
Mansion of Time: Watching Season 1

The UA family find themselves in a mansion after they agreed to watch a show about their lives. But they don't know what they will see.

Parvez_Kanok · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Confession

After Izuku left the conference room and walked out of the North Wing, he got lost in his own thoughts. Aizawa is proud of his progress, despite almost expelling him a few months ago. All Might reassured him that his classmates would never hurt him. Now all he had to figure out was how to tell Ochako that he loves her and wants to be with her. He tried to make it obvious that he likes her when he told everyone his type of girl and he complimented her costume in front of everyone, which was embarrassing but the smile she gave him was worth it. But all that went through his head was if she had the same feelings for him? She wouldn't try to kiss him on the lips in her room and then kiss him on the cheek if she didn't have feelings for him. He never had that kind of luck with girls in the past when they knew he was quirkless.

He let out a yawn. Aizawa was right about his sleeplessness. For the last two days, it was taking a toll on his mental state. But being with Ochako for the last three-four hours, he almost forgot about it. Almost. Had it not been for that talk, he would have been fine with keeping his anger in check. Now he needed food and a nap, but he still needed to talk to Ochako since they had a break like he promised, which made him realize something. Aizawa gave him the green light to be there for Ochako when the time came seeing Sir Nighteye's death. That must mean the show might do that. 'Does that mean he knows that I have feelings for Ochako? There's no way. I didn't tell anyone about my feelings for her except my mom. Then again, I didn't need to tell mom when I started to praise Ochako for how strong and driven she was in her match against Kacchan.'

Eijiro looked at his green-haired friend in confusion as the boy walked into the dining hall like he was stuck under Hitoshi's Brainwash again just without his eyes glossed over. The redhead walked over to Izuku.

"Hey Midobro. Are you okay?" Eijiro asked, putting his hand on Izuku's shoulder. The One For All successor snapped out of his thoughts, realizing he walked into the dining hall.

Why is this always happening to me?' Izuku thought. He looked around and didn't see Ochako anywhere or any of the girls. 'She must be with the girls.'

He gave Eijiro an embarrassed look. "Hey Kirishima. Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"Is everything okay?" Eijiro asked with a concerned look. "Bakubro looked like he went through an interrogation and he wouldn't tell me anything. He went to his room after getting food and his parents looked calm for parents that just saw their son do bad things to his former childhood friend."

Izuku winced at the 'former' part which Eijiro noticed and immediately wanted to take it back. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that."

"It's fine. Let me get some food first then we can talk." He went to the buffet table, got some katsudon and grabbed a pair of chpopsticks. He went to a table and sat down.


Eijiro sat opposite of Izuku as the latter ate and talked. "We went inside a conference room and All Might talked about actions having consequences. Then there was his reaction to the aftermath if I did take his unheroic advice."

"What happened then?"

"They said if I did jump off the roof, he would most likely have been the prime suspect and then taken to a juvenile detention center and blacklisted from every Hero School in Japan." Izuku said. "He looked very surprised as if he didn't know that he would have been blacklisted."

"Dammit Bakubro. You're better than that." Eijiro said, shaking his head.

"I agree. But he would be back then if he didn't have his head in the gutter because of his pride especially from our quirkist teachers. The two of you are friends so I don't want this to affect your friendship, Kirishima." Izuku said, continuing to eat his katsudon.

"You have that much faith in me, Midobro?" Eijiro grinned.

"I have known Kacchan long enough that despite his attitude, you're the only person that can keep him in line most of the time."

"Hey. That's not true. I can keep him in line." Eijiro said in mock seriousness.

Izuku chuckled. "So the teachers found out why the bullying started because I tried to help him when we were younger which started an argument between me and him. So I ended up calling him by his last name and then kinda snapped at him." Eijiro's eyes widened.

"You called him by his last name?" Denki asked, appearing with two plates of food in his hands and sat next to Eijiro, who took one of the plates. "You always call him 'Kacchan'. I never heard you call him 'Bakugo'."

"How did he react?" Eijiro asked. "He must have been surprised. I know that I would have been."

Izuku smiled slightly. "I'm pretty sure everyone in the room was surprised or at least shocked especially our parents. He was starting to brag about how much better he was than me and I couldn't take it. I called him out saying that he's too prideful and he considers being helped as being looked down on and that saving people is not considered them being weak."

