lovely MC becomes The Gamer of Marvel. Nuff said. The timeline will be a mixture of the comics and the MCU. Be warned, it will be weird, and probably not accurate.

fallingstar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Horseshoe up...

"So..." I said before Emma exclaimed.

"There's two of you?!"

"Yeah, that's not important right now," I said.

"You're right," Emma nodded and started walking towards me.

"My offer from before still stands. I can make you the happiest man alive, or God, as long as you promise to protect me," Emma said.

Yeah, I don't see that happening. I like Jean, we got a good thing going on, and unless I want to see the world burn in a brilliant inferno, I won't cheat on her.

However, if I want to see Earth destroyed at some point, that's one way to do it.

"I would have to refuse," I said.

"Then... maybe we can form a team you and I?" Emma asked. She was really desperate for my protection, wasn't she?

"Nah, I already have a team," I said. Inviting Emma was an option, but I don't really trust her, nor do I think she can bring anything to the team.

"Then let me join please! I can be useful!" Emma said desperately.

"How?" I asked.

"I'm a good telepath and can get better in the right environment."

That was true, I don't think anyone has ever taught her how to use her ability, and Emma was a pretty high level despite that. She had potential that much I was sure off.

"I'm pretty and have a good figure."

Not wrong, but it matters little to me. Jean was just as pretty, and I'm happy with that.

"I'm also business savvy. I was forced to learn how to manage and handle a company."

Okay, now that one is something I can get behind. Creating a company was something I wanted to do for fun. It could also be useful as a cover for the massive amount of money I will get in the future from farming the Dungeons.

[A Quest has been created.]

[Business: Create your own company. Purchase land, set up a building, and choose the name for your business.]

[Reward: Territory Management Mode]

[Failure: Loss of a lot of money.]


Ohh, that's an intriguing Quest. I wonder what this Territory Management mode is? Will it be like a simulation/strategy game? That will be interesting to see.

The only problem with the Quest is that I need to be 18 to purchase land and to set up a business. My birthday is on the 8th of February, so there's still 9 more months until then. I wonder if there was a way to bypass that.

"I can give you a chance. I won't directly invite you. You can first hang out with us a few times, see if you fit in our group, and then I will decide," I said, and she smiled brightly.

"Thank you! A chance is all I ask for!" Emma said and quickly tried to hug me.

"And you will have to stop trying to seduce me. It's... for your own safety," I said.

Emma titled her head questioningly before nodding, "I understand."

"Anyway, I will give you a call or send you a message when we are about to meet up. Is your number still the same?" I asked.

"Yeah," Emma confirmed, and I quickly sent her a message just so she could have my number in case there are more of Essex's people in New York. If there are, I can follow them to their base.

"When can I expect this meeting?" Emma asked after saving my number.

"Monday," I answered.

"What? That's like in three days!" Emma exclaimed.

"Well, I have some important things to handle." Like becoming a God, which is thanks to her. If she hadn't believed my bullshit, I wouldn't have gotten the Quest. That's also why I'm willing to give her a chance.

I pulled Emma out of the Mirror Dimension and bid her goodbye while thinking of how to complete the Quest.

Trying to convince the people in the states didn't seem like the right thing to do. The media will eat me alive, and the people will think I'm either a mutant or a powered human. They just won't believe me.

I think I might get the same reaction if I go to Europe or Asia, so Africa might be my best bet. I can go around the various tribes there, produce food and water out of nothing while also healing the sick and injured. I don't have a healing skill yet, but I'm sure I can create one.

I dropped by my house, leaving my clone with all the healing books I had received from the Ancient One. All of them required the usage of Dimensional Energy, but I already knew I can replicate the effect with Mana.

"This is important for our future!" I said, and he got to reading.

The next thing I did was to swap places with my clone in school, so he can start reading as well.

I also wanted to spend some time with Jean, so I brought her out to have a relaxing walk in a nearby park. I also smugly told her about my new Quest.

'You are joking?' Jean said in disbelief.

'I'm dead serious,' I was cocky about it. I mean, how often does one get the chance to become a God?

'You... I... don't know what to say,' Jean was at a loss for words. I would be too if someone came up to me and said he got a Quest to become a God. Fortunately, I'm the only one that can do that.

I also informed her about Emma, and Jean's response was as expected.

'I don't like her,' she said.

'I promised to at least give her a chance. If she doesn't fit with us, I won't invite her,' I said.

'Did your lying skill increase when you said that?' Jean asked.

'No,' I said.

'But you could've still lied about it, right?' I get what she was hinting at, but Emma could really be useful with creating a company.

We talked some more, I gained a few levels in Kissing, and I escorted her back to the Sanctum. There, I found Mordo since I needed to talk to him.

"Hey, Mordo, can I ask you a question?"

"You already did," Mordo said.

I ignored him and asked, "Can you open a portal to Africa?"

"No, I haven't been there. However, there is a room in the Sanctum that can create a gateway to there," Mordo said with a questioning look.

"Perfect, I will come back around 2 AM since I need to use it," I said before leaving, not giving him a chance to question me about why I needed to go there.

Kurt was the next person I wanted to talk with. He was at home, playing a game on his computer.

"Hey, I need you to stay at home for the weekend and keep a watch for anyone suspicious. Can you do that? I promise to make you more goodies in the future if you accept." I said.

"Sure," Kurt happily agreed. After all, he was satisfied with what I already gave him and wanted more.

Huh, did I just give him a Quest? I'm such a good friend, giving him a Gamer ability without actually him having one.

