
Step Father

The carriage reached Minthra the next evening. Just as the boy close to Neil says, "Minthra is a city of Night Light."

There are streets that are illuminated with lamps, the shops and restaurants are lit up with bright light. All the windows of every building are made with fine glass as a result the interior of every house is much more visible.

Unlike the City of Terra the Minthra has no high rise buildings. Instead of going up the Minthra has the tradition of taking larger space for each building. Even the normal hoses are much bigger compared to Terra or the Kazam. So as a result Minthra is way larger than any city Magnus visited previously.

The streets of Minthra are also well paved and there are lamps on each side. The roads are busy with carriages and people. Amidst all the crowds Magnus and the boys started to roam around looking for various Inns.

It took them almost all evening for them to find an empty inn. Most of the good ones are taken while the remaining ones are also reserved so they only manage to get one at the far east of the city away from the Central area.

They only got four rooms so they decided to share with each other. But even though it's a cheap Inn he was still amazed that the room sizes are pretty big compared to other inns in various cities, so sharing is not an issue for them.

After entering the room Magnus quickly jumped in the bed and fell asleep within a minute. The three months of journey and training made him quite exhausted so he slept like a log for the entire night.

Early in the morning Magnus wake up. The city is already bustling with people and the vendors shouting can be heard from his room.

He turns to find his roommate but it looks like they already left. The Test to enter deep forest sect is tomorrow, so many young people already started to move. Some were preparing for weapons while some were preparing for other accessories that are needed.

Magnus quickly went downstairs and ordered his breakfast. The tables are all taken so he took his meal and sit down in a corner to finish it.

As he was enjoying the meal he also evesdroped some of the conversations that are going on.

"Have you heard about the Tilon Villages young Master." A boy asked another boy. "No, but I heard about Tilon Village though. They are very rich village and sort of Noble group in the city right." The other boy replied. "Apparently the Tilon Village's chief son is one of the most powerful contender we will face. He's already a very top fighter but for the first test he already took over a large group under his wings." The boy paused for a second to eat a bite then starting again, "I am thinking of joining their group. It will be easy for us to get past if we join people like them. How about it?"

The other boy didn't immediately accepted instead he also suggested his own choice, "I think it's better for us to create our own team. That way we can withstand together." But his idea is immediately rejected, "Nonsense! If we create team it will much more problematic. Firstly we won't find any decent people who can fight for us, secondly we will needlessly get attention of the Tilon young master." With that the two of them started arguing and the conversation became too boring for Magnus too listen.

Apparently the first test is a battle royale type where the contestants are send invthe wild to fight it out and the ones who remain standing will be the ones who will pass the test.

For weaker people creating a party is the best solution. Magnus can fight on his own and he really doesn't need to get help. But this fight is going to be monitored by the Sun Sect. So he doesn't really needs to stand out too much until it's time. So Magnus has already formed a party with his travel buddies last night when they got the first test information.

After finishing the breakfast Magnus quickly get out of the inn and decided to look for his roommate. His roommate name is Shen. This boy is from a southern village so he was technically a little rich. He left a note saying he's going to buy a sword for the incoming test.

Magnus quickly went to the designated location. It's a big weapons shop that is selling all kinds of weapons from kitchen knife to Sharp swords. The two storey building is filled with all kinds of weapons from top to bottom.

Magnus entered the shop and started scrolling the weapons that are in display. "Hey, Neil. You good morning." A shout came from his back. Magnus quickly turned his back and noticed that his roommate along with the other boys are here.

"Have you guys got what you needed?" Magnus asked.

"No there are still some of the things left. We were waiting for you so lets go." Shen quickly replied and dragged Magnus to the second floor.

The second floor is mostly filled with swords, and spears. Occasionally there are some other weapons like a claymore or battle axes and even bows. They quickly spread out and started to observe each weapons.

"Lets see. I want a sword that is sharp but also easy to use." Shen mumbles close to Magnus as he browsed through each sword.

Magnus also decided to look for the sword. He already has a good sword and spear from Terra and all his exploits back in Northern Land so he doesn't need weapons. Aside from that he decided to not use any weapons this time. He's going for raw fist fight so he doesn't need anything else.

But to help Shen he started to browse some. All the weapons registered here are top tiered in looks but upon closer inspection one can see that it's inadequate to use or there are many flows.

As Magnus looked through more he soon came to a section which where there is less sword in display. "Huh! This one looks good." Soon Magnus noticed a sword that is pretty good in terms of all the requirements that shen need and also it has an unique touch to it. "Hey Shen take a look at this one. It has all the things you need." Shen quickly looked at the sword and decided to buy it. He took the sword to a clerk lady and asked, "Miss, I would like to purchase this sword."

But just as he's about to make the purchase, a boy with green hair approached them. "Hey stop. I have seen that weapon first. You can't buy it." Both Magnus and Shen quickly looked at the boy. The boy is same age as them probably came here to join the sect test just like everyone. Behind him are a five other boy like him probably his friends.

"Look mister. We were about to purchase this item. If you want there is other items in the shelves. And We saw it first. If you saw it first then why didn't you take it?" Shen asked some valid points. But instead if answering the green haired boy started to argue more, "I just saw it and decided to look for more. I can't just take it with me." But shen continued, "Then you can at least left someone to guard it. You can't just say it's yours out of nowhere."

Just as the argument is getting intense the green haired boy finally put out his trum card, "Hey, idiots do you know who we are?" Shen and Magnus both shake their heads. "We are the same party with the Young Master Thomas. This sword is supposed to be gift for Thomas so you should better run away from here."

They thought this will make Magnus and Shen give up on the sword but instead Shen quickly asked, "Who the fuck is Thomas?" The green haired boy became angry, "You country bumpkin doesn't even know young master Thomas. He is the most powerful contender this year. It day he's already reached level 30. To think county bumpkins like are cursing at him. Apologies quickly this instant. " After hearing this Shen got a little intimidated since he also heard the level 30 number one contender. He also knows that the guy is infamous for killing and he formed a party this year. So to not get the matter out of control Shen decided to give up on the sword.

The green haired boy became satisfied as he noticed that Shen got intimidated but just as he looked at Magnus he felt something weird. At that moment Magnus decided to step in, "I have seen many bootlickers but boy I haven't seen one like you. We cursed Thomas not you. You aren't even his relatives but you got angered as if I cursed you own father. Hey! Did Thomas is your father? Did he f**ed you mom?"

Magnus shouted out all these and immediately every in the hall started paying attention. Some even started to laugh and started pointing towards the green haired boy.

This made the green haired boy even more angrier. "Bastard! Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is?"

"You are the bastard son of young master Thomas and your father is Thomas, am I right?" Magnus's voice is sharp like sword. Shen quickly started laughing out loud as he heard the last one and all the intimidation he previously felt vanished quickly.

"You, you...." The green haired boy started to say something but the anger took over his voice. He wanted to kill Magnus right here but he soon noticed a man is looking at them like a hungry wolf. Also he already realised that these two are in a party and some of his friends are surrounding them in case he tries something.

Magnus also noticed thean in the corner. The store has a policy of no fighting. Although Magnus is capable enough to kill that man by himself, he's not an idiot to do that. So he decided to end the matter here. He took the money from Shen and finalized the purchase quickly. Before he left with the sword he looked at the green haired boy and said, "I might've considered if you mentioned your own father instead of your step father."

Immediately the hall room full of people started laughing at the green haired boy and with all the laughter and shame made him so angry that he fainted on the spot with all the anger in his head.

Magnus and his friends quickly left the scene.