

Helel painfully watched as the girl he cared for got hanged in front of the whole town. After he returned back to the palace, he made up his mind to deal with queen Helena and her minions. he had found love in the brown haired girl who had come along with the royal tailor, the king wanted to host a great ball for all creatures and all the royals needed new outfits for the ceremony. Helel was not interested in any of these but had to do what his father wanted, he only came back to make the lives of some people a living hell before sending them to hell one after the other. he came out of the bathroom and found a brownie not too curvey lady staring at carvings on his walls, he stood there admiring her features and hiding his highly intimidating presence and she still looked in owe, her jaws dropped when her eyes landed on a half naked prince. He had a white towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet on his shoulder driving down his chiseled chest and her eyes wondered even more, his well packaged body was undeniably lovely, his fine pacs and the v shape it gave from his sides that hid inside the towel. he cleared his throat before her brown eyes landed on his beautiful face, her lips parted again as if she was trying to make a drawing of this beautiful scene in her head, the smile on his face turned into a frown and he cleared his throat again, staring at her hard. she bowed her head and took few steps backwards with her face turning pink out of embarrassment, she sucked in her lower lip trying her best to not make it shiver. " what do you want?" his deep voice broke the silence and her eyes shakily moved to meet his dark red orbs that flickered with something she couldn't pinpoint. she froze when he started moving, he was so close that their bodies met, his face coming into view and she held her breath. his cold gaze landed on her and he could see right through her, he stretched his hand and for a moment she thought the vampire prince was going to kill her. he opened the wardrobe behind to pull out white shirt and black pants before pulling away from her to wear the shirt, "did your tongue get pulled out of your mouth, speak! I don't have all day" he said in an irritated tone and Constance swallowed, taking in a deep breath she mastered to talk still with her head down not meeting that strange beauty of a man. "my prince, the king sent me to get your measurements...... am sorry for my imprudence, I didn't know-" her words cut short because Helel was done with it, " do what you are here to do and leave!" he said so cold that Constance shivered, she was no human so why was she so weak in front of the prince?

Beatrice_Khaylly · Fantastique
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24 Chs

Unforgivable (1)

Esther stared at the king sharply without saying anything and the man had the smug look on his face. Oh! How she missed it, all of him and he didn't change, still in his glorified state. " What do you want from poor commoners like me and my son?" She asked in a all serious tone. She looked at him and he lowered his eyes before he shook his head, " it's just simple, I brought you here were you belong!" He exclaimed and Esther frowned. She shook her head," how can we be picked all of a sudden by the king, and your majesty, we do have a place, were we belong before you kidnapped me and hid away my son!" She yelled at him, her fingers formed a strong fist. The king stared back at her, his eyes glittering, damn! She looked beautiful when she was angry. " Our son is safe with us here, Esther.....you look beautiful" he said with a smile on his face. Esther glared at him and she moved to stand in front of him, she wanted to slap the smug off his face, how could he behave as if they were on good terms! His smile widened when Esther closed the gab between them, now he could smell her scent, how could he forget the scent of fresh snow mixed with wild scent of red roses in an open garden! His fingers etched to touch her, but he knew better that she would not let him. The king broke from his thoughts when her next words went straight into his heart like a sharp arrow dipped in strong poison, " you have no right to keep me here, you know? I don't belong to you and I don't think of you anymore!" She spat emotionlessly with her hands on her waist. The king's face hardened and he grabbed her arm forcefully and yanked her to him very close, her right hand landed on his chest and her face held surprise which was replaced with anger.

"What do you mean by you don't belong to me anymore?" He growled at her and she slightly shivered, goosebumps appeared on her skin. And she muffled a cry of pain when the king squeezed her arm,her efforts to free herself was in vain, " you are forgetting something, Esther.....you are still my mate, my soul mate!" He exclaimed in a hard tone still pinning her to his chiseled chest. Silence filled between them and Esther's heart couldn't stop beating wildly in her chest, of course they were and are still mates bonded by the lore. He wanted to crash her on the bed and sink his whole self in her, his jaws hardened as he fought his urge. Esther stared at him without saying anything, the next thing that broke their silence was the screams of people who were running away from something. Esther had a shocked look, which the king didn't miss, he left the room and the door clicked behind him leaving Esther all to herself, she knew no one could open the unless the king himself, it was not the first time she was locked up by the king without him having any keys....

She sat on the bed with a small thud, tears dropped profusely and her whole body shook, the king has changed enough to hurt her? Helel gained consciousness after partially setting the room on fire, the maids attending to him bolted in fear of getting burned by the strange boy. The king got to the entrance that looked like it was holding a strong presence, he entered without being too affected by the power illuminated in the room, his eyes landed on the boy with fire on his finger tips and his eyes flickering with the same fire from within. The only reason his mana didn't burst out to burn the whole castle was because of the spell the king placed him under two days ago, with just a clap from the hands of the king and all the fire extinguished from the cool breeze of the night that came in quickly as it left.

Helel now sat on the bed, his eyes now dark red and he looked at the king with irritation. " I came for the king, or else I will destroy the whole place!" He threatened and the king only smiled widely, " I don't doubt your strong mana, but you are absolutely under my protection spell" the king said and chuckled before he continued when he realized the boy was confused. " You can try to destroy the palace, that the king can fix but you will die along with it and your mother...well how would she look for you?" He pulsed and mockingly stared at the fuming boy, " I asked for the king!!!" He roared and dark vains surrounded him, dark markings drawed from his neck to the sides of his face, the vains destroyed anything it came into contact with and the king stood there in awe, he had never seen anything like this. " What do you want from the king?" He asked taking a step back away from the threatening vains, Helel couldn't speak when he was in that state, he looked blank and emotionless. The king sighed in defeat, " I am going to take you to the king only if talk to me?" He said questioning him with his raised brow. " Your majesty! The lady had escaped from the room" a guard informed the king and he turned to look at the guard with a frown while Helel stared at them with wide eyes, of course he was the king....why would anyone talk with boldness like that in the palace unless the king!

