
Mansion of Time: Watching Season 1

The UA family find themselves in a mansion after they agreed to watch a show about their lives. But they don't know what they will see.

Parvez_Kanok · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Rage, You Damn Nerd

Everyone went back to their seats. Ochako noticed that Izuku looked nervous. When the timer reached zero, the lights dimmed and Aleister pressed play on the remote.

The episode started with a recap of Izuku throwing the softball. 'Even if I have a lot to learn, I'll focus on what I can do right now.' Izuku thought to himself as his finger glowed with power.


Izuku threw the ball with One For All shooting through his fingertip, leaving Katsuki, Tenya, Yuga and Ochako with shocked expressions.

"It's still crazy how Midoriya managed to throw the ball that far with just his finger." Tetsutetsu said.

"Yeah." Itsuka admitted with a nod. "He adapts pretty well for someone who just got his quirk two months before the school term started."

'It hurts but not as bad as before.' Izuku thought with his finger shown broken with the use of One For All.

Aizawa looked down at his phone to read the score. 'A throw like that requires a lot of force. Did he focus all that power into one finger?'

"We didn't see Mr. Aizawa's thoughts in the last episode." Mina pointed out.

"It appears that the show gives us a different perspective with each episode." Momo stated.

"Mr. Aizawa." Izuku said, interrupting the erasure hero's thoughts. "You see, I'm still standing."

"This kid." Aizawa said in manic disbelief.

"You managed to impress Eraser Head, Midoriya." Nezu praised the young hero as the opening started to play. "Despite knowing that he might expel you, you managed to push through and show him why you belong at UA."

"Thank you, sir." Izuku said. "I'm glad that I was able to impress Mr. Aizawa and prove to him that I belong here."

"He threw it over seven hundred meters." Denki said in disbelief.

"Nice. He's finally showing us his true power!" Ochako cheered.

"But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam, his quirk is very odd." Tenya said, his hand on his chin.

"It wasn't a very pretty throw." Yuga said.

Katsuki's jaw dropped in disbelief, his facial muscles twitching.

"Who's dropping jaws now, huh Bakugou?" Tetsutetsu asked with a grin.

"Shut it, extra!" Katsuki yelled, making the steel quirk user laugh.

'What the hell was that? If he had a quirk, he would have gotten it when we were kids. This is impossible! He's up to something.' Katsuki thought, his facial muscles still twitching.

"Katsuki, you better not attack Izuku." Mitsuki warned.

"Honestly I would have the same reaction if someone I knew manifested a quirk out of nowhere." Mei said.

"But the way he went about it was not the way a hero acts." Tenya said, shaking his head.

"Someone I look up to told me I have what it takes to be a hero." Izuku's words flashbacked to him in Aldera. "That's why I'm going to UA."

"I'm getting to the bottom of this." Katsuki set off explosions in his hand and makes a beeline for Izuku. "Hey! Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that or you're dead!"

"Deplorable for someone in the hero course." Tenya said.

"Katsuki, what is wrong with you?!" Mitsuki shouted from her seat. Masaru shook his head.

"The angry Pomeranian strikes." Giselle said.

"You're so mean, Giselle." Aleister said with a grin when Katsuki turned to the blonde with a glare on his face.

"Too bad," Giselle said.

Izuku yelled out in a panic. Aizawa's capture scarf stopped Katsuki in his tracks.

"Wow Mr. Aizawa. How do you do that?" Mina asked.

"You mean my capture scarf?" Aizawa asked and Mina nodded.

"Sorry Ashido. It's a trade secret," Aizawa said.

"Aww. You're no fun." Mina pouted.

Izuku looked confused. "What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?" Katsuki asked Aizawa.

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy. Stand down. It'd be wise to avoid making me use my quirk so much. It gives me a serious dry eye." Aizawa said, his quirk activated, negating Katsuki's Explosion.

Izuku turned to the homeroom teacher. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. You were the first teacher to ever stop Kacchan from publicly humiliating me in front of a whole class."

Katsuki snarled in his seat which Izuku ignored. Aizawa's heart warmed, hearing the 'thank you' from his problem child. He nodded in response. Izuku turned back to the screen.

