
Magnus Vs Bandit Leader

But no response came. Just as he was about to track again an average arrow hit his shield. He quickly tried to track where the arrow came and soon he found where it came from.

From the position he was standing approximately 200 meters away a young man was standing with his bow in his hand. He realised an intense killing intent which even shivered the leader. The leader quickly started to prob the young man's strength but the next moment he was surprised.

"How can he be at level 10. That's way too low. How the hell did he do it. Is it someone else who wanted to let my guard down to kill me."

The leader couldn't understand the logic as he started to prob Magnus top to bottom. Magnus on the other hand stopped walking and took a stance. He put an arrow on the bow as he started shooting towards the leader one shot at a time. The shots are consistent with an interval of 3 seconds between them. The shots all contain a little bit of Qi so that the leader won't suspect that he's faking his strength.

The leader on the other hand started to suspect Magnus. "That basterd really killed all my brothers." It's obvious why he would suspect him cause it's possible that the boy probably took advantage of the darkness and also it's a time where the bandits are sleeping or drinking. It's not like all the Bandits always put a Qi shield on when they were sleeping or eating.

There are times that high level cultivators are killed by some random prostitute when he was sleeping.

As one arrow after another started hitting his shield the leader became more confident. He now realizes that a random low level bastard actually killed all his brothers, the vein on his forehead started to erupt. An insurmountable killing intent released from his body. He took out his battle axe and started pouring Qi in it. The battle axe started humming and shaking as the excess amount of Qi made the axe even more ferocious.

With a furious voice the shouted, "I don't know where you came from or who do you serve but since you killed my brothers prepare to leave your head in here. I will kill you with the most brutal way a human can ever hope to die. I will capture you and torture you in front of that girl and then I'll kill you."

The threats didn't work on Magnus. With a simple poker face that has no emotion he started shooting constantly at the leader. The arrows never really doing anything. As they were just bouncing away on the leader's shield. But they still annoyed him.

The leader took a stance as if he's about to jump. In the next second he leaped from his position and accelerated with a very speed towards Magnus. He wanted to reach to Magnus as quickly as possible. As he's getting closer Magnus started to shoot the arrow as if he was in despair. He intentionally missed couple of them as he increased the interval between them to 1 second. Noticing the anomaly leader understood that the boy is scared and he won't be able to shoot him anymore. So he got a little careless. He put all the Qi that are covering his body in his leg increasing his speed to maximum.

With the incredible speed the remaining distance is quickly getting smaller. As the distance getting smaller Magnus also started to make more mistakes. The more mistakes he made the more speed increases. And just like that the distance between them reached 50 meters.

The leader started to put all the remaining Qi on his blade completely ignoring the body. Because a bow user when getting closer tend to use mele weapons like shield, dagger. t

The Leader don't want to waste time on him. So he put all his Qi in his axe so that he can break the boys shield with a single swing. The distance started to get smaller and at one point it reached 20 meter.

"Any last words boy? If not let me tell you something. You did a wonderful job today. You as a weakling managed to kill my brothers. As a reward I am going to torture you to death." The leader spoke with a furious and proudfull voice.

Just as the distance became 10 meters between them, at that moment everything changed. All of a sudden the leader saw that Magnus's figure isn't shooting anymore. With more confidence the leader jumped at Magnus with his axe up in the sky and at that moment high up in sky where the leader can't dodge a single attack three very powerful arrow shot towards him. These arrows are different, in the head of these arrows there's a cone shape Qi which is spinning with very fast. The arrows quickly appeared in front of him and before he could even try to block them with his Qi they pierced him in three different positions. One hit his neck where the spina cord is located. It pierced very easily, directly piercing the spinal cord.

Another hit in the middle of his chest and abdomen. Although this one didn't pierce through his back but it still went very deep.

And the last one hit the scrotum piercing his balls and coming out from the back.

The leader who was so confident about a seconds ago is now on the death road. He didn't realise what happened but he knew he fucked up. The regret of his last decision appeared in his eyes. If he knew something like this he would never have dropped the shield.l but there's only one loser and one winner in a life and death battle and Magnus is the winner today while he's the loser.

With a loud bang his body fall to the ground in front of Magnus resulting the arrows to go even deeper and the middle arrow even pierced his back as a result.


Earlier when the leader jumped at the sky it was at that moment Magnus took the chance. He quickly took out three arrows and placed them in his bow. Without wasting a single second he charged them with Qi turning them into high caliber arrow.

The next moment he realised all the arrows at the same time.

Magnus can shoot three high caliber arrows at the same time. At this moment this is his best attack. Although his Qi recovery is faster. When you are at fighting 1 split second can decide life and death.

Magnus didn't waste any time because he knew the leader can do another very dangerous thing. Even though he has zero Qi left he still took out an arrow and shot it towards the now fallen bandit leader's head. With a close range the arrow pierced the head and blood splatter all over the place.

"I can't let a basterd like you to commit suicide now, can I?"

The leader wanted to say something but after his head is pierced he lost his power and died instantly.

After making sure that the leader died Magnus set down on a rock beside him. He looked at the dead body of the former bandit leader.

Magnus can't imagine that he could kill a person who's about ten level stronger than him. But he's satisfied with the results.

He looked at the bandit leader's body and said, "Well your counter part put up a more fight than you. That basterd didn't even let go of his shield so I had no choice but to put more Qi in the arrow to brute force my way in."

Magnus looked at the body one last time before standing up and saying, "Farewell bastard. I will remember you as someone I overcomed to become the strongest."