"I'm glad that you stood up to him. That was manly of you." Eijiro gave Izuku a toothy grin.

"Thanks." Izuku massaged the sides of his head. "I just kind of wish he'd understand that being a hero means that you also have to save people. You saw it on the scoreboard. He had zero rescue points. Zero. I mean, you had the fourth highest rescue points, Kirishima. I admire him for his fighting spirit but that's it. I gave him a second chance so I want to see where it goes from here."

Eijiro nodded. "I get where you're coming from. We all have our idols, Midobro. They inspire us that if we can save one person, then we're doing our job as a hero. One day, Bakubro will realize that."

"Yeah. We all know that Bakubro is stubborn but it'll get through his thick skull that one day he'll be a hero that helps and saves people." Denki said.

"Thanks for letting me get this off my chest." Izuku smiled at the two, who smiled back. "By the way, have any of you seen Ochako?"

Denki shook his head.

"Min- Ashido said that she and the girls went to our room to do girl talk. Is anything wrong?" Eijiro asked.

Izuku shook his head. "I figured. Nothing's wrong. It's just we were going to have a talk once we got out of the theater. But since Mr. Aizawa wanted to talk to me and Kacchan, we're going to our room once she gets here."

Denki put his hand to his chin and turned to Eijiro. "You're acting suspicious. You almost called Ashido by her first name. What's going on with the two of you?"

"Uh, um n-nothing," Eijiro stuttered. "There's nothing going on."

"Uh huh." Denki narrowed his eyes. "So I was thinking, don't you guys think it's weird that they put us…"

"There you are, Deku." Ochako's voice interrupted Denki. "I was wondering why you were not in our room." She approached the boys with the other 1-A girls in tow.

"Ochako." Izuku turned and smiled at his crush. "Sorry if I kept you waiting. I was talking to Kirishima and Kaminari about my talk with Kacchan."

Ochako looked worried. "Is everything okay?"

Izuku nodded, finishing his katsudon. "We kinda had an argument because saving someone who looked like they were in trouble is a crime. So I kind of snapped at him and I called him by his last name during the argument."

The girls looked at each other in shock. "You say it so calmly. You never call him by his last name, Midoriya. You always call him by his childhood nickname." Kyoka said.

"The day we hear Midori say Bakugou, it's gonna be chaos." Mina said.

"Round three of Midori vs Bakugou!" Toru said excitedly.

"If they do fight, it has to be a sanctioned fight. We all know Bakugou doesn't hold back especially when it comes to you, Midoriya." Tsuyu said.

"Ladies, you're getting off-topic here." Momo interrupted. "I'm sure you had a reason to call him by his family name, Midoriya. He must have done something to upset you."

"It's a long story. These two will tell you about it." Izuku explained. "Just please don't tell anyone else except maybe Todoroki and Iida. Yaoyorozu, I'm trusting you and Iida to make sure that it doesn't spread like wildfire tomorrow. I don't need Monoma of all people knowing I got into an argument with Kacchan." Izuku gave Mina a small glare to get the point across which the pinkette nodded in response in fear. He pulled a 180 and turned to Ochako, giving her a smile. "Hey Ochako, do you think we can have our talk now?"

"Sure. We'll see you guys later." Ochako said. Izuku got up from his seat and walked with her out of the dining hall.

"How does Midori go from scary to kind just like that?" Mina asked in awe.

"That's the power of Midobro." Eijiro said.

"He has quite the intimidating nature. As the successor of All Might, Midoriya will be a formidable hero." Momo said.

"Ribbit." Tsuyu agreed, seeing how Izuku was able to overcome Eri's quirk.

"200 yen that those two will get together by the end of the day." Denki randomly said. Eijiro and the girls looked at him.

"How would you know that?" Kyoka asked.

"Midobro is dense but he's not stupid." Denki said. "Plus I'm a betting man. So start making your bets. My bet is on Uraraka to confess first."

The six of them shook their heads, but made their bets.

Izuku and Ochako made their way into their room. The former closed the door and Ochako sat on the bed. She wanted him to sit next to her but he denied, saying he was fine where he was. Izuku stood in front of her, looking at her nervously.