Anyway, I left the house after preparing a meal and giving grandma a massage. I had a specific destination in mind, and on the way, I placed 7 points into Intelligence. I wanted to see if I'm going to get more skills for passing 300, but unfortunately, I got nothing new.

Hopefully, I will get more passive skills when Intelligence passes 400, else I will be very sad.

Before reaching my destination, I covered myself with an illusion that made me look older. At the entrance of the building, I had to show my ID, which was also covered with an illusion, before I was let inside the place where people go to test out their luck, the casino.

I had a lot of money on me, and I did not care how much I'm going to lose as long as my luck increases. Plus, I can easily make it back by farming the Dungeons, or worst-case scenario, I can even sell a few golden ingots.

I made my way to a slot machine and sat down. I put $1000 inside and started playing.

For the next three hours and a half, I kept doing the same thing over and over again, just pressing the button.

[Luck increased to 32.]

[Luck increased...]

[Luck increased to 51.]

[Due to Luck increasing over 50, the skill, Lucky Horseshoe, has been created.]

[Lucky Horseshoe(Passive) Lvl. Max: The user has a horseshoe up his ass, and luck favors him. Increases the chance of getting rare drops. Money drops are increased by 50%.]

Wait, what?!? I don't have anything stuck up my ass, you stupid ability! Don't you dare!

I didn't feel any discomfort, and I even went to the toilet for a quick check, and there was nothing there. I was scared there for a moment, stupid ability.

Still, with this skill, I will have an easier time farming bosses for their rare drops. Hopefully, I won't have to kill someone for hours until I get what I wanted. I'm thinking of you, stingy Skeleton King.

After getting a few more Luck gains, I left the casino with $6000 more in my pockets. I won quite a bit, but I didn't hit the jackpot even once. I'm sure the machine was rigged! There was just no way I didn't win the jackpot with my high Luck stat.

I then went around the various supermarkets in the city while covered with an illusion and purchased as much food and water as I can. After all, I needed to put on a show.

The last thing I did before leaving was to return to my home and cancel the clones. The information about all the healing Magic they read about was then transferred to me.

I then created a clone and quickly bound him with energy constructs.

"What are you doing?" The clone asked, but I didn't reply. I just punched him.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked.

"I need someone to practice on," I said while channeling my mana, trying to replicate a healing spell.

"Use someone else, not me!" The clone protested.

"Shhh, I'm working here, be quiet," I said, focusing to the best of my capabilities.

It took me some time, and I failed a lot, but at the end of the day, I was a cheat character, so I got what I wanted.

[Through a specific action, the skill, Healing Magic, has been created.]

[Healing Magic(Active) Lvl. 1/100: The ability to heal and cure your target of abnormal conditions. Heals for 50 HP + (Intelligence/2). Can currently cure only weak abnormal conditions.]

Just what the doctor ordered. Now I just needed to raise it a bit before leaving.

I created two clones and told them to hit me a few times. Bastards were more than happy to oblige and attacked me with ferocity, stupid clones.

At least I did gain a couple levels in Physical Endurance and raised Healing Magic.

With all of that done, I was ready to go and create some miracles. I teleported over to the Sanctum, where Mordo was waiting for me.

"Why do you wish to go to Africa?" Mordo asked.

"I want to go there to help the people in need, to give them food, clean water, and to heal them," I said, trying to act like a saint.

"I don't trust you," Mordo said, almost making me cry.

"Why?" I asked.

"Even if you are going there to help, I'm sure you have a selfish reason for it," Mordo said. Ohh, he knows me so well, but of course, there is no way I will confirm that.

"That's not the truth!"

[Lying has increased to 31.]

Okay, maybe it is.

"I feel like I should follow you, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt," Mordo said.

"Don't worry, I'm just going there to help. I won't cause trouble," I said as he led me to a room with three gateways.

All led to different locations according to Observe, but none of them were Africa. Mordo then spun what looked like some kind of a switch next to one of the gateways, and the location changed.

I'm sooo creating one of those when I get the chance.

"Go ahead, this one leads to Liberia," Mordo said, and I stepped through the gateway.

[Name: William Williamson

Mutant Power: The Gamer

Level: 80 Next Level: 4%

Title: Sorcerer; Champion of the Phoenix]

[HP: 8,651

MP: 19,654]

[Strength: 101+ 131.3 (Martial Arts bonus) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Vitality: 104 + 135.2(Martial Arts bonus) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Dexterity: 101 + 131.3(Martial Arts bonus) + 200(Bow and Arrow of Apollon) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Intelligence: 301 + 415.38(Meditation bonus) + 100 (Bow and Arrow of Apollon) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Wisdom: 101 + 139.38(Meditation bonus) + 310(Enchanted Equipment)

Luck: 56 + 310(Enchanted Equipment)]

[Stat Points: 33

Cash: $160 123]


Mana Clone(Active) Lvl. 15/100 (+1)

Kissing(Active) Lvl. 22/100 (+4)

Healing Magic(Active) Lvl. 15/100*

Lying(Passive) Lvl. 31/50 (+1)

Physical Endurance(Passive) Lvl. 29/100 (+2)

Lucky Horseshoe(Passive)*]

My head is thumping like a second heart, I think I overdid it.

I do want to quickly mention though that Reed trusts S.H.I.E.L.D since he doesn't know about the more shaddy things they do. Also, his father was part of the people that created it so there's that as well.

fallingstarcreators' thoughts