
married the daughter of my enemy

Fred the most dangerous serial killer, drug dealer and criminal in texas whose only aim is to revenge the death of his father who was assasinated by his father's boss(Mr.jerad williams) who is a known to be the richest business man in Texas. in his quest for revenge he fall in love with the daughter of his father's assasin. will his love be able to conquer his hatred and will his aim for kingston family be achieved?

estheradugyamfi57 · Urbain
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unfateful morning after the incident

After the incident happened the police arrived at the scene the crime happened to covey my dad's corpse together with the ambulance.they did a few interrogation with my mom and left.

That Night i cried my eyes out and had no sleep, it got me to some deep thoughts.i wondered"why did he kill my hero, the only man who believed in my dreams" throughout the night i still didnt believe my dad was gone for good, I had hopes to get news that my dad was not really dead.

I just didnt understand why life is being unfair just when I was about to achieve my dreams!!!!. infact I was really down and broken, had all my dreams shattered aaaahhhhh life!!!!!.

The next day, people started trooping and knocking on the door, we decided to lock ourselves indoors and not respond to any of our neighbors.

not long we heard the sirene of the police and they came knocking on our door.my mom called out, Fred can you please get the door.I replied:OK mom, as i was going i felt the emptiness of the house and the way I missed my dad,and how i led my dad to the door and how he pecked my head left saying my champ I love you".

I got the door and they tapped my shoulder whiles entering saying farewel boy and I nodded in agreement.

They interrogated my mom about what happened.Mrs.kingston what actually happened asked by the inspector,my mom started to cry and then decided to talk,

Mrs.kingston:robbers broke into our house last night and my husband refused giving them the money we had in the house, they tried raping me and due to my resistance they shot him dead and run off.

As i sat there i wondered how my mom came up with such idea and not letting the law deal with the culprit.Fred!Fred!!Fred!!!I responded and pleaded because I was lost in my thoughts and sort for the question again.Fred:the question again.my mom asked if i had anything to say and responsed as nothing.

they later inspected the house and told us to hear from them soon.My mom led them to the door, after that i confronted my dad about why she had to lie to the investigators.Fred she called out, I don't want to lose you and your sis to that wicked man meaning Mrs.kingston was afraid for us and her life, she said that to protect us.All I could tell her was i will avenge my father's death and my mom was left in shock, I immediately climb the stairs to my room, I heard my mom calling out my heard Fred!Fred!Fred!!! whats wrong with you?do you know the man you are dealing with?.My mom sat beside my bed and told me how she really valued my life, but all I had in mind that time was vengeance.

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