'Too bad. That power's amazing.' The students said.

"Do we share the same brain cells or something?" Denki asked.

The majority of Class A facepalmed at the question.

"Class 1-A's homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. He can erase the quirk of anyone he looks at." Present Mic announced as the erasure hero got a close up. "But the effect ends when he blinks."

"This is so cool, Shota. I announce the quirks of the pros." Present Mic said excitedly.

"If you do, I can't wait to see my close up, Hizashi." Midnight said.

The capture scarf wrapped itself back around Aizawa's neck as his eyes went back to their normal color and his hair fell down. "You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up."

Izuku backed up and walked away from Katsuki back to the other students. "Ouch, is your finger okay?" Ochako asked offscreen while Katsuki was seething.

"You know, like Midoriya said," Present Mic spoke up. "From what we've seen, you may be the very first teacher to stop Bakugou for trying to hurt him."

Aizawa nodded. "It was the first step in trying to mend what they had. Little did I know, it was much worse than that."

Katsuki clenched his fist. 'Until the exam, he was nothing. A little bug I could crush if I wanted to.'

The scene flashed back to Younger Izuku and Younger Katsuki walking through a forest. "Wow you're so lucky. Your quirk is amazing, Kacchan. When I get mine, I hope it's just as cool."

"One For All is a cooler power than Bakugou's." Ochako said, internally squealing, seeing her Izuku's younger self again.

"Baby Midori, baby Midori." Mina and Toru chanted, jumping in their seats seeing younger Izuku.

"The same Midoriya is sitting right there." Aizawa said.

"But Mr. Aizawa, baby Midori is just so cute." Mina gushed. Izuku blushed in embarrassment.

"Much cuter than a bragging Bakugou." Toru said.

Katsuki was fuming in his seat while the other students and adults were laughing.

"Whatever Deku. No matter what power you end up with, you'll never be able to beat me."

The scene went back to the current Katsuki. 'Just an annoying bug,' he thought, his teeth clenched and his eyes twitching. 'That I can smash into the ground!'

"Quirks are not a contest, Bakubro." Eijiro said with a frown.

"Seriously man. Chill out." Hanta said.

"Episode 6: Rage, You Damn Nerd"

"That episode title sounds like something Bakugou would say." Mashirao said with everyone agreeing.

"After that, I had to fight through the pain."

"Aoyama is looking at the 'camera'." Shoto pointed out.

Momo looked at the screen to see that Shoto was correct. She found it strange since everyone else in the scene was looking at their partner for the test. 'What could he have been looking at from this angle, aside from the ceiling?'

"As we finished the rest of the fitness tests." Izuku dropped to the floor in exhaustion while the other students walked past him.

"Alright time to give you your results." Aizawa said as the students stood in front of him. "I've ranked you all from best to worst. You probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull out the whole list. It's not worth going over every individual score."

"He didn't even try to sugarcoat it." Tetsutetsu said.

'The person ranked last is gonna be expelled. And the only test I was any good at was the softball throw. Can I squeak by on that score alone? I bombed the rest of the challenges.' Izuku thought dreadfully, closing his eyes as he clenched his fist.

Aizawa pressed a button on the device and a hologram appeared showing the scores of everyone in the class. Izuku opened his eyes and looked at the scores, seeing that he was at number twenty. 'I'm in last place. I failed.' He looked down in shame.

"Dang Greenie. All that just to get last place." Setsuna frowned, feeling bad for her fellow greenette.

The hologram disappeared. "And I was lying. No one's going home." Aizawa said. The students looked at him in shock.

Aizawa gave the students a manic grin. "That was a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests." Izuku looked white as a ghost. Ochako looked mortified. Tenya's glasses broke.

"Wait what?" Itsuka asked. "He put all that pressure on you guys just to say it was a rational deception?"

The majority of Class A sighed.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. Sorry, I guess you should have said something." Momo said.

"Tch. You're just saying that because you didn't know that Eraser expelled students in the past, Ponytail." Katuski rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Bakugou. Did you know that Mr. Aizawa expelled his former students?" Momo asked, turning to Katsuki with narrowed eyes. "At least I didn't try to attack someone because they didn't tell you they had a quirk."

