
chapter 3 One of them.

Hazel stared at the building which boldly said DH at the front. Taking a deep breath and looking at the time which says 5:35pm, she walked into the building. since it was already closing time most of the workers had gone home. she walked straight to the receptionist.

"Umm excuse, I'll like to speak with your boss". Hazel said

"Do you have an appointment?". asked the receptionist. And Hazel shook her head in denial. "Well then since you don't have an appointment you can't meet with my boss". the receptionist lady said politely

"Miss please it's really urgent, I just want to speak with. I won't take much time". Hazel begged

"I'm sorry mam but without an appointment you can't see our boss, please kindly leave." the receptionist kindly said

"No I need to see your boss now plssss. it's very urgent." at this point Hazel sounded very desperate. the receptionist seeing this called the security to come take her out. The two bulky men held her hands and started dragging her out. " No pls pls ... let me see your boss. I..I pls." Hazel cried.

"What's causing all these noise." a manly voice said.

"Sir I'm so sorry. the lady over there said she wanted to meet with you but she didn't have an appointment".the receptionist lady replied while bowing her head. Hazel just stood there and stared at the man who appeared to by the boss but he had his back towards her so she couldn't see his face.

"Sir please I would like to speak with you. please it's urgent". Hazel had mustered up her courage to say that.

"You are speaking to me now." the man said with his chilly voice which made Hazel to shurder.

"No I want to speak with you in private." Hazel said making the man to turn towards her. Hazel didn't know happened but the moment she saw his face all the breath in her lungs just dried up. He was so handsome,with his pointy nose,thin lip and strong Jaws. His hair was inky black. Hazel couldn't help but just stare at this inhuman beauty. At the other hand Devin stared at lady who had said she wanted to speak in private. staring at her there was only one thought going through his head " she's one of them".

Hi guys it's your Author here. I hope you all enjoy the first three chapters and would like to read on . please do not forget to leave a comment, whether bad or good. I'll try my best to improve in any where I need one

* Love pheobian ❤️❤️❤️*

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