The guard staggered backwards in fear, " so you are the king?" Helel exclaimed with annoyance evident in his tone. " Yes, so?" The king answered quickly with a smug look and the boy frowned deeply, he got off the bed and walked forward, his dark hair with red strands fell down his shoulders and he stared at the man in front of him. " I don't want anything to do with you or your palace and don't think my mother and I did anything wrong here?" Helel said questioning the king and the man didn't say anything. " Where is my mother?" He asked the king who looked at him with wonder, now he understood why Esther's hair turned dark and red at a point in her pregnancy...

"I used to know where she was but now she escaped even with me telling her not to?" The king said with a raised brow, Helel's eyes widened at the new whereabouts of his mother, he rised tall on his toes to meet the length of the king, " you scared the hell out of my mother? Just..... just pray I find her with no scratch on her else I will come back for you!" He growled before he walked pass the man who had a wide smile on his face. Helel followed the scent of his mother leading him to the east wing of the palace and what he saw next made him furious, the king stood with his hand around her waist as he pulled her even closer to him. " Let me go!" She screamed yet the man gave no ear to her and continued smiling at her, " you forgot something Esther, why do you run away when you know I would find you and bring you back?" He asked her still holding her waist and ignored what he called tantrums, " of course you would yet didn't when I wanted you to come for me, you never came, did you even know how I survived a decade ago. I....I had to struggle while you enjoyed with your stupid witch of a wife!!" Esther roared filled with all of the pain of betrayal and loneliness. She continued, " so....so don't don't be like this all of a sudden, you only brought pain to me and I will never forgive you!" She said and broke into tears as she shivered, Helel raised his hands in anger and a strong force came at the king, flying him to hit the wall away from his mother. " I told you to stay away from my mother!" He said and Esther turned to look at her son with wide eyes, Helel prepared for another attack when he realized the king was going to come up on his feet. " No! What are you doing?" She came to stand in between them, her eyes pleading her angry son who furrowed his brows. " He tried to hurt you mother, I came here to find you and he held me captive!" He exclaimed and Esther glared at the king behind her, " you held my son captive? You are so unbelievable! Doing this only makes you so unforgivable!" Esther spat with a disgusted expression. "Please your majesty, just leave us alone, just like you did fifteen years ago. Please am begging you to leave my son and I alone" Esther clapped her hands together pleading the king who was now having a deep frown on his face, he shook his head. " Esther I never left you and never will I.....I only wanted to protect you and our child and why do you keep saying your child Esther, our son, our child!" He exclaimed as his voice broke, he took in a deep breath and Esther's eyes locked with that of Helel's and he shook his head. " What! What is going on here, what is he saying.... were you together and even had a son?" He asked refusing to understand what was going on. " Tell him am his father, Esther? He's no bastard!" The king said out of anger and Helel turned to his mother who looked like being caught doing something bad. So it was true,he was actually a son of the great king of Devlot, a prince! He then looked back at the king who was stuck in position. " No, no it can't be possible!" Helel muttered, he staggered backwards his head spinning on it's own and he had his fingers his hair, to support the pain he was feeling. He felt himself falling to the ground and blacked out, the king held Helel firmly in his arms before he made his run, " call the royal maester!" He ordered in a loud tone and Esther followed him by running because the king used his vampire speed.

" Is he going to be okay?" Esther asked the grand maester who was now attending to her son, " the prince will be okay, he passed out due to stress and weakness, your highness.....he should be fine after taking this medication and feeding well" the old vampire said and ordered his assistants to prepare the medicine. Esther sat by Helel stroking his hair backwards, clearing his beautiful face and he opened his eyes bringing into view his pale red irises. " I will explain everything to you my child, please get well first and.....mother would explain everything" she said as tears dropped from her green eyes.

Helel woke up again the next morning thinking he had a very bad dream but then the voice of lady brought him back, what! The same room this was no dream but a reality and he watched as the lady bowed her head before speaking. " My prince,his majesty asked for your presence in the royal court room" she continued, " his majesty says we ask what you might want?" She ended still with her head bowed. " I want my mother!" He said glaring at the poor servant, " your mother you shall have!!" Another voice that made him feel better and the lady left the room taking deeps of breath, "mother, what is going on here? Am I dreaming?" He asked her with a creased forehead and she brought her hands to his confused face, which melted by her touch. "You are not dreaming and I need you to listen to me carefully" she said and started explaining from the very beginning, when the king took her from her people. The king sat at the head of the table with other royal members including queen Helena who looked like all of her energy had been sucked out of her, she had heard the rumor of Esther and her child returning back to the palace and she refused to believe it. She had found out about their whereabouts just some days ago and ordered for their finish up but she didn't receive any news, she took it lightly because her people loved working silently and giving no reports. Helena took in a deep breath, stroking her belly in frustration occasionally turning to look at the doors if anyone opened it. The doors opened and in came Esther dressed in all blue dress her white long hair curled up in waves and her face a light make over symbolising nature, her warmness shinning around her and instead of a lovely smile to complete her beautiful appearance, she had a disgusted expression and so was the teenager standing beside her in all black attire.....