
Married To Mr. Vice

Kimberly Campbell, a beautiful and goal driven financial analyst, knew exactly what she wanted for herself, and a baby didn't make the list. It was a huge stray from the big plans, and the commitment a baby required, she was certain she could never afford. With no one to blame, there was only one victim — the stupid glasses of Vodka that had led her into the arms of a man, whose first name was all she knew. Nicholas. Nicholas Vice loved nothing more than being in charge of his own life and decisions. And he was more proud of the casual and mutually-beneficial relationships with little to no commitments he enjoyed. But disappointment came in shocking waves when his father gave an ultimatum to marry his favorite and soon-to-be promoted staff, or risk losing his inheritance. Vexed and certain there was a ploy somewhere, Nicholas vowed to expose the gold digger who was trying to ruin his life. With determination in his heart, he took up his temp role at the head branch. But the unexpected twist occurs when Nicholas discovers that not only was his 'supposed bride' his one-night stand, she was also pregnant. Taking advantage of 'the' situation, he proposed a deal, the only one he believed would get him out of his father's ultimatum — a contract marriage. Marriage for a year in exchange for her pride and reputation.

Roesy_Moore · Urbain
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81 Chs


After the phone call with Carol, Kimberly sat on her seat and shut her eyes as she tried to put herself together so she could get back into work mode. But that seemed impossible. 

Unable to think of anything else, she took out the pregnancy result from her handbag and her head ached as she looked at it.

She never would have imagined that the day would come when she would feel this devastated over a pregnancy test result.

As ambitious as she was, she loved kids and was also family oriented. She hoped to have a home some day, but now just wasn't the right now. And most especially, having a kid for a stupid man wasn't part of that plan either.

When the time came to start a family, she would do it the right way, with the right man, but definitely not now, and most definitely not for Nicholas Vice, the insufferable fool.

Now that her shock has worn off after her discussion with Carol, the feeling was now replaced with anger.

Who did he think he was to make such assumptions? Why would she ever have to approach him on purpose? To what end? She mused angrily.

She paused when another thought occurred to her and she frowned. Which Mr Vice sent for her? Was it Richard or Nicholas?

Did Nicholas send for her because he already knew who she was or did he send for her for an entirely different reason? And where was Richard? Why wasn't he at his office?

Needing at least one answer, she picked up her phone and dialed Richard's line, and when it didn't go through, her brows pulled together in concern.

She hoped he was fine. And more than that, she hoped he would return to his office and not leave it to his stupid pigheaded son.

As though conjured by her angry thoughts, her office door opened, and the object of her annoyance walked in.

Kimberly quickly shoved the test result under a file on her desk, "Can't you knock? What are you doing here?" Kimberly asked, her eyes shooting angry darts at him.

She knew that she should probably exercise caution when talking to her boss' son, especially seeing as she had no idea why he was in the office of the chairman in the first place, but Kimberly wasn't one to be accused of bridling her tongue when angry.

Nicholas who had seen her shove the test result under a file couldn't help but wonder what it was she was hiding.

Was she perhaps stealing from the company or trying to scam them? He wouldn't put it past her, seeing how she had systematically positioned herself in his father's life. He was determined to expose her and he wouldn't let her have her way with his father either. He decided as he watched her.

"What do you have on my father?" Nicholas asked, not bothering to answer her question, and she blinked back her surprise.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked, wondering why he brought his nonsense into her office.

"I'm sure you have something on him and you are probably blackmailing him…."

"Do you perhaps have a mental disorder?" Kimberly asked, wondering what he was going on and on about.

"First you accuse me of approaching you on purpose, next you accuse me of scheming, and now you accuse me of blackmailing Richard? What the heck is wrong with you?" Kimberly asked, her temper fully flared.

"If you didn't blackmail him, why else would he propose that I marry you? Tell me. Why would my father ask me to marry you and threaten to have my inheritance given to someone else if I don't?" Nicholas fired back and Kimberly froze.

"What? What are you talking about?" She asked in confusion.

"Great! Now you are back to acting like you know nothing about this…."

"I know nothing about what you are talking about," Kimberly said with a deep frown.

Richard asked Nicholas to marry her? Why? Why would he do such a thing?

"I wish I could believe you, but I don't think I can. I don't know what you hold over him, but whatever it is, I'm here to warn you to stop! I won't let you…."

"You are crazy. You have to be crazy to think you can walk in here and talk to me this way. I don't know what Richard told you, but you can go back to him and tell him I said I will have NOTHING to do with a disgusting pig like you," Kimberly yelled angrily, feeling frustrated with all that was going on in her life.

"That's good, cause I don't intend to have anything to do with you either so…." Before he could finish speaking, Kimberly snatched her handbag from the desk.

"I won't stand here and listen to one more trash from you. I don't care whether or not you are the chairman's son, I won't let you disrespect me any more than you've done already," Kimberly said as she walked out of the office angrily.

Nicholas narrowed his eyes as he watched her leave, and he made to follow her, but paused when he remembered something, and he returned to her desk.

He needed to see the document she had hidden earlier when he walked into the office. He hoped it was something he could use to prove to his father that she wasn't who and what he thought she was.

Nicholas raised the file and took out the test result. His brows pulled together when he saw that it was a medical result and nothing official.

He was about to drop it back when his gaze fell on the positive result, and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw that it was a positive pregnancy test result.

He looked at the name on the paper once again just to be sure that it was hers, and his lips twitched when he saw her name clearly written on the result.

Without wasting anymore time, he took out his phone and captured the test result with his camera.

This would be one evidence he could hold against her.