Hanta turned to Eijiro. "That was pretty nerve-wracking, huh?"

"Nah. I'm always down for a challenge." Eijiro said with a confident grin.

Katsuki turned his head to the side. "Tch."

"Well it looks like someone's bitter." Neito said sarcastically.

"Shut it Copycat." Katsuki narrowed his eyes.

"That's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning." Aizawa said.

Izuku gave a sigh of relief. "Midoriya." Aizawa walked over to the boy, handing him a note. "Take this and go have the old lady fix you up. Things are going to be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared. "

"Don't let Chiyo hear you call her 'old lady', Aizawa." Nezu said.

"Right. Actual training." Toru said.

"Oh dear." Momo said.

Izuku thought, 'I managed to make it through the first day. But there are so much I completely failed at. I'm starting out at the bottom. I've still got a whole lot to learn.. if I'm gonna achieve my dream.'

Izuku sighed. "Emphasis on 'a whole lot'."

"But you got better, Deku." Ochako encouraged Izuku.

"Yeah man. You went from breaking your bones to getting your Provisional License." Eijiro said.

The redhead made sure not to mention Izuku's new fighting style because the Sinclairs sent a note to all of the rooms of the 1-A students and the teachers, not to reveal anything that 1-B doesn't know yet. They had to confirm with each other that they received the same note otherwise it would be awkward that someone in their class blurts out something personal.

"Aizawa, that was a rotten move." All Might said, his whole face taking up the whole screen.

Aizawa turned to look at the number one hero. "All Might, so you were watching?" He turned away from the bigger man. "No talk shows today?"

"They really don't like each other." Mina said.

"It's a weird sense of ideals. All Might is always in the spotlight while Mr. Aizawa is all about staying low." Eijiro said.

"A rational deception. That's cute but you're not exactly known for being lighthearted." All Might said, the scene flashbacked to the number one hero reading the teacher directory. "I read your file. Last year, you expelled an entire class of freshman students. You have no problem kicking students out, anyone you deem unworthy."

The students looked shocked at this sudden revelation. The erasure hero did not expel one student, but a whole class. Class B found themselves lucky that they did not have Aizawa as their homeroom teacher.

"You were planning to send last place home." All Might pointed a finger gun at Aizawa. "So that can only mean you see the same kind of potential in young Midoriya that I do."

"What is this about?" Aizawa turned to All Might. "It almost sounds like you've been in his corner this whole time."

All Might faltered at the assumption.

"Isn't it a little early for you to be playing favorites?" Aizawa started walking away.

"Now that we know that the little listener is All Might's successor, his favoritism since the first day makes sense." Present Mic said.

"He doesn't have zero potential, I admit. If that were the case, I would have sent him straight home after class without hesitation." Aizawa said.

Izuku felt happy that his homeroom teacher saw potential in him but he still sighed in annoyance. 'So if I didn't impress Mr. Aizawa with One For All, he would have expelled me. I lose trust in him like I did with teachers all my life. I get a black mark on my record while Kacchan gets a slap on the wrist for almost exploding my face. I wouldn't be able to trasfer to Shiketsu or Ketubutsu. It's all the same. I can't be a hero without a quirk. I can't be a hero with a quirk that destroys my body. Instead of helping me, teachers want to place the blame on me and say that my dream is futile.'

"I would have gone with you, Deku." Ochako said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Izuku looked at Ochako in shock. "W-what?"

"If Mr. Aizawa did expel you, I would have gone with you." Ochako said, determination in her eyes. "If he couldn't see that you belonged here after what you did to save me, I wouldn't want to be at UA."

"Ochako, y-you don't mean that." Izuku said in denial.

"Yes I do." Ochako said, her determined look unwavering.

"It's cruel to let a kid keep dreaming of something that will never come true." Aizawa said.

"I would have gone with you too, Midoriya." Tenya admitted. "UA has the best hero course, but Uraraka is right. If Mr. Aizawa didn't see that you belong at UA, then I would have joined you both and found a way to get you into a different school."

