

She is a cheerful cafe owner who is hoping for her boyfriend to pop the question but is instead surprised to find out that he has been cheating on her.... He is a famous actor who is planning to propose to his girlfriend and even make their relationship public when she suddenly gets married to another man.... Both heartbroken souls set out to let out their grief and anger but things go out of hand when they spark rumours of being in a relationship.....forcing them into a marriage of convenience with one another.. Two strangers,same heart break...will they be able to heal each other or have their hearts gone cold from being heartbroken.... Follow Jiang Hao( HE) and Sang Yi( HER) on this journey of healing

asha_dayah · Urbain
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44 Chs


" It wasn't a dream..I definetly kissed Sang Yi last night..." I said to my self as I tried to shake my mind off it, I had alot to think about, mostly how she felt about that sudden action, and also what that action was going to lead our relationship too...you could say I was being a coward and running away from the consequences of my actions but I wasn't going to stand before her without gathering my thoughts and being able to give her a suitable reply as to why I did what I did so I woke up really early and went for a jog,It always helps me clear my mind and think so it seemed like the perfect option for me at the moment.




This kiss between me and Jiang Hao was sudden but I wouldn't say I didn't want it to happen seeing that I reciprocated too, I figured we would talk in the morning about it seeing how he sort of passed out after but I couldn't see him any where when I woke up in the morning so I figured that just like me, he was dealing with confusion too, so I decided to let him be untill he was ready to talk to me," I said vanilla and not chocolate syrup.." the customer said as I snapped from my thoughts and went to correct the order.




" What are you doing here on a Saturday" Eric asked as he let me into his house," I need a drink.." I said as I walked up to his refrigerator," Are you really taking beer at this time?" he asked as I sat down and sighed," Do you have something you want to talk about?" he asked as I cleared my throat.." I don't know if I should be asking you this..but I don't have anyone else to ask so here goes nothing.." I said as he carefully listened.




" I have a friend..." I said as Alia stared at me and giggled," Okay you better not use that old-school method of talking about a friend when the actual person is you..be direct with me..that's the while point of us talking." she said as I cleared my throat," Fine..I ...well yesterday Jiang Hao kissed me..." I said as she looked so shocked," You and Jiang Hao kissed!" she exclaimed as she moved closer to me," And then what...?" she asked," Well and then nothing..he collapsed a few minutes after our kiss and when I woke up today..he had run away.." I said as she listened quietly.




" I Didn't run away..I just didn't want to make things awkward between us since I had no explanation so I just left earlier." I explained," Well that's technically running away." Eric said as I sipped more on my can of beer," What's mostly confusing you right now..?" he asked as I scratched my head I thought," Do you feel that the kiss shouldn't have happened...?" Do you regret it?" he asked as I stopped to think," Well that's what you supposed to answer to your self..if you don't regret kissing her then that means that you have feelings for her..and if you do regret kissing her then aside from being a jerk that also means that you not ready to have any other type of relationship with her...you feel nothing for her." he explained as I quietly listened," Well that's all I can say to you so how about you sit there..drink as many cans of beer as you want and think about what you actually want or what you actually feel..then stand up and go talk things out with Mrs Sang Yi." he concluded as he stood up and left for his room, like he said I did take as many cans of beer and I did do alot of thinking.




After talking things out with Alia, she told me not to overthink and only wait to here what Jiang Hao had to say before I made any decisions but frankly speaking..if there is one answer I didn't want to hear from him then that is him saying that he didn't mean any of it and that it was a mistake...I can't control how he feels about me..but that would shutter me..so I tried to hold onto hope that I'll get a one on one talk with him soon.

I went back home later that night and he still had not come back, was he really ignoring me or was he still confused..." dinner is ready." Nanny lee said as I politely declined, I wasn't going to properly enjoy my meal while thinking about the issues between me and Jiang Hao...I just took a shower and sat on my bed while staring at my phone.. hoping for atleast a text from him or even more a phone call but I got nothing.

With everyday that passed and I received nothing from Jiang Hao, I slowly started to feel like he wasn't ready for us to talk, I started to feel like I mistook all his words and gestures towards me..I started to feel rather disappointed and heart broken," Has he...?" Alia asked as I started to feel teary eyed," I have given him time and respected the fact that he could be confused but he hasn't done anything...he hasn't come home for four days now..he hasn't texted me and neither has he called me..he definetly thinks it was a mistake." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks," Why iam I heart broken..he has all the rights in the world to have no feelings towards me but then again he shouldn't have gave me all these signs..." I said as I burst into tears, Alia pulled me in her arms for a hug," Calm down.." she said as I continued crying," What should I do Alia..? I just can't help feel heartbroken despite knowing that iam not entitled to feel that way." I added as she comforted me..the fact is I really did have my hopes high but now I wasn't sure about anything at all.



