
Chapter Thirty-One (Seattle Arc #1)


Leo is looking like he is about to make a run for it. I observe the large palace before us, which is looking like it has been cast out of a live horror movie just a moment ago up and down with a horrified look on his face. Just looking at his pale face, I can tell that his blood has gone cold in his veins. Nobody but only Ruth and I know just how scared Leo is of ghosts and shits. 


Leo gets scared if he just hears something moving around in the middle of the night. Never mind if it's a human or a mouse or actually a ghost. He is the kind of person who bolts at the sight of the nun from The Conjuring 2 and let us not mention a hotel that might be full of ghosts from the outside, anyway.


"Let's go in." John beckons, oblivious of the fact that Leo is shuddering internally from the sight of the hotel.