Izuku looked back between his crush and his best friend in disbelief. "You guys, you'd do that for me?"

'Did they hear what I was saying? Was I muttering all this time?'

"In your own strange way, you're a kind man, Aizawa. I know that but clearly we are going to have us a problem." All Might said as the underground hero walked away.

"Clearly All Might won't be the only person to have a problem with Mr. Aizawa if Izuku got expelled." Mitsuki said, glaring at the erasure hero.

"Mr. Aizawa, my son's dream is not something you can crush because you wanted to play this mean teacher role." Inko said in an icy tone, her son's words echoing in her head.

'I can't believe I'm doing this.' Aleister thought with a sigh. 'Forgive me, Eraser.' He paused the show.

"Mrs. Midoriya and Mrs. Bakugou. I understand your concerns but I believe that there is a reason behind why EreaserHead did expel last year's class and not Izuku. If I'm wrong, Eraser, then tell me that I'm wrong. Otherwise tell everyone why you didn't expel Izuku." Aleister said.

Aizawa turned to look at the American host, who made eye contact with him. He was trying to call Aleister's bluff, but the time spirit didn't back down.

Aizawa sighed, raking his hand through his hair. A part of him knew that he deserved it when Izuku said that he would lose trust in him like his other teachers. "Seeing how Midoriya used his quirk in the Entrance Exam, I didn't want him to throw his life away just because he had this dream to be a hero. But I was impressed with how he used his quirk at the time so I didn't expel him. He showed me he has the heart to improve. He has the drive to be the best hero he can be, no doubt about it."

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." Izuku said to his homeroom teacher, who nodded.

Aleister unpaused the show and turned to Giselle giving him a look. He mouthed 'I had to' and his wife shook her head, turning back to the screen.

The scene transitioned to the entrance of UA. Izuku was hunched forward. "I'm so tired." He groaned, looking like he needed sleep.

An unknown hand reached out to touch Izuku on the shoulder. He turned around to Tenya standing behind him. He jolted in surprise. "Hey there, Iida."

"You were rather jumpy, Greenie." Setsuna said.

"Story of my life and he touched my bad shoulder." Izuku said.

"I apologize, Midoriya. I had no idea." Tenya said.

"I'm not mad, Iida. It's not your fault." Izuku reassured his bespectacled friend. "It's not like I ever told anyone about my injuries."

"How's the broken finger doing?" Tenya asked him.

Izuku relaxed himself. "Oh, it's doing fine, thanks to Recovery Girl." He said, holding out his index finger, wrapped in bandages.

The scene showed the nurse's office with the sound of Izuku screaming.

Most of the audience members laughed. "Did you have to scream at everything, Deku?" Ochako asked, giggling at Izuku's antics.

"I freaked out seeing her lips extend all the way to my finger since I didn't see the first time she used it." Izuku admitted. "It's not everyday that your arm and legs get healed out of nowhere."

'Other than fighting Chisaki at 100% with Eri on my back rewinding the damage to my body.'

"Makes sense. I was so confused when she used her quirk on you." Ochako said.

"As was I," Tenya said.

"Same here." Mezo said.

Izuku looked shocked when he saw his finger was healed. "Whoa thanks. That feels so much better." Then his body and eyes drooped. "I suddenly feel really tired. I need a nap."

"My quirk stimulates your body to heal but healing takes energy. It's not my fault. That's just how the body works. You get too many big injuries, your stamina will be shot and you'll die instead of healing." Recovery Girl explained and handed Izuku a gummy from a Kamui Woods pez dispenser.

"You mean this could kill me?!" Izuku asked in shock.

The other students flinched when they heard the drawbacks of Recovery Girl's quirk.

"It's a good thing you got One For All under control, Midoriya." Kyoka said.

"Yes. Please do not cause any more big injuries to yourself." Momo said.

"I won't make you guys worry." Izuku promised. 'Already broke that promise a few days ago.'

Izuku looked at his clenched fist. 'I can't keep relying on help from others. I have to hurry up and learn to control my power.'

