
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs


" Wolverine hold him still."

Asura said as he bent Stryker over a stump on the forest.

" Laura! Make sure he can't move his hands."

Asura said.

Laura nodded and used her claws to impale the man's hands to the tree.

" Okay, Mr. Stryker. I'm going to walk you through the Blood Eagle. First, I'm going to use my sword to cut a straight line down your back. Then I'm going to peel back your skin, kind of like eagle wings. Then Wolverine and I are going to take turns hacking away at your spine until your insides are all hollowed out."

Asura explained to the terrified man.

" So, just imagine the feeling of having your lungs pulled from your body while you're still conscious. The amount of pain. Now, that might sound cruel, but I'm a nice guy. I'll give some time to pray to your god."

Asura said to the man.

"Dear God in heaven, please kill these disgusting creatures."

Stryker said.

With that remark, Asura took his blade and jammed the tip of it into Stryker back. Tearing it down through his flesh.


Stryker yelled in agony as the sharp blade divided his flesh in two.

" Why are you crying? We haven't even gotten to the bad part yet."

Asura taunted.

" The real pain starts now!"

Asura said as he grabbed into Strykers flesh and tore it apart.


Stryker yelled again squirming and writhing in agony. His spine and his insides now visible to the world.

" Wolverine, would you like the first cut?"

Asura offered.

" Nah kid. You can have the spine. I want the ribs."

Logan said.

" Alright! Back to it then."

Asura said as he began cutting away at the mans Spine with his sword. Stryker twisted and turned trying to stop the pain, but the more he moved the more Laura's claws tore away at his hands. Blood sprayed everywhere as asura continuously hacked and slashed at his spine.

" Alright Wolverine, your turn."

Asura said signaling for Wolverine to take his turn.

" Please, stop. I'm... I'm sorry."

Stryker pleaded.

" Sorry? Were you sorry when you tried to kill those kids? Or any of the other mutants you've killed? Nah, we're way past sorry."

Asura said.

" Well said kid."

Wolverine said. Before he began to break Strykers ribs. Snapping each one slowly. Making sure to inflict as much pain to Stryker as possible.

Half way through it, Stryker passed out from the pain. However, He was violently awoken when Logan snapped the last three of his ribs all at once.


Stryker yelled as tears rolled down his face. Unable to move his body as his spine had been removed. The forest around them dyed a dark red as the blood and guts of Stryker were removed.

" Stryker? Can you hear me?"

Asura asked as he lifted the man's head.

" Know that you have no one to blame for this, but yourself."

Asura said as Stryker finally passed away from his injuries.

" You can let his arms go now Laura. He's gone."

Asura said to Laura.

Laura nodded and Removed her claws from the stump.

Asura and Logan used rope they got from strykers men to suspend Stryker in the air between the trees.

" Let this serve as a warning to those who would come for those kids lives. I will destroy you all."

Asura said as he and The others left.