"I think I should go first." Ochako said, a blush started to form on her cheeks. "So about what happened in my room. I know emotions were high because of my nightmares and we were hugging and comforting each other. I thought 'I'm gonna make a move on Deku', but Mrs. Sinclair came in and interrupted us. I won't be mad if you think it was weird that I was about to make a move on you since we're not dating."

"Ochako." Izuku said, now looking at the floor. He knew where this was going. If he didn't say something now, he would lose her and it would be awkward as her roommate/couch mate for the time they'll be here. "It's n-not weird that you wanted to kiss me. You see, I wanted to say this for a long time but I…"

"Please let me finish, Deku." Ochako interrupted before continuing. "I don't want to be rude and I'm sorry for cutting in but I thought about this for a while and after talking with the girls, I realize that running away from this is just going to make things harder for us. What I'm trying to say here is, I love you, Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku looked up at her in shock. "Wha-what?"

Ochako gave him a bright smile. "You saved me from the zero-pointer and you became my hero. Ever since you saved me, I knew you were the one for me. I always think about how amazing and special you are. When you chose 'Deku' as your hero name, it made me happy. You're always so determined and when I'm with you, everything just feels right and I'm genuinely happy. You inspire me to be a better hero and person. Sometimes you would have me blushing like a fangirl and I always think back to when Aoyama asked me if I like you and Mina thought that I was in love. They were both right at the time but I tried to deny it."

Ochako looked away in shame. "But I made a mistake during the Provisional Exam. I decided to put my feelings for you to the side because I saw you wanting to reach your dream to be a hero and I wanted to reach my dream as well. I know it was selfish and wrong of me to hide my feelings from you and I'm sorry for never telling you. But after the Yakuza raid, you were by my side when I needed you. Then seeing everything you went through to get into UA and all those nice things you said about me, it made my heart burst with happiness and adoration and the feelings that I put away came back. It made me realize I was wrong and that being with you is also my dream. I love you, Izuku."

Ochako looked back toward Izuku when she was met with silence. She gasped when she saw his face. The boy she confessed to had tears in his eyes and his lip was trembling. She put her hand to her mouth. "Izuku."

"I was completely oblivious to your feelings. How can you love someone like me? Why would you want to be with reckless incarnate with an eight generation old burden?" Izuku asked in a quiet voice. He looked down, his hair shading his eyes as his tears ran down his face.

Ochako looked at her crush sadly. "Izuku. None of that is.."

Izuku put his hand up to stop her before putting it back down. "Just.. hear me out. Forgive me if I sound selfish but I need to start at the beginning to get this off my chest. Please." He looked up at Ochako to get her response and she nodded. He powered through his tears and spoke as clearly as he could. "All I ever dreamt about was being a hero, no matter what anyone said or did but I was alone and I hated it. I met All Might and my dream was finally coming true. But that's not my only dream anymore because you came into my life, the kindest and sweetest girl I ever met. On the first day we met, you saved me not once but twice and then you were willing to risk your points for me. You became my hero and I wound up falling for you but I didn't know it at the time. I didn't feel alone anymore. You're one of the first real friends I made coming to UA, Ochako. You took a nickname that hurt me and you made it into a great hero name. Your dream to help support your parents is inspiring. You're beautiful, strong and driven. You make me happy and my heart bursts with that same happiness when I'm around you even if I turn red out of blushing. After the Sports Festival, my mom made me realize that I had a crush on you after I watched your match at home and I praised you."

Izuku stopped to sniffle and wipe the tears from his eyes, not noticing that Ochako was listening to every word with tears of her own. "Truth is, I'm terrible at expressing my own feelings because of my inexperience and even though my heart was telling me to go to you and express them, I couldn't do it." Izuku's voice cracked and Ochako wanted to hug him but she knew he was not done yet. "During the Provisional License Exam, the moment I was confronted by that Shiketsu girl when she was disguised as you, I blurted out how I knew that she wasn't you and it made me realize that I love you. I know I make it seem like I'm so obsessed with being a hero because I thought it would make up for everything I went through even if I had to do it alone. But in truth, being a hero only makes up for it when you're by my side. I don't know what I'd do without you and I don't want to hurt you more than I already have. You're my dream girl and I love you, Ochako Uraraka."