Tenya had his hand on his chin. "I was concerned by Mr. Aizawa's approach to class. But I trust the school's judgement. UA is the top program." He crossed his arms. "Even so, lying is downright immoral."

'I thought he was scary, but that's not it. He's just really serious about school.' Izuku thought.

"Hey!" Ochako's voice was heard behind the two boys, who stopped in their tracks. The said girl was running towards them. "Wait up, you two. Are you going to the station?" Her face took over the screen. "I'll join you guys."

'It's her again.' Izuku thought.

"Yeah Midoriya, it's definitely 'her' again." Itsuka said with a smirk.

"Oh you're the infinity girl." Tenya said to Ochako once she stopped running.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka." The bubbly girl said with a close-eyed smile. "Let's see, you are Tenya Iida and your name is Deku, right? Midoriya?" she asked.

"Deku?!" Izuku asked, recoiling in surprise.

"You actually thought Midoriya's name was Deku?" Tsuyu asked.

"Uh yeah. Isn't that what Bakugo called you?" Ochako asked, sounding slightly confused. She pointed up, "During the fitness test, he said," and the camera panned up, a cartoon caricature of Katsuki appeared using his Explosion, shouting "Deku, you bastard!"

The majority of the audience laughed at the caricature. Mitsuki and Inko took a picture of it.

"I mean, you're not wrong about that." Mei cackled.

"Uh, well my name's actually Izuku." The green haired boy explained with nervous hand gestures. "Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me."

"That's unsportsmanlike." Tenya said.

"Then why does she still call him that?" Reiko asked.

"Oh I didn't realize that. I'm sorry." Ochako then gave Izuku a bright smile. "You know what, I like Deku. It could make a great hero name. Plus I think it sounds kinda cute."

"Oh my." Midnight said with a smile. "This makes so much sense."

"Deku it is!" Izuku exclaimed, his face turning red.

"WHAT?!" Katsuki exclaimed in outrage. "You let Pink Cheeks call you Deku all these months and you chose that as your hero name because she said it sounded cute?!"

Izuku slumped down in his seat and Ochako covered her face in embarrassment while the other students laughed. Izuku was not about to let it slip out that he liked it when Ochako changed that insult of a name and made it something better. He was grateful to her. The onscreen Tenya asked why the onscreen Izuku accepted it so easily even though it was an insult.

"I think it's adorable." Mina giggled.

"Kind of like what I did, Shota." Present Mic said with a grin, elbowing his best friend in the side. "I made up your hero name."

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "At least you didn't do it because it sounded cute."

Izuku covered his face. "Paradigm shift. My whole world is upside down." He said before giggling madly which confused Ochako.

"What's a paradigm shift?" Denki asked.

"A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in how people see the world." Giselle explained, pausing the show. "An example of this is the Copernican Revolution, where people believed that the Sun and planets revolve around the Earth. It was proven by Nicolaus Copernicus that the Earth revolves around the Sun. This turned the scientific world upside down."

"When Ochako said that she likes the name 'Deku' and thinks it would make a great hero name, it changed how Izuku saw that name since Katsuki used that name to insult him thus turning his world upside down." Aleister finished off the explanation.

"Yeah. What Mr and Mrs. Sinclair said is right." Izuku said.

"How do you know this?" Minoru asked.

"Too much time on my hands." Izuku said.

"We had months to know this stuff and I'm a big fan of astronomy and space." Giselle said.

Aleister thought, 'More like the subbed version of the show.' unpausing the show.

'I survived my first day at UA even if I kinda failed. But you know, All Might, at least I'm making some new friends. That's gotta be a good thing, right?' Izuku said.

"My baby is making friends on his first day of school," Inko said, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

"Mom." Izuku said, trying not to tear up.

The scene transitioned to All Might staring at his Silver Age costume in the teacher's lounge. 'You don't have time to relax, Midoriya. Not yet. The real test begins tomorrow.'

"Oh yeah. The combat training happened the next day." Kyoka said.

"And the first match was Midori vs. Bakugou." Mina said.

"I really don't want to see it again." Koji signed. Rikido patted him on the shoulder.

