
married to the masked devil

It is a story of a princess who was forced to marry the prince of Magnolia which was rumored to be a bloodthirsty prince,he even killed his own brother,he sleep with every woman that entered his territory,he was feared by everyone including his father,no one dared to mess with him,how would she be able to survive with that kind of man,people also said he's some kind of pot bellied ugly man,he even stink,she wish she was not a female,if she was male now,her father wouldn't trade her to a cruel prince just for alliance,she felt horrible. But surprisingly,the masked prince was opposite of what the rumor said,Tricia found herself falling for him and get jealoused easily,find out what happened in the book

Adedigba_Ayomide · Urbain
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42 Chs

Chapter 40

"am really proud of you son",he said as he hug him tightly.

Surprisingly, Ovian didn't get angry,he just smile at him, things are really getting well between the two,the hall is filled with people, it's time to crown me and Ovian, everyone bows when Ovian is crowned, everything went well,soon the ceremony ended,am really tired,I took off my cloth and put on my night gown,I laid on the bed, Ovian put his head on my stomach.

"You are pregnant,i can hear two heartbeat inside you".

"What!!,am pregnant!!!?,you mean I will be a mother soon,and you said two heartbeat?, does that mean they are twin".


"Am so happy",I hug Ovian tightly,he slipped his hand under my nightgown,he started kissing me,he massage my body,the kiss turn intense.

Nine months later

Ovian's pov

My wife is about to give bed,am very anxious,I was pacing up and down,a maid came out of the room.

"How is my wife".

"The queen has given birth to a bouncing baby boy and adorable little girl",she said happily.

"Ok,what about my wife".

"She's still resting"

I breath out a sigh of relief, I entered the room that she was, she's breastfeeding one of the twins,I carried the other on,"how are you feeling now",I asked as I caress her cheek.

" Am fine now,look.at those kids,they really resemble you,they are like the little version of you,they only took the colour of my hair, that's cheating,what should we name them?"she said happily.

"Let's name them Oliver and Olivia"


i thank you guys for supporting and reading my story,I really want to extend this story but time didn't permit me,so I just concluded on ending it this way.