
Going home

Jade's POV

Something kept ringing disturbing my precious sleep. I turned in bed facing the direction the sound came from. Stupid alarm who asked me to leave it on fucking annoying. I mean its Friday. No school, no work, no church nothing so who needs an alarm? Well, in my case not me.

I just graduated from the university barely a week ago. So you see why I don't need an alarm. In case the puzzle is difficult to solve let me break it down a little. I am Jade, 22 years old a fresh graduate from Cambridge, still jobless. Now your understand my frustration I have no school to attend, no work to prepare for, so why the fuck leave my alarm on?

Because you are stupid.

Ladies and gentle men I introduce to you smart Jade. Yeah you got it right my inner self always reminding me of how stupid I can be. A pity she's right.

I reached for the alarm clock and threw it across the room. I watched as it hit the hard wall shattering into pieces.

Well, who needs an alarm anyway.

Just as I was about to go back to bed, I heard someone call my name from downstairs.

"Jade..... come down sweetie".

"Just ignore and go back to sleep". My inner self suggested.

That wasn't a bad idea but knowing my grandma, she would burst through the door if I wasn't down in a minute.

Be down in five". I shouted loud enough for her to hear.

Hurriedly, I rushed to the bathroom and did my morning routine, then I went downstairs.

"Morning grandma". I greeted with a kiss.

"Hello sunshine how did you sleep?"

"Good I guess, excluding the fact that my alarm rang quite early waking me up for nothing".

"Well, thank God it did because I would have done it myself". Grandma said as she mixed the eggs.

"So what could be so important that you had to wake me up at...I took a quick glance at the clock just above grandma head. 7:15". I finished.

"Technically you were already up". Grandma said while she poured the eggs into the sauce pan.

"So..... are we here to eat or..."

"Sweetie we need to talk". She cut be short before I could finish talking. But food first she added sending a smile my way.

After breakfast, I sat on a coach watching tv. I was so carried away that I didn't hear grandma come in,

"So what are you watching?"

"Game of thrones". I answered without taking my eyes off the tv.


"Seven". I replied still not looking at her. All of a sudden the tv went black. What just happened?

"I turned it off". I hadn't realized I said that out untill grandma spoke.

"But grandma the fun part was just about to start ".

"You mean the FUN between Jon Snow ant the dragon lady". I gave her the look that said how the fuck do you know that?

"Well, you made me watch it with you a million times". Grandma answered my unspoken question.

"So?" I asked 

"So what?" Grandma asked confused.

"What is so important that you had to cut my time with GOT short?"

"We need to talk". She said as she sat beside me.

Okay..... ". I trailed.

"Sweetie.... hmm... what I'm about to say might be too much for you but promise you will listen".

This shit is bad . My inner self said.

Taking a deep breath, "I promise". I said looking grandma square in the eye.

"Do you remember Mr James? The Lawyer... he was present at.."

"Grandpa's funeral. I remember". I cut in before she could finish.

"What does he want?" I asked grandma not sure what this was all about.

"Wel,l dear he wants to meet the entire family".

"Meet the entire family?" Why was she so tense if he just wanted to meet. "And by entire family you mean?"

"I mean you, me, your father's siblings Rose and Andrew".

"Does this have anything to do with grandpa's will?" After my grandfather's funeral the will reading was shifted. Reason being that I had to be done with school before the will would be read. Lawyer James said grandpa had instructed him to do so before he died.

"Yes it does". Grandma answered.

"Okay then if it's concerning grandpa's will we can meet right? I mean James lives here in England it's no big of a deal".

It's not just that dear". Grandma said looking at her joined hands.

"What else is there?" I asked feeling scared all of a sudden.

"You see since most of the family don't live here in England..... she trailed.

"Yeah grandma I know. It's just you and I who lives in England. So?"

"How brainless could you possibly be?" Now is not the time smartly pant. I'm trying to figure it out. My agreement with my inner self was cut short when grandma squeezed my hand.

"I know this is really hard for you but honey we have no choice but to fly back to New York. I know you had a very bad experience there but you can't run away forever. There always come a time when you have to face your fears. Besides I will be there as well".

I looked at my grandma and saw her smiling at me with so much love and care.

"I love you too grandma". I said as I hugged her. "So whrn do we leave?"


"Tomo what?" Grandma that's so soon". I said standing up. "I mean we were just told and we have to leave tomorrow?. That's insane".

"Language child. You were just told not we". She corrected,

"What do you mean?" I asked facing her.

"Totally brainless". It means she knew before now That fact hit me hard. My grandmother was not one to keep secrets."What do you mean grandma?" She avoided eye contact with me staring at her hands like they were the most fascinating things. I walked towards her, kneeling in front of her and held her hands.


"I have known for two weeks now..... I... I just couldn't bring myself to tell you that we had to go back to that place, live in the same house that holds so much memories".

"Then why tell me now?"

"We have no choice. It's just you and I who doesn't live in New York. Majority carries the vote".

"I am not a kid anymore you know, I appreciate you considered my feelings but you should have told me earlir. I would have prepared myself better".

"Would you?" Grandma asked.

"Would I what ?"

"Prepare yourself? Is there anything to prepare yourself for? It's not like you are preparing yourself for college or work. No. This is a part of you, a past that will always stick around. So you don't prepare yourself, you accept it and move on".

"Can we not talk about this now grandma, we have a journey to make". That said I stood up and left. Entering my room, I closed the door behind me , walked towards my bed and threw myself on it.

Well, I guess I have to go home.

Home I haven't been to in years. After that horrible night I never dreamt of going back to New York. Sometimes life can play tricks . Not everything works according to plan.

"It's just for the will reading and nothing more". My inner self consoled me or better still us.

Let's hope so.

With that in mind, I gradually fell into darkness. But one word stood strong 