After his long awaited confession, Izuku fell to his knees and he broke down. He didn't want to cry in front of the girl he loves but he was tired of being alone. What he thought would be a simple confession turned into an emotional roller coaster. He knew he hurt her and now she probably hated him for his obliviousness all these months. But he let it all out in front of her. He could trust himself to be vulnerable around Ochako.

Ochako's heart dropped seeing him break down like that. She felt so horrible inside. How could she be so selfish? She pushed her feelings for him down so easily but she never thought about his feelings. All this time, she thought that a possible romance would hinder him but he needed and wanted someone in his corner.

Izuku felt Ochako's arms wrap around him. He opened his eyes and saw her crying into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. They cried together for a few minutes before he felt a little guilty for making her cry. "Ochako. Hey. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Izuku asked worriedly as he wiped his tears with his hand.

Ochako looked up at him as tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry, Izuku. I was so stupid and selfish and I hurt you. How can I call myself a hero if I hurt someone I care about?"

He shook his head and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Don't say that. You can't blame yourself. You are a hero to me, you always will be. I thought you would hate me for staying quiet about my feelings and being oblivious."

Ochako shook her head, looking at him sadly. "I could never hate ya, 'Zuku. I always admired ya but I was scared of ruining our friendship so I didn't say anything. But you were hurtin' all this time an' I failed to see it. How can I deserve yer love after what I did?"

Izuku's mouth opened in shock and he blinked slowly. He wanted to comfort her and tell her to stop blaming herself but all that came out of his mouth was, "You have an accent."

Ochako's eyes widened. She covered her face as he looked at her in admiration. "I'm sorry. I tried to hide it because I'm from Mie and people would think I'm some bumpkin."

"No it's okay." Izuku said, putting her hands down. He gave her a hug and whispered in her ear. "It's more genuine."

She shivered slightly from Izuku's breath against her ear. She cupped his cheeks. "You really think so?"

Izuku nodded and put his hands on top of hers. He gave Ochako a warm smile. "Can I be a little selfish?"

Ochako nodded. "What is it?"

"I know you hide your accent around everyone else but can you use it when we're alone here?" Izuku asked innocently.

Ochako tapped her finger on her chin. "What's the magic word?"

Izuku groaned in exasperation. "Ochako."

"No, that's not it. Come on. You can do it." Ochako teased.

Izuku pouted. "Please, Ochako."

Ochako stuck her tongue out. "I was goin' to use my accent 'round ya anyway. Ya just fell fer my trick."

Izuku hugged his crush. "Thank you, Ochako. I'm sorry for being a selfish coward and not telling you all this time."

"Don't apologize, my bunny." Ochako said, bringing him down to her eye level and pressed her forehead to Izuku's. "Yer not selfish or a coward. You was goin' through a lot an' ya finally let it out. If I knew that ya had trouble with yer feelings, I woulda talked to ya 'bout this instead of hidin' how I felt. I understand why ya couldn't tell me about One For All. But I'm happy that we finally did this. I'll never leave ya, not ever. I'm not lettin' ya carry this burden alone."

Izuku's heart leaped when he heard her say the last line and he hugged her tightly. He gave a small laugh when he heard what she called him. "Bunny. You're giving me a new nickname? What happened to Deku?"

"You're still Deku, my hero, the hero that saves everyone with a smile. An' I like bunny. It suits ya 'specially how cute you are." Ochako touched Izuku on the nose.

"I'm cute? Would someone cute do this?" Izuku asks with a smirk and starts tickling Ochako's sides.

Ochako started laughing. "Izuku. 'Zuku. Stop. I'm ticklish." Izuku ignored her pleas and kept tickling her. She fell to the floor, giggling loudly and squirming as he tickled her. Her giggling was so infectious that he started laughing with her. He was laying on top of her, their faces a few inches apart. He stopped tickling her when he realized their position. She stopped giggling and blushed, seeing him so close to her like that knowing how he felt when she was close to him. She was tempted to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss but she wanted to see what he would do.

Izuku also blushed. "S-sorry. I went a little overboard there."

He got off of Ochako and helped her up. He took a deep breath and wrapped his hands around her waist. "Can I kiss you?"

