
Mark of Courage: The Great Distance

Set against the backdrop of the 19th century, amidst the majestic fjords, the rise of steamship and steel industries, and the onset of global imperialism, our protagonists embark on a riveting journey and adventure. Tasked with the daunting mission to locate a mysterious, invaluable heirloom steeped in legend, they must also rally the scattered descendants of a once-proud nobility, convincing them to unite for a common cause. As they navigate rugged landscapes and treacherous seas, confronting unexpected challenges and uncovering hidden truths, they must balance the complexities of politics, loyalty, and personal ambition. In this collision of old and new, their extraordinary journey will not only redefine their understanding of the world but also illuminate the indomitable courage of the human spirit and the transformative power of unity.

JasperKhooSengYip · Histoire
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Destined Departure

"Mum, today at noon I ran into an oddly dressed old man by that serene stave church. He seemed quite interested in the necklace I wear. How could he know about it?" Erik asked his mother, puzzled.

"He may have discerned your identity, Erik. Your father and I have tried to conceal this truth, but this day was always going to come eventually," Erik's adoptive mother replied gravely, "Now you must pack your belongings and go see Danny. He, like me, knew this day would come."

After packing his things, Erik sought out Danny, his teacher, who was already aware of the circumstances surrounding the incident.

"I've booked you a ticket for tomorrow's ship to Þórsfjal. My student, Freja, will accompany you there," Danny informed Erik. He handed Erik over to Freja, entrusting her with three letters sealed with a special stamp.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Frisland, the old man was penning a hefty letter, its envelope covered in various stamps indicating its importance. He carefully handed the letter to a privateer captain, instructing him to deliver it back to their homeland.

"Ensure this letter reaches Detective Anders of the War Council," the old man said sternly, his eyes flashing with resolve.