
married the daughter of my enemy

Fred the most dangerous serial killer, drug dealer and criminal in texas whose only aim is to revenge the death of his father who was assasinated by his father's boss(Mr.jerad williams) who is a known to be the richest business man in Texas. in his quest for revenge he fall in love with the daughter of his father's assasin. will his love be able to conquer his hatred and will his aim for kingston family be achieved?

estheradugyamfi57 · Urbain
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8 Chs

unfateful hour

Fred!Fred!Fred! I heard my mum yelling from down stairs, its time for supper come downstairs you lazy boy!!I really had a long day at the hillcrest high school, i stayed at dallas.I immediately put on my pyjamas and headed to the dinning table.it will surprise everyone that in the kingston family dinner is compulsory which I mostly had an argument with Mrs.alberta kingston(my mom).I greeted everyone around the dinning table including my little sister karen who was In grade 5 in a rock of ages school, which was a private school.As soon as i sat on my chair Mr.pious kingston(my dad) who was a friend and a worker to the Williams group of companies which dealt in the production and distribution of car parts.my dad was highly paid due to his hardwork and commitment to their company.

My dad asked"how was your day Fred?";dad i really had a long and stressful day at school today I replied.

Its getting late can we have our eat already my mom said, my little sister prayed before we ate at dinner.after dinner my dad asked to see me in his office, as soon as i entered he asked"how are you going about your footballs games in school I heard your sports master said you are doing great".Dad everything is fine I even scored goals at our soccer games today I replied. that's good champ"champ is the name my dad always called me".my dad advised me about hardwork, studies and we really had a long conversation till I felt sleepy.

we bid each other goodnight and went since mom and little sis were asleep I went straight to my room to sleep.

around 12:30 midnight I heard a loud argument downstairs, i thought dad was watching TV because he mostly slept late, it continued for a while then I heard the name Jerad being metioned who is my dad's friend.I checked the time it was 12:36 midnight, it took me by surprise"what does he want at this time of the night and whats all that argument about?"it later turned into an aggresive fight cups and things be shattered on the floor.which woke my mom and my sister.

We quickly went downstairs to find out what was happening between my dad and Mr.jerad, as soon as we got there we heard the sound of a gunshot, my mom rushed to the scene only to find my dad murdered in cold blood and lying down helpless.

tears dropped our cheeks and we wanted to cry as hard we can but the only question i could ask myself was "why did he murder my dad,what was the argument about" so many questions runned through my mind and the thought of my dad being dead was driving me crazy!!!!.

I heard my mom asking Mr.jerad" why he murdered my dad"his only responds was that, if we cherished our life we should keep quiet and pointed his gun at us.fear gripped my mom and in her trembling voice she nodded to his demand.

that night Mr.gerad became my biggest enemy and decided to seek revenge against him and his entire family.