"UA's hero course curriculum. There were normal core classes like English. They meet in the mornings." Narrator Izuku stated as the screen showed Present Mic in front of the blackboard.

Present Mic faced the class. "Now which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" He asked.

"The first one." Shoto said, which made the Sinclairs and Izuku cover their mouths with their hands to stifle their laughter. The teachers gave Shoto odd looks while Katsuki shook his head.

'So boring.' Kyoka, Denki and Mina thought.

'This really sucks.' Katsuki thought.

"I guess I have to give you listeners extra homework when you show disinterest in my class." Present Mic said.

Most of Class A except a few of the top students groaned.

"Hey everybody look alive! Grammar rules!" Present Mic exclaimed, trying to get the class excited.

'The relative pronoun is wrong in the last one.' Izuku thought.

Momo raised her hand. "Yaoyorozu, lay it on us," Present Mic said.

"I didn't know Class A had nerds." Setsuna teased.

"We eat in the main cafeteria where we can buy pretty tasty stuff on the cheap." Narrator Izuku continued as the screen showed the cafeteria.

"White rice is the perfect comfort food, isn't it?" Lunch Rush, the cook hero asked with a thumbs up, getting an intro.

Ochako nodded in satisfaction. "This is super good," she said while Izuku tried not to freak out from fanboying.

"Fanboy." Mina teased.

"It is the perfect comfort food." Giselle agreed.

"Especially with curry." Aleister said.

"Amen." Aleister and Giselle said in unison.

"And then in the afternoon, it's finally time." Narrator Izuku finished up his narration. "Hero Basic Training."

"I AM... HERE!" All Might boomed as his face took over the screen as the camera panned up.

Izuku looked towards the door with bright eyes and a wide smile.

"Midoriya, you have been training with All Might for the last ten months. How are you still excited over All Might being a teacher?" Kyoka asked.

"Are you really asking that, Jirou?" Denki asked. "It's All Might. You saw his room."

"Coming through the door like a hero! All Might exclaimed, leaning through the door.

The students gasped in surprise and in awe. "I can't believe it's really All Might!" Denki said in surprise.

"So he is a teacher here! This year is gonna be totally awesome!" Eijiro said excitedly.

Tsuyu had her finger on her cheek. "Hey look. Is he wearing his Silver Age costume?"

All Might marched toward the podium dramatically. "I'm getting goosebumps. It's so retro," Mashirao said in awe while Yuga was looking at the camera again.

"All Might's shine is never-ending," Yuga said. "No matter how often you see it, it's never tiring."

"I can argue with that." Aizawa grumbled.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as Hero-ing 101." All Might's voice boomed. "Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight to the name of good. Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!" as he pulled out a white card with the word 'Battle' written on it.

"Fight training." Katsuki said, grinning maniacally.

"Real combat?" Izuku asked nervously.

"Here we go." Izuku said. Ochako squeezed his hand in comfort.

All Might wasn't done yet. "But one of the keys to being a hero is... looking good." He pointed to a wall where built-in racks holding onto suitcases with the seat numbers of the students. "These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started."

"Costumes." Izuku said, hugging his backpack.

"Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at Training Ground Beta."

"Our hero costumes." Mina said.

"A lot of us had some upgrades and redesigns since the start of the year," Eijiro said. "Seeing everyone in our original costumes again will be refreshing."

'Speaking of upgrades, I'm going to need stronger arm braces and gloves if I'm gonna use One For All at twenty percent.' Izuku thought.

"You know, we haven't actually seen all of you guys in your costumes yet," Itsuka said. "I only saw a few at Gym Gamma."

"Same here," Izuku said. "Other than when you and Yaoyorozu were in that commercial with Uwabami and Monoma when you two arrived with Vlad King at Gym Gamma."

"Oh yeah," Denki said, leaning forward and pointing a finger gun at Neito. "How'd that go, buddy? You said that our entire class might fail the Provisional License Exam."

"He said what?" Mina asked as she and most of Class A glared at the Copy user.

Neito laughed weakly. "This is why I say don't piss off Class A, Monoma." Itsuka said.

