
Wedding Day

Silent tears ran down Samantha's face but no one could hear her crying or the pain. and. anguish she was hiding in her eyes.Her head was down and the veil was covering her fave.

She could hear her father Marcus Knight yelling at her and renouncing their relationship in front of everyone who had come to celebrate her wedding to Alex.Yes today was supposed to be her wedding day. The day she was supposed to become Alex's wife in front of all her relatives and friend's.

But destiny had other plans and she became Samantha Zack Kingsley instead of Samantha Alex Anderson.

She did not blame her father for being angry and disappointed in her but what she could not bear to see was the pity she could see in her sister Susan's eyes.

It was a common scene in the Knights residence Samantha was always a dissapointment to her parents, siblings and relatives.

She was fat, shy, with no social understanding, average in looks and very boring as per her relatives and her so called friends.

Alex was always her dream husband who was totally opposite to her. He was tall, handsome, life of the party ,successful and popular with all generations of people.

But Alex all through their engagement period never met her privately, nor spoke to her on phone just messaged her the time and place of meeting which was always with his circle of friends and never alone.

Forget about kiss they never once held hands. All the romance and love were all from Samantha's side, Alex was marrying her only becsuse his grandfather asked him to.

Marcus Knight was very angry at his eldest daughter who had never gone against his wishes but today in front of everyone she created a scandal which he would have expected of his other daughter Susan to do as she was always wilful and never thought of anyone but only her self.

But Samantha was different. She was obedient, sensible, sensitive and always available for her siblings though they never understood her and neither welcomed her in this house.

The more disappointed he was in Samantha his words became more ugly and he could see that these words were like poisonous arrow which pierced her heart and soul.But he was indifferent.

She had never asked him for anything, only his love which he never gave her.

The only good thing she did was able to get the approval of Grandfather Anderson and a marriage alliance was confirmed with Alex ,one of the most eligible bachelor in town.

But today even that did not happen and hence breaking any bond the father and daughter shared in the past.

"Is the family reunion over? " Once everyone heard Zack's words they all turned their head to this rugged looking man who was just wearing a knee ripped jeans and a shirt with a cowboy hat on his head.

Zack never had a good opinion of Marcus Knight who was always absent from Samantha's life.But today in front of everyone he was shredding her dignity to pieces without any qualm to what Samantha was feeling.

Samantha whom he knew was strong,independent,smart and funny but previously he did not understand why she became quite,introvert and self conscious when it came to her family,but looking at the drama being unfolded in front of him today he finally understood why she was like this.

The reason lay totally with her family or one should say with the person who donated his sperm and was the reason of her birth.

Her father was the only living family member but looking at him now Zack would say it would be better if she broke all ties with this person who did not care about the dignity of his daughter and has insulted her in front of all the crowd.

He walked upto her and held her delicate hands in his hand and grip and squeezed it giving her small encouragement to hold her head high as what they did was not wrong and did not deserve such scolding from a parent who felt he was cheated from making big money through the marriage of his unwanted elder daughter.

Though the groom had changed it did not mean on his wedding day his bride should be crying in front of whole crowd who were just watching this spectacle with no intention of stepping in and helping Samantha in this difficult situation.

Earlier even he wanted to just stand by as Samantha wanted him to do but as the words got uglier he couldn't bear to see this sweet souled person shedding tear and bowing her head in front of other.