"No." Ochako said.

Izuku looked at Ochako in shock. "Huh?"

Ochako wrapped her arms around Izuku's neck. "I said no because I got interrupted earlier and I promised myself I would give my hero a reward." She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his lips. The kiss was a little sloppy but Ochako felt as if she would burst with happiness from the kiss. All the time could pass in the world while they were kissing and she wouldn't care.

After a few seconds, Izuku broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to Ochako's forehead. Both of them were breathless.

"Is that good?" Ochako whispered.

Izuku nodded. "That was… wow. I'm so happy my first kiss is with you."

Ochako giggled. "Me too. One more time?"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah."

They kissed one more time. Izuku tilted his head to better deepen their kiss. They separated from the much longer kiss and smiled at each other, before dissolving into giggles.

"You taste like vanilla." Izuku said, in between giggles.

"And you taste like katsudon." Ochako said. "I'm gonna spoil ya with kisses."

"I would like that." Izuku said. "Only if I spoil you with kisses too."

Ochako nodded and looked at Izuku with adoration. "This makes us boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?"

Izuku let out a wholehearted laugh and lifted Ochako off her feet and spun her around, making her squeal. "Yes! A million times, yes!" He put her down and kissed her.

Ochako gave Izuku a bright smile. "What did I do to deserve ya, Izuku?" She asked.

Izuku cupped her face. "Just keep being you, Ochako. That's all I ask of you." He gave her a peck on the lips.

"I like it when ya call me by my name. It makes me happy." Ochako said.

"I like it when you call me by my name too. It's like when you call me Deku. It means a lot to me." Izuku gave her another peck on the lips.

"I~zu~ku." She said his name, syllable by syllable. Izuku blushed, hearing her say his name like that. "Now it's my turn to be a little selfish."

"What do you want to do?" Izuku asked.

"I want us ta change into regular clothes an' snuggle." Ochako said.

"So straightforward." Izuku said jokingly.

"Hush. Ya do as I tell ya." Ochako put a finger to Izuku's mouth. "Ya hear me?"

"Mmhmm." Izuku nodded. He kissed her finger.

"Izuku!" Ochako smacked her boyfriend on the shoulder playfully.

"You know you love me." Izuku said coyly.

"Do I know that?" Ochako asked rhetorically. "Yes. Yes I do. So who should change first?"

"Ladies first." Izuku bowed slightly, a small smile on his face.

"Such a gentleman." Ochako kissed Izuku's cheek, grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Izuku and Ochako were on the bed, stealing kisses. The brunette had snuggled up against Izuku's shoulder. She couldn't help but brush her hand against Izuku's scarred right arm. When she first saw the scars, she was scared knowing how badly injured he got. But now she wasn't scared of them. These were the scars of a hero.

"Ochako, is something wrong?" Izuku asked, breaking the silence.

"I was just thinkin'," Ochako said, intertwining his malformed hand with her own hand. "Yer scars, 'Zuku. They make ya the hero that you are, the living proof of everything you have done to save those in need. I've come to terms that you can get hurt in battle. But I was scared after yer match with Todoroki when Recovery Girl said that ya needed surgery and when you were in the hospital after the Trainin' Camp. I know I promised to be by yer side and I won't scold ya fer yer previous bone breakins' but promise me that you won't get hurt badly anymore."

Izuku rubbed his thumb against Ochako's hand. "I promise I won't get hurt badly anymore. That's why I created Shoot Style, my mochi. I was always trying to imitate All Might, but I realized I'm not him. I'm my own hero. I learned to use my legs, in order to protect the ligaments in my arms. My new fighting style is working out well for me."

"Good." Ochako then looked at Izuku in surprise. "Mochi?!"

Izuku laughed at her reaction. "You think you're the only one who can give me a nickname? You're my mochi. You're soft and sweet." He starts kissing her cheek multiple times.

"Yer too cute fer yer own good." Ochako gave him a nice passionate kiss. "But don't think yer off the hook, mistah. I'm still goin' to scold ya fer any stupid or reckless acts ya pull in the show."

Izuku kissed her hand. "Yes ma'am."

"Can I tell ya somethin', 'Zuku?" Ochako asked with a blush on her cheeks.

"What is it?"

