
Marrying Mr. PRESIDENT

'She is the Chess piece' "Rebirth happens after an accident which is not in chapter 1..." "Reborn; A second chance to live again but knowing she is the calamity, is it worth it?" Su You Qing who had traveled back to her birth country on an important mission, gets involved in an accident and realizes, she has gone through rebirth. Lying on the hospital bed crippled, wonders if she had any right to be reborn... Knowing how her past life had ended tragically, she is afraid of having the same end knowing all along, she was only a chess piece. Would she be able to change the outcome of the present? But she needed to alias with the President, how would she gain his trust, above all his love? She had one life to repay him for the miseries she had made him go through but she knew even if she had a million lives, she would never be able to. Crippled, pregnant, and in a foreign territory, what path would she choose to have for herself? ............sneak peak........... She stretched her hands out waving, if only she could see for the last time how beautiful the sky was. "Yeah I know, it's my fault to have gotten obsessed with you, after losing everyone and everything, I'm still here by your side... How funny and comical..." He muttered chuckling with sadness, he had lost his sanity because of her, and because of her, he had lost everything ever held dear in his life, was it worth it? "Hahaha, Feng Ying Xie... You better live well and never be that stupid again... When it's time to let go, then do so..." She closed her eyes and could only feel the breeze with her hands since her eyes were deemed useless. She could feel her body paralyzing from the down part heading to her upper body, she knew, it was a dead end for her, and her time was up. "You Qing, if only you had trusted me, all this wouldn't have happened, we could have gotten through all this but you chose to betray me over and over... I forgave you all the time, but still, I was unable to get your heart... You are really cold and selfish..." He slightly smirked, life was really funny, for this one woman, he had lost himself. "Hahaha, Feng Ying Xie, next time don't love women, some of us won't reciprocate it..." She sarcastically mumbled. " Su You Qing, tell me... Was your love for Feng Ying Long so great that you wouldn't spare me even a thought? Didn't I deserve even just a small portion of your heart?" He still couldn't believe that her love belonged to his son Feng Ying Long. "Feng Ying Xie, you killed him! You took his life because of your possessiveness, how could you be that cold?" Up until now, she couldn't believe he had done it. "I never killed him, he requested me to do it, he couldn't suffer any longer, no matter how high or low we navigated, we couldn't get the cure... Do you think I wanted to see him suffer? I was his father for God's sake, but you never believed my words, Su You Qing you went berserk for him... How could I watch the woman I love be entangled with my son? Su You Qing... If it were you, what would you have done?" Every time he recalls his son, tears would roll down his cheeks. "Live well...." She softly mumbled while withdrawing her hands and they fell onto the sides. "Su You Qing..." He called her name but didn't get any response, he crawled over to her side and dragged her into his arms. "Su You Qing, talk to me..." He nervously mumbled shaking her but the person had already fallen unconscious. ***Cover doesn't belong to me, credit goes to the owner...** This novel is writing under the rebirth idea and second life...

Kim_Li_0078 · Urbain
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121 Chs

Chapter 9; How dare you scheme on me?

He struggled to get off from the bed but Feng Ying Ting and the police guards that were inside his room, stopped him nudging his shoulders back to the bed.

"I have to see it! I don't believe it!" He wanted to see with his own eyes.

" You can't..." The police guards declined, even though they were a father and a son, the president had his own dignity that they needed to protect, how could they let him see his father doing that deed with the woman he likes?

"Just once...." He felt like it was just propaganda and they weren't being honest with him, he felt like they were hiding something.

"No..." They declined stopping him from making a single move...

_ _ _ _ _

The Su family had boarded their family van and left the White House compound as everyone else did. They had no business sticking around the compound.

"What could have happened? She is a jinx and bad luck!" Su You Qing's stepmother Zhu Chen couldn't keep quiet, she began belittling her as usual and at the thought that her plans failed, she loathed her more.

"Mother, she is still there accompanying the president, the engagement will take place sooner or later, don't worry..." Su Mei held her mother's arms swinging them happily whining her lips, she was of the same age as Su You Qing which always made Su You Qing feel like, the woman had something to do with her mother's death.

She might be comforting her mother but deep down, her heart was boiling was anger and hatred, she hated that her mother's plan failed, and now with Su You Qing's existence, she held no candle.

Su You Qing hated her father for cheating on her mother shortly after marrying her, he hadn't married her for long, and yet he got another woman pregnant out there, her hatred for the Su family was deeply rooted.

"She better stay there and work on this relationship, but if she is incapable, we can talk to the Feng Ying family and see if you could replace her..." She coldly muttered she cared about her daughter the most, she wouldn't lose any opportunities to make her daughter prosper in every possible means.

"Okay, you two keep quiet..." The current Su family patriarch and Su You Qing's father coldly muttered stopping them from overthinking and plotting things when it came to the Feng Ying family, it wasn't a family anyone could mess around with.

The entire car went quiet as the chauffeur drove them back home.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Inside the White House, the doctor who had been called, dropped by and gave Feng Ying Long a calming injection putting him to sleep while going upstairs to the President's bedroom to check on things.

From a distance, he smelt the strong scent of wine, he strode over to the clothes that were on the floor and smelt them, they smelt red wine and a unique perfume.

"We will let them go on, I can tell they are enjoying it... We can't do anything until the drug fades away..." He slightly smirked walking out of the bedroom. He could see his friend was pumping with ample force.

He softly giggled at the thought that his friend wasn't a celibate anymore, he has finally found his match that could drive him crazy whether with drugs or not.

"But doctor..." Secretary Lin was worried. Worried that something might happen to his President, what would he tell people?

"What do you want me to do? We can't separate them since we don't know what kind of drug they ingested and where it came from... Some drugs can kill someone if they don't wear off..." He cautioned him strolling over to the living room to relax and enjoy the moment with a cup of hot coffee.

He couldn't wait to tease his friend, he has slept with his archenemy, things were getting interesting, and couldn't wait to enjoy that cup of tea gazing into his eyes.

Hehehe..." He wondered whether he would feel disgusted or more hateful.

_ _ _ _ _ _

It was morning already, at 5 Am, Su You Qing rubbed her eyes groggily while trying to wrap around her surroundings and then she recalled what she had done last night, before she could make a move, she felt a tight grip almost snubbing her neck.

"How dare you scheme on me? Woman, do you know what you are targeting?" That rough voice was cold and scary, her back stiffened gazing at him with her innocent eyes as her heart heavily thumped in her chest.

In her heart, she was a scared cat but she had to put on a strong facade, she would never show a man her weaknesses.

"Mr. President, you have stated it in the wrong way! How dare you scheme on me? Didn't you want me to marry your son? How can you spoil my future like that?" She took the weak side as she trembled while her eyes teared non-stop. Her face immediately paled as she began coughing.

He let go before hopping down from the bed and walking over to the bathroom to clean up, he didn't know what overcame over him but this situation he was in, was a tricky one. It was a total mess.