
Martial Artist in Another World

A martial artist died at the age of 90 and was given a 2nd chance in another world, follow his journey as he uncover the secrets of the other world....or just follow him as he live his daily live in the new world, whatever challenges he may face, will he be strong enough to handle it

Daniel_Junius · Action
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10 Chs

1. Meeting God

There was once a man named Kento Suzaku, a man who dedicated his life to learning everything in the world, from science, technology, cooking, martial arts, etc, After he have mastered everything in his old age, he chose to be a wing chun grandmaster at the age of 60, accomplished everything in life, fame, happy family, and...tea, lots and lots of tea, he live his life every day by teaching wing chun to his disciples and drinks tea, several years have passed, after spending time with his wife, children, and grandchildren he sits down and sipping his favorite tea under the moon...he passed away.

In the afterlife, he met GOD, and "GOD" said to him, "you have lived a life full of simplicity, even though you have fame, you still live humbly and love your family as they have loved you. you didn't let the fame blind you, for that i will give you a second life on another world", he was surprised that GOD would actually give him a chance to go to another world instead of entering heaven, but understand that he has passed away, he ask GOD if he can see his family on his funeral day, GOD let him see his family surrounding his casket, his children says "Don't worry dad, we will continue your legacy", he was worried since he wanted his children to pursue their own dreams rather than continue his legacy, he ask GOD "can you see the future?? If so, can you tell me what will happen to them??", GOD told him "the one who will succeed you will be the one whose dream is to continue your legacy, the others will pursue their own life and live a happy modest life", he is relieved.

GOD continued saying "Since I'm gonna send you to another world i will grant you 3 wishes, what will it be?" Kento, who was a tea maniac when he was alive, immediately said "I would like infinite tea leaves please." Dumbfounded, GOD asks "you want to use your 1st wish for.... tea leaves??" Kento, who knows exactly what he wants, answers "yes please." "Your wish is granted" GOD said, suddenly a jar flew down to him "This jar will have every tea leaves you want, just say the name and it will fill itself with the leaves, you have 2 more wishes." Kento, who keeps patting his infinite tea jar like a baby, said "hmm, that is all i could think of right now." GOD who is perplexed and intrigued watching Kento said "since you have infinite tea leaves, let's drink tea here for a while and figure out your next wishes." "That is a good idea, let's drink some chamomile tea so we can have a relaxing conversation." said Kento.

Kento, who wished for infinite tea leaves said chamomile, and then the jar starts filling itself with chamomile leaves, then he grabs the chamomile leaves and put it in 2 cups that GOD prepared, and then GOD pour hot water with just his hands, he was stunned, but remember that this is THE GOD, so they sit down on the sofa that GOD just created out of thin air and chat for a bit.

Curious with his life, GOD asks "why do you live your life like this, you can achieve much more with all your knowledge and skills that you accumulate through the years." In which Kento Replied "I learn everything because I like to improve myself, learning from the past while discovering something new in the process, as a friend once said "Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own" GOD was surprise "is that perhaps Bruce Lee?" GOD ask. "Yes it was, it's surprising you know Bruce Lee, but then again, you are GOD" Kento replied, "Yes, he was an interesting person just like you, his philosophies are also interesting, especially the flowing water one, I even sent him down to the place you're about to go" GOD said, Kento, who was surprised but also happy at the same time" that means I can meet him again, my old friend", "Enough about him, tell me why you decided to teach wing chun when you can be more successful in other stuff" GOD ask Kento, "It's because I'm not an ambitious person, I learn everything to Improve myself, after I have learned everything, I decided that I would teach wing chun, just because I like it more than any other field or martial arts, I maybe a grandmaster, but I always tell myself, that I am still human, so being a grandmaster doesn't mean I am the strongest, it just means that my skills are above average, if I can earn some money teaching the things I love, that is enough for me." GOD was astounded by his answer "you know, a lot of people who came here use the 3 wishes I gave them for power, fame, or money, you are actually the first one to use your 1st wish for infinite tea leaves." GOD SAID, "is that so? I guess people will still carry greed even after death. Well maybe I could wish for power but what's the fun in that?" Kento said, "Interesting answer, so, have you made up your wish?? I may have infinite time here, but I'm still a busy GOD." Said GOD, "oh right sorry about that, for my 2nd wish I would like to have a young and sturdy body, preferably 21 year old" Kento requested GOD, GOD was surprised again by his wish "Oh?? Not immortality??" in which Kento explains "what is the point of life if you can't die, you'll watch your loved ones die every time while you can't, wouldn't that be sad??" "You sure are a weird one aren't you, Granted, what's your final wish??" Said GOD as he granted his 2nd wish" after thinking for a while, Kento finally decided his 3rd and final wish "for my final wish, I would like to have the Analyze skill." GOD then thinks *Analyze? Why would he wish for analyze?* "oh, Analyze, what would you use it for?" GOD ask Kento, dumbfounded. "Primarily finding materials, some stuff for training and maybe opening a dojo and maybe a shelter for the time since I won't have any money to stay at an inn." Kento replied.

GOD is amused by all of kento's answer, said "HAHAHAHAHAHA, you are the most interesting individual I've ever met since the I got this job, I'll give you some bonus, I'll max out your stats, and let you have affinity for all type of magics and some surprise to help you with your adventures." Kento, who only heard the First part ask GOD :Wait, this is a job?? I thought that GOD is always a single entity." GOD proceeds to explain "yeah, even gods needs to take a break sometimes, I'm the 10th entity who got the mantle of GOD, and don't worry, this is the most fun I have since I got this job, I'll transport you now, farewell, may luck be on your side." As he waved goodbye to Kento who also waved back to GOD "farewell too GOD, And thanks for the bonus."

And so, he was transported to another world