"Ya kinda already confessed that ya love me two times." Ochako admitted.

Izuku's eyes widened in shock. "What? When? Did you hear me whisper it? How? I don't remember the second time happening."

"I didn't hear ya whisper 'I love you' but Kyoka did." Ochako gave Izuku a little smirk.

"Jiro's Earphone Jack." Izuku said, shaking his head.

"The girls, even Kendo an' Hatsume said they will carry this secret to the grave. They just want ya to confirm that ya know just in case with a pinky raise."

"You actually believe that Ashido and Hagakure will keep this a secret?" Izuku asked. "Out of all the nosy people in our class and those two are the biggest gossipers, you trust them?"

"They better keep this a secret or I'll give them a taste of my Gunhead Martial Arts." Ochako said.

Izuku chuckled. "Now that's something I want to see."

"Remember when you said you was 'bout ta destroy Mineta?" Ochako asked with a smile and Izuku nodded. "Ya subconsciously said that ya love me when he said ya first had sex with that girl from Shiketsu during the Provisional Exam before saying ya did it with me in my room. Now everyone in the theater knows that ya love me."

Izuku shuddered at the mention of the Shiketsu girl, which confused Ochako. "I don't want to think about her. After what I found out during the Yakuza raid, you're not going to like it if I tell you who that actually was."

"What are ya talkin' 'bout?" Ochako asked worriedly.

Izuku gulped. "That was actually Himiko Toga."

Ochako looked horrified. "T-toga?! T-the crazy girl from the trainin' camp?! She was at the Provisional Exam?! Why?!"

Izuku nodded. "That's the one and I'm not sure why. But knowing the League, it's not good. She was disguised as Rocklock and Mr. Aizawa figured out that it was her. It all made sense when there were two of them which ended up with her almost stabbing me. She completely fooled me when she called me by my last name."

"Does anyone else know that she was at the Exam?" Ochako asked.

"I told Mr. Aizawa." Izuku admitted.

"But how did she transform into me?"

"Maybe it has something to do with her quirk." Izuku said. "She's always carrying a knife and she has a thing for blood."

Ochako gasped in realization. "She took my blood, 'Zuku. Can that be how her quirk works?"

"So her quirk is blood-related." Izuku grimaced, remembering Stain and his quirk. "It doesn't explain how she can stack her disguises on her original body. Then again she was naked when your costumed disguise melted off. That's going to traumatize me for life."

"I guess her quirk is more complicated than we thought." Ochako said, feeling a little jealous on the naked part but she was glad that she didn't stab him. 'So that could explain how there were two Izukus during the Yakuza raid. I need to be sure before I say anything to 'Zuku.'

"Yeah you're telling me." Izuku grimaced.

"So Toga knows the secrets to my quirk." Ochako said flatly. "That's why she said that ya trust me a lot."

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Ochako." Izuku hung his head in shame. "If I knew it was her, I would've not said anything."

"What did I say 'bout apologizin'?" Ochako asked sternly. "I'm not mad at you. It's not yer fault that ya didn't know that Toga was in disguise so don't blame yerself."

"But Toga is a villain. She's not someone we can trust." Izuku said.

"I know but if you keep blamin' yerself, I'm gonna keep kissin' ya. Now I know when ya loved me." Ochako kissed Izuku. "Do you want to tell everyone else when we get to that part of the show?"

"They'll find out either way from the show most likely." Izuku sighed. "But I hate keeping secrets from them so I might as well."

"Ok, that's fair. I'm glad she didn't hurt ya. Did anything else happen between you two before me and Sero came in?" Ochako asked.

Izuku shook his head. "N-nothing b-bad, I promise." He said nervously, looking at Ochako.

Ochako laughed at his nervous stuttering, releasing the tension in the air. "Izuku, that was one of the reasons that ya wanted to give Mineta a beatin'. Ya love me more than be with another girl." Ochako kissed Izuku on the cheek. "I love ya so you won't need to worry 'bout me leaving ya, my bunny."

Izuku returned the kiss on the cheek which turned into another breathless lip session. Ochako wanted to spoil her boyfriend with the love he has longed for and to make up for lost time. She leaned towards him and planted a kiss to his cheek.

She climbed into his lap and kissed him.