The same track that played during Izuku's training montage kicked in as All Might stood in front of the exit of Training Ground Beta. The students of Class A walked out of the darkness of the exit as Momo, Katsuki, Ochako, Tenya, Tsuyu in their hero costumes became visible.

All Might nodded. "They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!" The screen got a close-up on Katsuki's grenade-shaped gauntlet, Ochako's belt, and the boosters on Tenya's legs as the number one hero continued, "Take this to heart. From now on, you are all…" A shot panned up on the students, "heroes in training!" All Might grinned again, the camera doing a slow right to left pan over all of Izuku's classmates in their costumes. "This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now, shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?"

"We do look cool. This brings back so many memories." Mina said.

"Hey Iida. Your costume looks quite similar to Ingenium's hero costume." Itsuka pointed out.

"I followed my family's tradition with the design of my costume, Kendo." Tenya explained.

"So that's everyone but Midoriya," Tetsutetsu said as the episode break card appeared. "What did his first costume look like?"

The screen showed UA's main building. "The clothing allowance." Narrator Izuku explained as an envelope opened showing Tenya's hero costume designs blurring the building. "Before we enrolled at UA High, we submitted our quirk registration forms which included physical measurements and any desired costume designs to an exclusive clothing company designated by the school. With all that info, they created state of the art costumes for us."

"Hey Bakubro. When did you draw that design for your hero costume?" Eijiro asked as the screen showed Katsuki and Yuga's costume design.

"Is there any problem with it, Weird Hair?" Katsuki asked.

"I'm just curious, that's it." Eijiro asked.

"I drew it when I was seven." Katsuki said, getting smiles from Izuku, Masaru and Mitsuki.

"Three weeks ago"

"I need to go to City Hall and get my registration form for the clothing allowance." Izuku said as he looked through the papers. "But I'm already registered as having no quirk. Oh no, what should I do?"

"Hmm. Yes, that would be a problem." Momo said.

"Quirk registration? Yeah, you can update that. Not a problem." All Might said on the phone in the staff room at UA.

"It's that easy?!" Izuku asked in disbelief.

All Might laughed. "You know how everyone's examined and registered when they enter elementary school?" Izuku nodded and the screen showed a girl holding up her hand with a fountain spraying up out of her raised index finger. Her quirk description was captioned as 'Sends out the water from her body'. "Well, there are plenty of cases where people discover that their quirks aren't exactly what they thought they were at first. You're allowed to revise your forms once or twice when you understand your powers better." The caption was replaced with 'Turns moisture in the air into water'. "Normally they won't let you change it too much, but if you had none before, I'm sure they'll want you to update things. Look, just march in there..."

"I never realized that." Momo said. She wondered if hers had ever been updated after the doctor discovered that she used the lipids in her body to create things, rather than just having them springing from nothing on the surface of her skin. She'd given her parents quite a scare when she made too much at once when she was little and became dangerously underweight for a while.

'Did I ever note how sentient Dark Shadow is on my registration? Is it important for me to do so?' Tokoyami wondered.

"Yeah you probably should." Dark Shadow said internally.

"Hi, I'm home." Inko's voice was heard. Izuku fumbled the phone and hung up on All Might.

"Crap! I hung up on All Might!" Izuku exclaimed in panic.

"Midoriya! For shame!" Momo scolded Izuku.

"You hung up on your dad, Midori? How could you?" Mina asked in mock disappointment.

"You hear that, Inko?" Mitsuki asked teasingly. "Even Izuku's friends are calling All Might his dad. You might as well tie the knot."

"Mitsuki!" Inko whispered harshly, but her cheeks were tinted red at the thought of being married to All Might.

'I'll have to apologize later.' Izuku thought as he put away his phone.

"You guys! All Might is not my dad!" Izuku exclaimed, even though he blushed a little at the idea of the former hero being his dad. "Wait, hold on. Did I ever apologize for that? Sorry, All Might."

That apology got the audience in the theater to burst into laughter as All Might chuckled in his seat. "Apology accepted, young Midoriya." The former hero said, causing more laughter.

"Hey mom." Izuku greeted his mom as she walked into the room.

