
Marketplace barbed spear.

(No sypnosis for you. Read chapter 1 and find out if its your cup of tea. Its for the vieeewwws. Jk, I just can't think of a proper sypnosis for this shit. Proceed with motion.) This fanfic is a dumpsite for my thoughts. Literally what my mind can say, I place here. This is for my own satisfaction too, so people who like complaining should just f off I didn't make this for you. I made this for myself. This has been sitting here in my works for like 1 and 1/2 year already so I thought maybe I'll let it see sunlight for a while. Made during december 2020 so expect quality similar from that time. Cover not mine, taken from pinterest. Whoever made this, it's yours not mine. I don't own anything, not even a 12900K, 3090ti study pc, much less these stories. I don't own any of these stories or fictional characters. Whoever made them, it's yours man, or woman.

myschlongislong · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


"AHHH!" A young man screamed as he threw his upper body forward.

'Where am I?!' Panting, he thought as he observed his surroundings.

Around him was pure white scenery. It's entirely covered in white and he couldn't even see the end of it. His sense of direction was also thrown off the moment he tried to observe where he is, accompanied by an extreme feeling of vertigo.

"Kuhh!" He hurriedly closed his eyes and clutched his head, enduring the extremely uncomfortable feeling that overwhelmed him.

As he gradually calmed down, the young man finally remembered what happened to him.

'That's right... I should be dead... Those damn bastards...!' The young man thought while gritting his teeth.

He was just an ordinary guy living a normal life. That was until he was caught in a mess and died due to gang violence.

'If I can have another chance to face those bastards, then I wouldn't hold anything back and tear them apart one by one!' He thought in rage.

He was caught in the middle of a gang war and was thought to be on the side of either. So he was besieged by both parties. He tried to explain that he wasn't involved, but they just kept on ignoring him and was hell bent on beating him up.

He was enraged and fought back, he picked up a stone from the ground and smashed some peoples faces with it.

After smashing many people, he was finally noticed to be a threat and was quickly stabbed in the waist and hit by bottles. That's how he died.

After a few minutes of cursing, he gradually calmed down and thought about his actions.

'Haah... I shouldn't have let my anger overcome me... If only I let them do as they please and feigned unconsciousness, then I would still be alive, only with injuries...' He sighed, finally acknowledging that he was wrong in his decision to go all out against those crazy bastards.

'No use thinking about it. It only makes me more regretful the more I think about it.'

Then remembering his current situation, he opened his eyes and observed his surroundings. 'Where am I...? Is this the afterlife?'

He then stood up and tried to walk around. His sense of direction was messed up and he doesn't even know if he's walking to the right or left.

"Fuck." He suddenly spat a curse.

"What am I supposed to do here?!"

"Shouldn't I be in heaven or hell?!"

"Why here?!"

"Will I stay here forever?!"

He shouted loudly, venting his frustrations. Firstly, he died. And after his death, he found himself trapped in an infinite white space without a speck of dust around him accompanied by the deafening sound of silence.

"God or whatever, please get me out of here! Please!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, placing both of his hands in front of his mouth.

"Oh?" Suddenly, a voice rang out everywhere. "You're awake?"

He couldn't find the source of the voice since it echoed everywhere.

"Where are you?!" He shouted even more loudly, excited to finally see someone hear his call.

Suddenly, light came down from above and coalesced, forming an old man.

The old man was dressed in white and he looked like a benevolent elder, with his long-white beard and eyebrows that seemed to contain knowledge.

"Sir! Where is this?! Are you god? Can you please take me out of here?!" The young man asked.

The old man then shook his head and said. "No, you are already dead. So I can't bring you back."

"I know, but please, can you take me anywhere different from this place?!" The young man replied.

The old man suddenly smiled mysteriously. "Young man, you are quite talkative ain't you? You wouldn't even give me a chance to explain myself."

The young man then realized he was overwhelmed by excitement. In embarrassment, he scratched his head and looked apologetically to the old man. "I'm sorry, sir. I just want to get away from this place as soon as possible. This place is just something unsuitable for a huma-, a ghost like me..."

The old man then chuckled amusedly. "I'm just joking, don't be so stiff."

The young man visibly relaxed after hearing that.

"Actually, you are very fortunate, young man." The old man said.

The young man looked at the old man weirdly, with a questioning gaze as if saying. 'I died and was trapped here, and you say I'm quite lucky? Maybe this old man, or maybe god has dementia?'