"Ochako." Izuku gasped in surprise.

"Sorry. Is it too much?" Ochako asked, giving Izuku a mischievous smile. She planted another kiss on his cheek.

Izuku shook his head. He got a little turned on by his girlfriend's sudden eagerness. He put his hands on her thighs, massaging them. He likes how soft they are.

"Yer a lil confident today, 'Zuku. Does seein' yer girlfriend like this make ya happy? A little excited?" Ochako teased.

"I'm dating my dream girl now. Of course I'm happy." Izuku said, kissing her. "Are you trying to tempt me now?"

"Is it workin'?" Ochako asked.

"Hmm maybe." Izuku leaned forward and kissed along her jaw. She gasps in surprise and pleasure as he nibbles a little of her jaw. "Why don't you tell me, Ochako?"

"Yer gonna be the death of me, 'Zuku." Ochako whispered.

Izuku chuckled. "I'm okay with that."

"Less talkin', more kissin'. Ya hear me?" Ochako said impatiently, kissing his forehead.

"Yes." Izuku said mischievously. He shifted his hands from his girlfriend's thighs to her sides and quickly turned her over so that her back was on the bed and he was on top of her. She yelped in surprise as the back of her head hit the soft pillow. He propped himself on his elbows and smiled down at her.

"Izuku." Ochako pouted. "A little warnin' next time."

"Sorry. I wanted to see your reaction." Izuku said, smiling at her adorable pout.

"Yer lucky yer cute 'cause this is the only time yer gettin' away with this. First ticklin' me and now flippin' me over like this. Yer so mean." Ochako said, still pouting and crossed her arms.

"You're so beautiful." Izuku kissed her on the lips, cupping her cheeks. Her pout melted from the third time he called her beautiful and she wrapped her arms around his neck, finally getting her wish. Maybe her boyfriend wasn't so mean.

"So you're saying you want to make our relationship public after all this time." Eijiro said, massaging Mina's shoulders.

"Yes. I know that it seems sudden but I have a feeling that Ochako has a plan to make us reveal our relationship tomorrow." Mina said, closing her eyes in bliss as her boyfriend's magic hands massaged her shoulders.

"I don't mind making it public but do you think Uraraka would actually do that?" Eijiro asked.

"You should have seen the way she was looking at Hatsume, Eiji." Mina said. "She was annoyed that Hatsume put her hands on Midori even though she is dating Iida."

"Hatsume and Iida are dating? That's unexpected of our class rep." Eijiro sounded baffled that Tenya is dating a girl totally opposite of his personality.

"They started dating after the Internships. They kept it a secret kinda like us." Mina admitted.

"Huh, who would've thought?" Eijiro asked rhetorically.

After three hours of cuddling, Izuku and Ochako took showers and asked for katsudon and mochi for dinner, which appeared in their hands since they didn't want to leave their room to get dinner from the buffet table.

After they were done eating and their nightly routine, they laid down in their bed. Ochako laid on top of Izuku, her hands carding his curly hair.

"So what are we gonna do about tomorrow?" Izuku asked, his hands on Ochako's back. "Should we tell everyone?"

"Whaddya mean?" Ochako asked, looking at Izuku.

"Everyone now knows that I love you. You said you had a talk with the girls so most of them are expecting to see us together and will probably give me hell if they don't. Plus we're going to be the first couple in our class." Izuku said.

"We're not goin' to be the first couple in our class. We're probably gonna be the first public couple."

Izuku gave Ochako a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

"Toru an' Ojiro are the first couple in our class. After that is Mina an' Kirishima. Then Hatsume an' Iida. Now we're a couple."

"Iida and Hatsume?" Izuku asked in confusion. "When did they start dating? Then why was she all over me in the support studio?"

"They started datin' after the Internships. She didn't say why she did it but I think I know." Ochako said.

"You think they knew that we like each other?"

"Maybe Iida knew an' he told Hatsume." Ochako said.

"So she was trying to make you jealous." Izuku said, sounding amused.

Ochako smacked Izuku on the chest. "Shut up. Says the one who was freakin' out after seein' 'er boobs."

Izuku laughed. "You got me there. But you do have nice b-b…."

Ochako giggled, seeing her boyfriend stutter out a compliment on her body. "I have nice boobs?"

