
It’s A Lie

Cassie gazed into the distance, her eyes fixed on the figures before her. Instead of succumbing to stress, she seized the opportunity to practice her skills. With determination, she grasped the two spears that lay unattended and closed her eyes, allowing herself to become one with the weapons. Drawing from her previous training, she understood that any gun she held was an extension of her own body, granting her the ability to wield it as she pleased.

With a burst of energy, she began to move, twirling the spears around her body with precision. Engaging in a peculiar dance, she relentlessly spun, striking and tossing the spears into the air with her body. As she leaped and twirled, she envisioned each strike as a blow against Jam, wishing to pierce every pore on his face. Unyielding and shameless, Cassie, Blake, claimed him as her own, for he was nothing more than a mere speck compared to her greatness.