
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · Oriental
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22 Chs

Bull Fist

Lin Zheyu had been standing for nearly an hour, his face flushed, his breath slightly labored, but he still seemed to have some energy left.

"That's enough," Liang Song said, motioning for him to come over and have a sip of tea.

Lin Zheyu stood up straight, shook his slightly sore legs and arms, and a excited smile spread across his face.

He had finally made it.

Now, he could finally begin martial arts training.

"With such a poor foundation, being able to train to this level within a month shows good perseverance and understanding," Liang Song commented, reasonably satisfied with Lin Zheyu's progress.

After taking a sip of tea, he continued, "Let me explain to you what martial arts is."

Lin Zheyu sat quietly, listening attentively.

"Martial arts, outwardly trains the muscles, bones, and skin, inwardly trains the breath," Liang Song began. "To excel in martial arts, one must first toughen the muscles and fascia."

"Through this process, the muscles become robust and firm, the fascia flexible yet strong, resulting in explosive strength and formidable resistance to attacks. This is the period of muscle training in martial arts."

"After mastering muscle training, one must then delve into bone forging."

"Bone forging strengthens the entire skeletal structure, making it tougher and more resilient, capable of withstanding greater force."

"Once the bones are fully forged, they become as hard as iron."

"Bone forging might be challenging for you, as you haven't undergone the muscle training during childhood, making it difficult to achieve the level of iron-like bones."

"What I've just explained is the external training of muscles and bones. Now, let's talk about the internal training of breath."

"Here, breath refers to the control of inhalation and exhalation. After the muscles and bones have been toughened, the body's control is further enhanced, allowing for the practice of special breathing techniques."

"Through these techniques, the internal organs are strengthened, breathing becomes deep and long, and physical endurance and explosive power reach terrifying levels. This is known as organ refinement."

"The first three stages of martial arts are muscle training, bone forging, and organ refinement."

"For you, knowing about these three stages is enough for now. The higher levels are still far beyond your reach, so I won't tell you about them yet, lest you aim too high and fall short."

With a faint smile, Liang Song stood up, took off his outer robe, revealing the vest and smooth muscular lines underneath.

Seeing this, Lin Zheyu quickly got up to follow.

"Combat is not suitable within the inner city, so I'll teach you the Barbarian Bull Fist."

"This is a widely circulated technique, suitable for someone like you who started martial arts halfway. The fist technique is powerful, but it's difficult to master."

"When practiced to a high level, it strengthens both the internal and external aspects, making the bones tough and reaching a state of perfect organ refinement."

"The Barbarian Bull Fist consists of eight basic moves and 128 variations. I'll demonstrate them for you to familiarize yourself with."

Taking a stance, Liang Song said, "The Barbarian Bull Fist originates from the bull itself."

"The essence of the fist technique lies in the word 'barbarian.' When practicing, you must imagine yourself as a bull, moving forward with unstoppable force."

With a slightly widened stance and a squatting posture, Liang Song emitted an invisible aura.

"This is the first move, Bull Charge!"

Liang Song suddenly stomped his right foot, exerting force with his leg muscles.

Powerful strength surged from his legs, transmitted through his waist to his arms.

With a slight tilt of his upper body, his fists, carrying unparalleled force, shot out like two horns.

His entire body erupted with strength in that moment, and the power flowed into his arms, turning into a terrifying attack that struck the wooden stakes in the courtyard.

The stakes made a cracking sound, showing faint cracks.

"So strong!" Watching Liang Song's fist unleash such formidable force, Lin Zheyu couldn't help but marvel.

"The Barbarian Bull Fist, the word 'barbarian' runs through it all."

"Never hesitate in your punches!"

Liang Song's voice rang out as he continued to demonstrate for Lin Zheyu.

"This move is the Bull Horn Strike, with the focus on the waist. The abdominal strength is..."

"This move is the Bull Tail Swipe..."

Watching Master Liang demonstrate, Lin Zheyu's eyes sparkled.

"This is true martial arts! With every punch and every move, the immense force unleashed fills him with longing."

Soon, the entire fist technique was completed.

Liang Song stopped and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Very powerful!" Lin Zheyu felt excited and respectfully said, "Please, Master, teach me!"

"No need for such formalities. Scholars always enjoy elaborate rituals," Liang Song replied. "First, let's practice the entire sequence together, and I'll assess your comprehension."

Liang Song broke down the Barbarian Bull Fist technique and slowly explained it to Lin Zheyu.

Under Liang Song's guidance, Lin Zheyu learned earnestly.

He found martial arts training much more challenging than he had imagined. It required mastering the techniques of exerting force from different muscle groups and constant practice to become stronger.

Lin Zheyu immersed himself in the Barbarian Bull Fist, and time flew by.

"Very good, your comprehension is quite good," Liang Song praised.

Lin Zheyu had good comprehension; a little guidance was enough for him to understand. Teaching him was effortless.

Moreover, his perseverance was extremely tenacious.

After more than four hours of learning and training, despite taking multiple breaks, Lin Zheyu's energy was drained, yet he persevered.

"Practice the Barbarian Bull Fist from beginning to end, and I'll point out any deficiencies," Liang Song said.

"Yes!" Lin Zheyu responded.

After more than four hours of learning and training, he was already soaked in sweat.

The intense physical exertion, coupled with the accumulation of lactic acid, made his whole body extremely sore.

However, Lin Zheyu didn't hesitate and began the training again.

Almost there!

Lin Zheyu felt he was approaching his limit!

Once he reached his limit, if he persisted for about a minute longer, he would break through his limits and gain 1 unit of source energy.

[Heaven rewards diligence]

Name: Lin Zheyu

Source Energy: 2


Barbarian Bull Fist (Uninitiated 3%)

Looking at the data in his mind, Lin Zheyu felt extremely excited.

As he imagined, martial arts could be entered into the skill bar.

With a strong sense of excitement, Lin Zheyu assumed the stance of the Barbarian Bull Fist.

He stomped his foot, exerted force with his leg muscles, and transmitted it to his arms through his waist.

With a slight tilt of his upper body, his fists, carrying unparalleled force, struck out like two horns.

The first move, Bull Charge!

As his fist struck out, Lin Zheyu immediately felt a pain in his waist, legs, and arms.

"Ah, cramp!"

Lin Zheyu, who had just been domineering, was now sitting on the ground in an undignified manner.

His body twisted in a strange way, trying to alleviate the cramping sensation.


Seeing this, Liang Song couldn't help but laugh.

This kid, his stamina is almost exhausted and he's still trying to be strong.

With excessive training and the powerful force of the Barbarian Bull Fist, it's easy to get cramps.

"Take a rest, your body is reaching its limit," Liang Song said.

Stepping forward, he came to Lin Zheyu's side, and with a few massages and kneading, Lin Zheyu immediately felt better.

"Thank you, Master."

Lin Zheyu stood up, stretched his muscles, and relaxed his whole body, planning to continue later.

He was nearing his physical limit, but he couldn't give up just like that.

As long as he broke through his limit, he could gain another unit of source energy.

While listening to Liang Song explaining some basic knowledge of martial arts, Lin Zheyu relaxed his body.

Soon, he felt his muscles were almost relaxed.