
married the daughter of my enemy

Fred the most dangerous serial killer, drug dealer and criminal in texas whose only aim is to revenge the death of his father who was assasinated by his father's boss(Mr.jerad williams) who is a known to be the richest business man in Texas. in his quest for revenge he fall in love with the daughter of his father's assasin. will his love be able to conquer his hatred and will his aim for kingston family be achieved?

estheradugyamfi57 · Urbain
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8 Chs

first day of operation

lawrence:its now time for you go on your first mission after several weeks of training, and this night we are going to kill the don who said he is the king of this hood.

as soon as i heard we were going to kill someone in my first mission, fear gripped my whole body and sweats began to run down my body and not to talk of any other person than the "almighty don"the man who claims that he own this hood and does whatever he wants here, the most feared man with an ugly face.I stood there for a minute shaking, i wanted to tell my boss I wanted to quit this whole gangster life, even tho my ultimate aim was to let Mr.williams pay for what he did to my family and I and also the murder of my father but in the right way, which was to make the law deal with him but i also remembered the laws of this gang.

which was;1.by no means can you quit the gang of laso once you have passed through all the initiation process correctly(that was the name of Lawrence gang which had about 15trained members including myself)

2.betrayers are going to be killed to stop them from spreading laso's secrets

3.any member caught leaking out information will be instantly murdered

4.no selected member for an operation must absent himself unless its important.

(these were the 5 strong rules of the laso gang)

5.by no means must anyone question the orders or disrespect the gang leader

Fred!Fred!!Fred!!!my name was mentioned three times I immediately came back to my senses

lawrence:i hope you heard what i said and becareful about the way you often forget yourself because If this happens during an operation, it can mess things up and you are not going to be spared!!!.

flint:boss isnt this boy too dull for such operation and from the way he looks, he can messup things for us boss.

lawrence:dont worry flint we are going to handle him well, so Fred now your laso name is chino, so what do you have to say?

lawrence changes your real name once you become a full member of the laso gang in dallas to protect you from being easily identified.

Fred:boss I have nothing to say and am going to make sure not messup my first operation and do my possible best.

they all smiled and continued drinking and smoking with me also.

thats my boy, I love your confidence, said lawrence whiles tapping my shoulders and nodding his head. but deep down i was scared and hope midnight never came but i pretended and showed courage.

at exactly 8 o'clock in the evening we starting preparing our weapons.i was giving my official gun which was given to me by lawrence whiles laughing, I was calm and OK because the wasnt the first time I have held a gun.time runned fast and soon midnight came, we had our plans already and how we will finally killed him.we were fully armed and i was really scared that midnight by i felt a little calm because I was with lawrence.