Izuku stopped stuttering, his face burning with embarrassment. He nodded, kissing Ochako.

"I never thought I'd hear ya say that, 'Zuku." Ochako said, tracing circles on his chest. "Or try to."

"Well it's the truth. Especially when you're in your hero costume."

"Oh yeah. Ya definitely made that clear." Ochako teased.

Izuku covered his face. "Stop embarrassing me."

Ochako's response was to put her boyfriend's arms down, lean forward and kiss him on the cheek. "I think ya look handsome in yer hero costume, 'Zuku."

"Really?" Izuku looked surprised.

"Why do ya look so surprised?" Ochako asked. "You act like I just told ya ta catch me in mid air?"

Izuku sighed heavily. "It's just that I'm getting used to all this. The fact that a girl actually wants me and not just any girl, my dream girl. A part of me knows what it means to be a hero but the other part of me wants to see the other aspects of life like dates, cuddles, romantic getaways and many more. We're equals in this, Ochako. Deku and Uravity. Izuku and Ochako."

Ochako gave Izuku a look filled with love and nuzzled her cheek against his. "I'm sorry fer callin' ya plain."

Izuku looked miffed. "You're still upset about that? I'm not mad at you for that, Ochako. I know I look plain."

Ochako looked surprised. "What? You do not get to say yer plain because I said it."

"With eighty percent of the population possessing quirks, people are bound to look different. There are a lot of people out there who probably look plain despite their quirks." Izuku explained. "If you didn't say I looked plain, someone else would say it. I have a powerful quirk now but not everyone would see that based on my appearance. So don't be upset, my mochi." He kissed Ochako, massaging her scalp.

"Do ya want to know somethin', 'Zuku?" She whispered in his ear.

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

"I love yer determination. I love yer smile. I love yer strength. I love yer lips. I love yer freckles. I love yer eyes. I love yer heroism." For every compliment she gave him, she gave him a peck on the lips. "But more importantly, I love you, my hero."

She gave him a kiss that made his heart flutter. Izuku sighed in happiness and held Ochako in his arms as they kissed. "I love everything about you too, Ochako."

Ochako melted into Izuku's embrace. "Like what?" She asked her boyfriend.

"I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love your blush marks. I love your drive. I love your spirit. I love your kindness. I love your lips. I love your strength. But more importantly, I love you, my gravity queen."

Just like Ochako gave him a peck on the lips for every compliment, he did the same to her and kissed her like she kissed him.

"Gravity queen? That's a new nickname ya gave me." Ochaco said with a blush on her cheeks.

"It's a nickname I've had since the Sports Festival. Instead of your name, I have you saved as 'Gravity queen' in my phone." Izuku admitted.

"Really?!" Ochako asked excitedly. "I want to see."

"Can we do that later? I don't want you to leave my arms just yet."

Ochako kissed Izuku on the cheek. "Ok. But just so ya know, I have a plan with Toru an' Mina."

Izuku's eyebrows perked up. "What do you have planned?"

Ochako told her plan to Izuku. His mouth opened in shock. "Ashido and Hagakure are going to kill us."

Ochako rolled her eyes. "Yeah I know. But c'mon 'Zuku, they deserve it. They're tryin' so hard to get us together all this time but they're hidin' their relationships from everyone. We'll get Iida an' Hatsume later."

"Now that sounds like a plan." Izuku said with a grin. "Let's do it."

"That's the spirit, 'Zuku." Ochako said with a smile. She yawned.

"Sounds like someone's tired." Izuku said.

"Mmm. Yeah I am. To answer yer question, 'Zuku, I'm happy with tellin' everyone we're datin'. I'm probably the happiest girl here because I'm datin' my hero." Ochako said, getting off Izuku and snuggled into his side as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm happy too that we're finally dating." Izuku said, kissing her forehead.

"G'night 'Zuku." Ochako said, closing her eyes.

"Good night, Ochako." Izuku said, soon falling asleep with her.

Somehow, Ochako knew that she slept better with Izuku's arms around her. For once, she felt her dreams would not be haunted by fear from her own failure to save Sir Nighteye. She hoped that Izuku would always do this for her. Little did she know, Izuku was thinking the same thing as she was.