

Elaine cleaned her wounds with alcohol and cotton then laid down on the bed, she thought of how Alexander left her and the pain and anger surged within her once more. "Xander" she subconsciously called out to him before dozing off. Once her breathing settled, a golden eyes suddenly appeared at the darkest part of the room. Alexander never left, he stood there watching her and waiting for her to fall asleep.

He stepped closer his eyes still glowing bright golden that it could blind anyone who looked deep into it. Alexander suddenly started seeing what happened at the ball but it was like he was seeing things in her eyes, he couldn't hear what was going on but he could clearly see and feel every emotion that surged within Elaine the whole time they were dancing and he now fully understood things

He was at fault for not trusting his wife and he hurt her so badly, he opened his eyes slowly and raked his way from her sleepy face to her arm which was now bandaged but it was obviously not bandaged right, a part of it was already peeling off. He stretched out his hand and stopped mid way, his fingers where now back to normal and so was he.

He retreated his hand and looked at her face once more, her sleepy eyes were closed and she looked like she had fallen into deep slumber, her cheeks where still stained with her tears and her lips.....her rosey pink lips were so alluring that he wanted to devour them. At that thought he gently bit on his tongue until it bled then came down on Elaine and kissed her slowly, letting his blood flow into her. Elaine felt a warm lips on hers and something trickling down her throat then opened her eyes to an awkward shock

There was no one in the room, but she felt it, that was definitely Alexander's lips but how could that be possible! She thought and sat up in bed frantically eye searching the room for Alexander but there was no one so she laid back down and dozed off to sleep.

Alexander stood at a dark corner far from the palace walls watching intently at a far distance with his aura at 0⁰c

"Xavier" he called dryly

"Yes" he answered with the same gaze as Alexander

"Kevin is responsible for this isn't he?"

"Most definitely" Alexander clenched his fist hard after hearing Xavier's word

"What's the plan" Xavier asked and Alexander took a deep breath and answered calmly

"We do.....nothing." he calmly replied and turned to leave

"Knowing you? Nothing means something" Xavier said and leaped off into the dark night

"Most definitely" Alexander whispered under his breath with an evil grin

Elaine woke up to a big empty room, she had thought that Alexander would be back by morning but she was wrong. She had so many questions to ask but who would she ask. She looked at her arm and surprisingly it was now completely healed but she didn't have time to focus on that, she was still processing the things that happened that night. Could this be why Kevin warned me to be careful of my husband? Is this why they call him a monster? These questions and more rammed her head Soo much that she ended up having a headache, she planned on asking Alexander about everything in hopes that he was going to tell her the truth and clear her head of the confusions.

But Alexander never came and just like the wind blows by five days passed with Alexander nowhere to be seen. She woke up everyday for the past five days in hopes to find Alexander right by her side but her hopes died down everytime. The light in her eyes faded. She didn't know what to do. Her heart ached for her husband, she missed him so much that she had been dreaming of him for the past five days. At night she cried herself to sleep and woke up in the dark mornings to feel Alexander's presence but he wasn't there. His scent was always lingering in the room in the middle of the night. Tormenting her soul, killing her slowly and making her want him more.

She wanted to hold him, hug him tight and kiss him. She promised herself over and over again that she would give him cold shoulders but deep in her heart she knew she'd fail. Once she tried to imagine turning away from him once she saw him but in her imagination she ended up running towards him and hugging him so tightly

"Your highness, a letter has come for you" she heard Halsey say

"Is it from my husband?" She asked with stars in her eyes

"No my lady, it's from the Crown Prince" Halsey answered sadly. She had been watching over Elaine and she knew the sudden saddness in her eyes was definitely because she missed Prince Alexander. He's sudden disappearance had been a shock to his wife but not to the Royal family or the maids and servants. He had always been like this, he always disappeared and came back home whenever he wished to. Infact he had disappeared for months not to long ago and they saw him again on the day he came home with his wife princess Elaine. Her lady was so upset that she had dismissed her five days ago but reinstated her last night

"Him again....sigh what is it?" Elaine said calmly but the disappointment was clear as day in her voice.

"He invited you to his courtyard for afternoon tea" she replied

"Hmph.... whatever" she replied with a scoff.

'what does he want again' she thought. Ever since Alexander's sudden disappearance, Kevin had been visiting Elaine literally every single day. He was always coaxing and trying to bring up topics to discuss with Elaine but she never paid attention to him and also never said words more than "okay, that's good or nice" but this was the first time he had invited her to his courtyard