I didn't go back to the house and instead slept at my house later that night...while I was sleeping I started to here some one hot something on my window..I tried to ignore it thinking it's a dream but the sound for more and more irritating so I woke up and went to have a look, when I looked outside the window, I was surprised to see Jiang Hao standing right below," Sang Yi..." he called out as I angrily glared at him and tried to close the window on him but he yelled out my name again..I moved out of my room and went to open the door for him, I wasn't sure of what excuses he was going to give me this time but I was ready to act like I wasn't hurt by any thing he was planning to say, if he was going to call it a mistake then I was going to call it a mistake too, of he was going to act like he doesn't remember it then I was going to so exactly the same.." What are you doing here?" I asked as he tried to get in," You can say everything you want to say from right here.." I added," Where have you been all these days..?" I asked as he stared quietly at me..." What iam I doing..? if this has anything to do with what happened that night then...you don't have to worry..." I said," Why wouldn't I worry?" he asked," I kissed you so why wouldn't I worry about it..?" he added as I stared closely at him," That kiss was so abrupt and rush..and I apologize for doing it.." he said as I immediately felt my heart drop...him apologizing clearly meant that he felt like it was a mistake.." Is that what you spent four entire days thinking about..?" I said as I scoffed, I could already feel the tears piling up in my eyes," Well you don't have to apologize....iam okay with it..it wasn't such a big deal on my side too..if you are done then I would like to close up and go back to bed." I said angrily as I tried to push him away from the entrance," Can you let me finish." he asked as I prepared for whatever reason he was adding to his apology," I apologized for having taken the initiative to kiss you without your permission and I believe that kiss must have caused confusion in your mind about me...but I didn't say that the kiss wasn't something I wanted to do...I kissed you only after listening to my heart...it wasn't the first time over wanted to kiss you..it's the first time I gathered courage to do so...I kissed you because I wanted too...and because my heart wanted too, it has nothing to do with being drunk or anything..." he said as I immediately felt a huge relief in my heart..I even thought I had wrong and tried to pinch my self," I mean..of you didn't take it as a mistake then why did you run away and disappear for all those days?" I asked," I didn't know how to react, I was confused and I didn't know what to do..but after staying our for days..I gathered my thoughts together and realised what to do...and how to talk to you." he explained," iam sorry if I made you worry." he added as I started crying a over a sudden," What's wrong..?" he asked as he pulled me into his arms," I said iam really sorry Sang Yi.." he said as I threw slight punches into his chest and then hugged him," Do you know how worried I was..I mean I knew you were confused but at the same time I didn't want you to call what happened a mistake..it's pretty selfish of me but that's exactly how I felt." I said..." I understand how you must have felt and iam really sorry for making you overthink.." he said as I stared at him," It's okay...you have already apologised a dozen of times.." I replied as he wiped my tears with his fingers," I still have more to tell you but I guess that's it for tonight..we can talk about the rest tomorrow." he said as I held his arm," No..that statement alone is enough to make me overthink so how about you tell me everything today and right now." i suggested as he smiled at me," Are you really that excited to know?" he asked as I cheerfully nodded," Well first things first...this is not how I pictured I should confess my feelings but since you can't wait then here goes nothing...I like you Sang Yi..I mean I don't just like you but I love you and I know our relationship started out a bit hazy and I also can't really point out a day when I started to feel such strong emotions towards you but one thing is for sure..I wasn't just addicted to your presence but to everything concerning you...I just love you..." he said as I felt heart race, his eyes were teary eyed and his voice was shaky because he was nervous," i don't expect an answer from you right now..and I respect that but if possible then I would like you to give me a chance to pursue you...allow me prove and show my love for you and then afterwards you can give me a firm answer." she added before I could say anything, my answer was obviously a yes..but at the same time I hoped to see that side of him, the side of him you can only see on his romcoms...so I accepted his condition..." Uhhmmm...well then I guess you should get back to sleep..I'll come and pick you up tomorrow..let's have breakfast together." he said as I agreed, " Good night.." he said as he kissed my forehead and left..I kept waving at him and couldn't go back until he had left...so I kept watching his back happily..." What are you doing there..?" Alia asked as she suddenly turned on the lights and startled me.






After our meeting at the Reunion I could sense some really strange energy between us but I didn't really know what it was..maybe she was still angry because I couldn't go to the university we had planned too but all that didn't matter since finally meeting her again after being a coward for so long just felt so good.

" Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked her after she had invited me for a sudden cup of coffee," How iam I supposed to stare at a close friend to some one who hurt my best friends feelings..". she said as I figured she was talking about Sang Yi," Is that why you invited me for coffee?" I asked as she smirked," Why else would I?" she asked coldly but I could help smile since the expressions she made reminded me alot of her during highschool," You still haven't changed for so long.." I said as she glared at me.