"No, I don't. I'm you are fortunate because you are chosen to be transported to another world. You can live another life again in another world." The old man said. looking at him with a smile, awaiting his reaction.

"Huh?" The young man finally reacted after a few seconds of silence. "What?! You can read my mind?!" Horrified, he exclaimed.

"I'm a God. I can see through mortal thoughts even if I don't want to." The old man explained. "You don't have to apologize. It's fine. If you can hear trillions of people blaming you and cursing you for every misfortune they experience, you'd get used to it."

"Thank you, and still, I'm sorry." The young man bowed his head in regret, remembering his past life. He remembered his short temper, where he'd just frown at everyone he finds annoying. Even the elderly wasn't spared from his misbehavior.

He admits this short-coming, as it was the result of spending his youth being forced to work. He was an orphan, and his adoptive parents only adopted him in order to get a free worker for their business.

The young him didn't like the forced labor, and his pent up emotions were released to every customer of his adopted parents' business. This caused him to have bad reputation among the people around his neighborhood, and he doesn't have anyone he can truly call a friend.

'If I were to be transmigrated, I must live my life differently. Without no one recognizing me, I can let my true self out and be happy.' He thought, looking forward to his future.

"Moving on, you heard me correctly. I'm going to give you another chance in life." The old man smiled before continuing. "You know, being a god is tiring. I can erase my ego and become emotionless, but wouldn't that be forfeiting them? What would become of my experiences with my family and friends, if I were to forget everything?"

By sealing his memories and powers, and letting himself be swept by the wheel of samsara, the old god sometimes descend to the mortal world to experience human life.

Even after regaining his memories and powers, he still considers them as family and friends.

It's not as if he will forget everything after recovering his powers. The feeling of loving those people remained with him.

"Haah. Why am I even explaining this to you. It must be odd to experience a god sharing his troubles with a mortal..."

Even if the young man wants to comment that meeting and talking to a god was weird enough, he didn't, knowing the old god can read his mind.

"And because of that, I decided to pull out dead souls from the wheel of samsara, or underworld, whatever you prefer to call it, and reincarnate them."

The young man was puzzled. "But how will that quench your boredom? Aren't you already tired of witnessing human lives throughout your life?"

The old god shook his head. "You don't have to know the exact details. Just know that you'll be able to live another life. So just be happy with it."

The young man nodded in response. Indeed, it doesn't matter what reason there is behind everything. The old god doesn't have to explain anything to him at all.

Suddenly, a roulette appeared beside the old man, awakening the young man from his thoughts. The roulette has many blank slots and there's nothing written on it.

"This roulette here will decide your fate from now on. Go on and spin it." The old god smiled before continuing. "Isn't it exciting? Turning the wheel and winning a price, feels like you hit the jackpot whatever you get."

The young man nodded before he laid his hand atop of the wheel and spun it.

"Tic tic tic tic...." The wheel spun until it finally landed on a blank spot. "Tic."

The old god nodded his head and said. "Good. This here just decided where you will end up in after all this. And I'm quite interested how you'll fare in this world..."

"Can I know where I'll end up in?" Asked the young man.

Shaking his head, the old god replied with a smile. "Nah, wouldn't it be better for you to discover that yourself?"

"Now, are you ready?"

"Uhm, God..." The young man muttered, hesitating. But in the end, he didn't continue what he wanted to say since the Old God acted like he read his mind already yet didn't say anything.

He then replied. "Yes, I'm ready."

*Whoosh!* A curtain of light suddenly cascaded towards the young man. His whole body was bathed in blinding light, until his whole body was covered by it.

*Whoosh!* The next moment, his body blinked out of existence, finally leaving this world, heading onto the next.

After seeing the young man disappear, the Old god muttered. "You young buds should grow up quickly to replace me... I'm too worn out for this job already... I want to rest..."

"The previous gods have already dissipated their essence to pervade the whole multiverse, becoming its nutrients and finally achieving their desired peace." He doesn't want to become a ego-less god functioning only to preserve the entirety of the multiverse.

So like his predecessors, he'd like to dissipate his being and become the nutrient for the multiverse. Of course, that is only after someone's finally capable of replacing him. It doesn't matter if it was a single person or a group of people. As long as they can do his job, it's enough.

I forgot to mention. Word count isn't uniform. May change due to the color of my shit, who cares.

myschlongislongcreators' thoughts