
Chapter 2 Bennett

A month had passed and Fayra had arrived in the kingdom of Bennett. Johnathan helped her off the carriage and the royal family of Bennett stood waiting for her. "Princess Fayra, what an honor it is to finally meet you" the king said. "The honor is all mine, your majesty," Fayra said with a curtsy.

"This is my son, and your betrothed Elijah, and my queen Amara" the king introduced his family and Fayra bowed her head to them. Weddings here in Bennett are quite traditional so I expect you to prepare well" the king said. "Of course your majesty" Fayra replied. "Well we have much to prepare for so I shall leave you and Elijah to get to know each other" the king said, taking his wife's hand and leaving.

"You are as beautiful as the rumors stated Princess" Elijah said kissing her hand. "I pray you only heard the good rumors, your highness" she replied. "Please do call me Elijah, we are to marry after all" he told her. "Then please call me by my name as well Elijah" she replied and he gave a nod.

They slowly began to walk. "Are you nervous?" Elijah asked. "No" she told him. "This is my duty after all" she added. "Can you tell me about yourself?" He asked her. "Well.." she said. "In Alden I spent my days volunteering and helping my people, I learned swordsmanship and horse riding, as well as several different languages, dance, mathematics, literature, history and piano" she told him. "How in the world did you have time for such activities?" He asked, amazed. "I myself have no clue as well" she replied. "What about you?" She asked him. "I learned swordsmanship as well but most of my studies had to do with me one day becoming king" he told her. "I see" she said. "My brother was the same" she added.

"You have a brother?" He asked. "3 actually 1 older and 2 younger as well as a younger sister" she said. "Seems as if you grew up with much love" he stated. "Indeed I did, yet for some reason the rumors of me being cursed still exist" she said. "Are the rumors true?" He asked her. "I don't believe so but they believe I am the one from the prophecy" she said. "The prophecy?" Elijah questioned. "A princess born with hair as dark as night, betrayed by those she thought as light, creates destruction of what should have been hers, as revenge for the suffering she had to endure" she told him as they stopped walking. "I don't believe that prophecy to be real though and even if it was about me, I have never been betrayed so why would I harm my homeland?" She questioned. "I'm sure it's nothing as well," said Elijah.

Suddenly bells began to ring. "My how late it has become so quickly" Elijah said looking up towards the bell tower. "The maids will begin to prepare you early as tomorrow is the day we wed. It would be best if you head to your chambers now" Elijah told her. "Of course," she said. Elijah turned to a maid that had been following them.

"Lead the princess to her chambers please" Elijah told the maid. "Of course your highness," the Maid said walking over to Fayra. "This way princess" she said as she began to lead Fayra back into the castle.

The maid led Fayra to a bath first and helped her wash up. "How are you enjoying your stay here princess?" The Maid asked. "My stay?" Fayra questioned. "You make it sound as if I'll be leaving soon," Fayra replied. "Oh my mistake princess I did not mean to come off like that, it's just those who agree to marry the prince very quickly leave" the Maid told her. "Leave?" Fayra questioned. "Is the prince so bad as to run away from him?" Fayra asked the Maid. "Of course not princess, no one is sure why they leave but they always run away the night of the wedding" she told Fayra. "Oh my! How horrible" fayra said. "How many have run from the prince?" She asked. "Two," the Maid answered. "I pray you are not the third" she told her.

That was where the conversation ended. The next morning the maids woke Fayra up and began to get her ready. They did her hair and makeup. Put on her corset and dress and then all Fayra had to do was wait.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, princess," one maid said. "The most beautiful of the brides I've seen," said another. "Do you really think so?" Fayra asked them. "Of course," they Said at the same time. "You'll Make a wonderful queen one day," the first maid added.

"Finally ready?" Queen Amara asked, bursting into the room. "Yes your majesty" the maids said with a bow. "I suppose she looks fine," the queen said. "Now after the ceremony we will be going to a cliff, there we will perform an ancient ritual and you will become an official member of our family," Amara explained. "Make sure to prepare yourself, don't be nervous if something you find strange to happen" she told her. "Everything that happens on that cliff happens because it must," she added before leaving.

"She said the same exact thing to his other brides and look at where they ended up" the maids began to whisper. "That's enough" Fayra told them. "I have no doubt that everything that is to happen is God's will," she said, turning to them. "But if something does happen to me I beg of thee to send this to my family" Fayra whispered to the maids. "What is this?" The Maid asked taking a envelope from Fayra. "Only a message," she said. "I have heard the rumors and though i trust the prince deep down I have the aching feeling" she admitted.

"So I beg thee if something is to happen to me on the night of my wedding like the others send this to my brother William Alden" she said. "Of course we will princess" the maids said.