
Marked by a Vampire

Marked by a Vampire. Marked by a Vampire is a thrilling and interesting novel. Meet the Aristocratic Lord, Austin Boddy. He was born as an Aristocratic Vampire. Austin was granted the ability and grace to be an Aristocratic Vampire. Aristocratic Vampires are usually the powerful, Romantic, Charming, Flamboyant and fabulously wealthy Vampires. Austin has enough wealth in order to maintain his Vamprical lifestyle. He throws parties alot, and the main aim of an Aristocratic Vampire that throw parties is to prey and blood-suck humans. One day, Austin was summoned by their head of Vampires, LORD LUCIFER, when he came, he was told that, he had gone against one of their rules. LORD LUCIFER told him that, he has sinned against the Vampires. Austin kept on wondering what was his son. Until he was told that, he marked a witch in one of his numerous parties. Austin kept on wondering how and when, until he was told that he was drunk, that night of the party. LORD LUCIFER said that, the only reason he can be saved is when he brings the witch before the next moonlight. But, as Fate would have it. The bond of the mark kept on bringing the two hearts together, and later on, Austin and the Witch eventually became friends, and fell in love. He later found out that, she was the witch he had been looking for so long. What would be their fate afterthen. Would he surrender the love of his life to LORD LUCIFER Or???? He will rescue her Let's find out

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Chapter Four

After class was over, I was so embarrassed at myself on why, I stood up for the Vampires like that. I failed to understand that, we are in the human world

One of our Vampire Lord taught us that, no matter the circumstances, even if someone says. The Vampires are evil, or even say the worst insult. We should do as if we didn't hear the person

We are in the human world. So it preferable we behave and act like them.

I almost revealed myself. Thank goodness that Jason spell made me a little bit Calm. I thought about it all and hissed aloud

Austin wassap, Jason distrupted my thoughts,

I'm good, I just want to thank u for what u did today

I wonder if u hadn't interfered, what would I've happened to me. Nahh, it's ok, he answered

U just need to be careful on how u act to certain things, u almost revealed us.

One thing I loved about Jason was that, he is always calm on whatever I do. That's why he's my best friend

Jason is actually a half Wizard and half Vampire

He has always been by my side

Though, he's mother lost her life when she was going about destroying the Vampires.

Jason is actually a old being, if u want to calculate using the Vampires time

Everything just happened as a mystery. Alot of things had been unveiled during the ancient period of time.

According to the story in which the Vampires originated again.

Jason's mother was the wicked witch, that destroyed everyone, and at that time. It was only LORD LUCIFER that survived.

LORD LUCIFER was the one that killed Jason's mother, and when it was time to kill his Father also

LORD LUCIFER said. "Sabira est bin sha ubabari ehsu" this word meaning, I know u've been with us from the beginning of time, but u are the one causing this for yourself, u chosed the wrong person as ur mate, and now u are going to suffer this alone.

Ahhhhh, u could here Little Jason's voice crying loudly, No ohhh, don't kill my Papa. And that's how his Father died.

When it was Jason's turn to be crucified, Lord Lucifer ordered some people to put him in a cage, so that he can grow up first, so that he can feel the pains that his mother caused.

When Jason has started reaching the age of adulthood.

He was brought to be killed. But most of the big Vampire Lord begged for him to be free.

He can be part of us, they said

Lord Lucifer, pondered on that, until he agreed.

Jason sworn that he shall forever be with them, and not with the witches and wizard.

By then, he was already old. But he used a permanent spell on himself, that will make him turn back to a little child and start life afresh. Somehow, somehow, Jason became my best buddy, my parents were just like his and we grew up happily.They mostly call us brothers than friends. And he has been part of my success as a teen to the stage of me growing up.

Let's go to the Cafeteria, I'm famished, Jason said, and that's how my thoughts were distrupted

Yeah!!! Let's go.

We started walking to the cafeteria, we heard some people giggling.

Ooh, see how handsome they look

Jason as a whole being, send chills down the spine when walking

Though he's a gentleman in all ramifications, he doesn't talk alot, but when he does, he's aura can give u goosebumps.

Even our female teachers fall head over hills with him. So silly of them, and to top it off, most of the married women do it all the time.

Some approach me or at times, they approach ayra, it so funny. They approach little ayra, that doesn't know anything about love that much

They'll be like, anything he wants, we'll give him. Let him just be mine. The teachers will be like, I'll give u three good grades.

So funny of them, they can't approach Jason, cause he's always acting all cold.

We finally got to the cafeteria. We ordered our meals and started eating.

Suddenly, a girl approached us,

Pls excuse me, can I join u guys?

We were actually contemplating on what to answer, though we don't mix with the human too much, cause who knows maybe some witches sent them to us

I actually looked at Jason, and Jason looked at me.

Excuse me!!!! She said for the second time

O sure, u can sit, I told her with my cold aura

Immediately she sat down, I felt something drawing me closer to her

Yeah!!! She's a cutie, I normally have this feeling at times whenever I'm with a lady, cause I'd love to have sex with the person

But, they was more to this, that I'm feeling

Wow, guess it's cool anyway

Hii, I'm Rita

She said, as I tried to say something, she was like;

I already know u guys name, you are Austin and you are Jason,

Like WTF, that wasn't what I wanted to say

I actually wanted to say: what do u want?

Guess she's cool by the way, Jason already knew what I wanted to say though

She just stressed her hand for a handshake

We both shaked her hand, the fact that she wasn't shaking when she was with us, was what amazed me the most.

Others would have been shivering by now, but she was just sitting comfortably and talking with all ease.

Aren't u hungry?, won't u go and order for something?, Jason asked

Yea I am. That's why I bought a home made pancakes and enough juice.

Yummy, she said as she brought it out from her bag.

It was actually six, that was there

Goshhh!!!!!! This girl is a foody, I said it inside of me.

But she amazed me again by saying, I brought 2 each for us.

And immediately she said so, I chipped in and said.

No, don't worry we aren't eating

She began to do a cute puppy fãcê for me, pls can u guys just eat.

I was already loosing my patience

Like WTF, u don't know us and u just approached us, bringing food to us just like that.

Do u want to poison us.

I was gathering attention already with the way I was talking, and she was already getting said and embarrassed

Austin, calm down, Jason tries to persuade me

Isn't it obvious, I said to Jason

The girl just buried her face on the table, looking so embarrassed.

I'm so sorry, Jason tells her. Let's go, I said to Austin.

As we were about leaving the place, a girl of about Rita's age approached us. Though the place was already crowded with alot of people.

Austin or whatever u call yourself. Go apologize to Rita back

And who do u think u are? I asked in a more angry tone

I'm Whitney, Rita's best friend

Whitney or whatever u call yourself, shift away from here before I do what u don't like.

How dare she challenge a whole Austin Boddy

Alot of people had already brought out their phones and started taking pictures and Videos.

But Whitney wasn't ready to leave. I immediately used all my strength to push her. Alot of people were already gasping.

She fell and hit her head on a stone, blood started gushing out.

Whitney I heard Jason screaming the girl's name, C'mon Jason, leave her to suffer, I said with annoyance and as I wanted to hold his hand

He flugged it away. Jason immediately went to her and carried her, and the Rita of a girl also stood up and followed Jason

I was shocked at the fact, that he chooses the so called girl he met just some minutes ago. I rushed back to the class

I was so angry and sad.


U could hear Rita's voice, she was crying so loud.

I caused this, I'm the reason that Whitney is Injured.

I said amidst tears

Please calm down, Jason said to me

She'll be fine

All of a sudden

I was suprised about the whole thing