
Marvel's Lantern

Spin-off Novel of Marvel's Atom following Hal Jordan and the rebuilding of the green lanterns

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs


" Crystal, are you alright?"

Hal asked the woman in sincere worry.

After successfully crushing the Shi'ar forces guarding One of the Kree's many worlds Hal had received word that Crystal had been kidnapped by a group calling themselves the guardians of the galaxy.

" I am fine, Hal. What happened was a mistake and everything turned out just fine. You don't need to feel responsible for what has happened."

Crystal explained to the man as they sat in bed together.

" I speak of your kidnapping yes. But I can sense there is more plaguing your mind. What's wrong Crys?"

Hal asked the woman.

" Something we promised the Kree when we arrived. It was a project that went by the name of Project Uplift. We were going to use the terrigen mists that gave us our powers to rapidly evolve the Kree people. but the problem is many of the subjects used for testing have proven immune to the mists."

Crystal explained to the man.

" I see where this is going. You believe they will become nothing more than second-class citizens apart of a slave-caste system like the alpha primitives you told me about."

Hal spoke and Crystal nodded.

" Hal, is there something you can do? Can you make them Lanterns?"

Crystal asked the man.

" No, I can't make them. Only those with a strong will power can be accepted for the Lantern Corps."

Hal explained to the woman.

" But you were willing to give up the ring before. Why can't you just make more?"

Crystal asked.

" Because it is not my decision to make. The central power battery is still too weak. It has gotten stronger and will continue to do so as long as more and more people find the will power to rise up against Vulcan's forces. And even then, it isn't a guaranteed thing. The stronger a person's will power the more likely they are to be chosen as a Lantern. That is why Kyle was able to become a Lantern."

Hal explained to the woman.

" So, you can't help?"

Crystal asked the man any bit of hope in her heart slowly dying away.

" The people must want to fight. They must hope, they must stand tall in the face of diversity. And as you can see from our frequent trips down into the city, that is the opposite of what they are doing."

Hal said to the woman.

" But we've been helping them."

Crystal replied.

" Yes, we have, and I hope we can continue. but they must want to better themselves as well. And we won't always be here to help them. The final battle with Vulcan is quickly approaching. I told Atom and the Starjammers that I'd be there with them to confront the man once and for all."

Hal explained to the woman.

" Black Bolt is still thinking it over. But I believe we will be joining you as well. And we've also gained the help of the guardians of the galaxy. Surely, this war is close to its end."

Crystal said to the man.

Hal smirked and kissed the top of the woman's head.

" Yeah, hopefully you're right Crys. I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time with my amazing wife."

Hal said to the woman.

" And I'm looking forward to spending more time with my idiotic but loveable husband."

Crystal joked back.

Hal laughed and kissed the woman once again this time on her lips, making sure to take his time and savor her luscious plump lips.

Hal's ran his hands through Crystal's long, soft hair. Crystal herself began rubbing her hands up and down Hal's body.

The two kissed passionately for a few moments before Hal finally separated from Crystal, much to her displeasure.

" Why did you stop? Why won't you touch me?"

Crystal asked.

" Because... I mean I know we're married nut we've still only been together for a few weeks now. I just wasn't sure if you were ready for that kind of relationship."

Hal said to the woman nervously.

" Hal, I married you. I could have taken your offer to walk away but I didn't. And besides we've been sleeping together all of this time I think we're already past what regular people would consider normal. I mean what about Atom and Rachel?"

Crystal explained to the man.

" Well, they haven't exactly slept together yet either. Or so Atom says. Said Rachel wanted to wait until this war was over. Which I mean I can understand not wanting the risk of getting pregnant out here."

Hal replied to the woman.

" Well, I'm not Rachel and I'm not waiting any longer. I got a itch I need you to scratch, now soldier are you ready for duty?"

Crystal asked as she climbed onto Hal's lap.

" Aye! Aye! Captain!"

Hal yelled.

He Grabbed Crystal by her waist and flipped her over onto her back, getting a yelp of surprise from the woman. The two then went on to finally consummate their marriage as they spent the night making love to one another.