
Chapter 5

Steve Rogers has always had a dream to join the army, to serve the country. As a result, he was rejected by the military because of physical disqualification. And the smart Rogers wanted to forge information to achieve the purpose of joining the army, but unfortunately the military people are not fools. After a few times, he was lucky not to be blacklisted and never accepted.

Fortunately, after the outbreak of World War II, Rogers saw a new hope to join the army again, but was kicked back. Rogers is sometimes discouraged. He is very envious of other famous heroes in the World War. Logan and Victor, the two mutants, have entered the envy of Captain America.

After the Stark Expo ended, Rogers was attracted by a nearby recruiting ad. However, when James found out, he persuaded Rogers to give up his plan to join the army. As a result, the stubborn Rogers still did not give up, bid farewell to James Rogers and slowly left. He didn't notice that Dr. Abraham Erskine, one of the researchers in the 'Super Soldier' project in the crowd, had been watching him after he left, and at this time came next to him a pure hand-colored dress different from the World War II period. In a suit, Shane with sunglasses raised his hand to signal.

"Mr. Donaldson has a good vision, and I also think he can be the test subject of our plan." In a place where no one is in the fair, Erskine, a middle-aged white doctor with glasses, said with a smile.

"Yes, with weak human physique, you can get the best experimental data comprehensively. And how did you think about the things I told you last time," said Erskine looking at Shane.

"I have to say that Mr. Donaldson's suggestion is very tempting. What the military does not know is that the main component of the" Super Soldier Serum "is derived from the Stairway of the sun of large African Asteraceae plants discovered by Umbrella. Step-free infection-free by-products. But I can't go to your company to study it without proper reasons."

Of course, Dr. Erskine wanted to go to this company. The research value of the material extracted from the sun ladder can be seen as very attractive to a scientist.

"Here you can rest assured, I have prepared your cloned. You and Dr. William can study the latest biotechnology. It is similar to the G virus of the progenitor virus." Shane said slowly, in fact, he was ready before this. Anyone who has seen the movie knows that after Captain America's Dr. Erskine was successfully Assassinated, Agent Hydra was killed, and the substitutes were already prepared for this situation. Moreover, the clones made by Umbrella can be exactly the same as real people's memories. No matter whether they are in movies or games, it can be seen that the technology of Umbrella clones is very mature.

"Okay, I agree, join Umbrella." Dr. Erskine said happily, but this is understandable. It is possible to study the very valuable Stairway of the sun plant, and in terms of treatment, Shane allows him to be the director of a research project. He is only a senior researcher of a project in the military. Dr. Erskine will not give up the opportunity to show his fists. Of course, no one knows this good reputation company, secretly researching many dangerous biochemical weapons.

One more thing to say is that Dr. Erskine and Dr. William copied all the research data and experimental data of the "Super Soldier Serum", which is also Shane's habit of Collecting high-tech technology.

Steve still had a physical examination as in the movie. Dr. Erskine came to the door. Of course, no one found that he was just a clone of a real person. Shane's plan to hide the Lie is to change the truth. After the death of fake Erskine, Shane will persuade Erskine to join his company completely, and the vacuum period of World War II will keep on going. The film plane he robs technology and talents, so that in the middle of the future Marvel Universe, they will have the power to defeat them like sentries or Superman.

Hehe, I'm off topic, and continue to return to the original plot.