"Oh good, you're here." Inko went into her bag and pulled out a light green and white jumpsuit. "Congratulations! I'm so proud you got into UA."

"Is that a costume?" Izuku asked, getting up from the couch.

"So that's where your costume comes from." Eijiro said. "I was wondering why your costume didn't seem as state of the art as the rest of ours."

"Yeah. I know but I couldn't not wear it." Izuku said.

"This is so touching." Ibara said as she and most of the girls shed tears.

"I guess I might have jumped the gun a little bit." Inko said as the screen flashbacked to a scene where she brought food to Izuku's room and Izuku was asleep on his desk. "I bought you food earlier but you dozed off and I maybe happened to peek at your notebook."

"Seriously?" Izuku asked in embarrassment as the screen showed a drawing of his's hero costume.

"To be honest with you, I've been feeling really terrible lately about something I said to you." Inko said with a sad look in her eyes as the screen showed her hugging little Izuku the night he was diagnosed as quirkless. "I think you might have felt that I gave up on you a while back. But now look at you. You persevered and kept chasing your dream like a real champion."

Inko's words put a small smile on Izuku's face. "And I promise, I'll support you with everything I got from now on."

"Aww Mamadoriya is so sweet." Toru said.

"So that's why your costume design hasn't changed much throughout the term." Minoru said.

"Yeah, I couldn't change something that means the world to me." Izuku said with a smile. Inko smiled proudly at her son's words.

'It's a gift from my mom.' Izuku thought as he was running out from the Ground Beta exit. 'So, of course it's what I'm gonna wear. It's not state of the art or flashy but it means something to me. This is it, my hero costume.' The camera panned up to show his costume.

Ochako turned and saw Izuku at the exit. "Hey Deku!"

"Uraraka?!" Izuku exclaimed in surprise.

"Love your costume. Not too flashy, you know." Ochako said as Izuku started freaking out and covering his mouth.

Izuku yelped and covered his mouth with his hands like his onscreen self. Ochako looked at him in confusion before turning back to the screen. Her eyes widening as she realizes why he was freaking out.

The background behind Ochako changed from Field Beta to pink with bubbles, sparkles and stars as the camera, representing Izuku's frame of vision, panned over Ochako's hero costume. "I should've been more specific about what I wanted." Ochako said, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment with a close-eyed smile. "This bodysuit is skintight, not really my style."

'So all this time, Izuku has been checking me out! I'm just as dense as he is!' Ochako started freaking out internally, ignoring the cat-calls, wolf whistles and giggles.

Izuku put his hands down from his mouth. His face was tinted red from embarrassment while he tapped his index fingers nervously. "I think you look great in your hero costume. Sorry if it sounds weird."

Ochako smiled and put her hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Deku, I don't think you're weird for thinking I look pretty in my hero costume. Thank you."

Izuku blushed and smiled back at Ochako. "You're welcome."

"Hey Chako, sorry to break it to you but Midori said you look great in your hero costume, not pretty." Toru said teasingly.

Ochako's eyes widened as her face turned red while the students laughed again. "Deku! Why didn't you correct me that I look great in my costume, not pretty?!"

"I think you also look pretty in your hero costume." Izuku countered.

"Wait, you do?" Ochako asked. Izuku nodded, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Thanks." Ochako said with a smile. Even though he's a cinnamon roll, her best friend turned crush has this sincerity and honesty that outmatches how dense he is.

All Might let out a small growl. He realized that Izuku's hero costume copied his signature hairstyle and smile. "You're so obvious." All Might said while covering his mouth.

The students and teachers laughed at how obvious his costume was. "I can't believe that I didn't realize that until now." Mina said laughing.

"I thought Midobro was trying to personify a rabbit with his costume." Denki said. "But this is even funnier."

"But he doesn't wear the hood anymore and he keeps the mask off." Shoto said.

"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training." All Might's voice boomed as the students gathered in front of him in a group.

Tenya raised his hand. "Sir."

Izuku looked towards Tenya. 'Oh so that's Iida under there. He looks so cool.'

"Thank you Midoriya." Tenya said.

"Tch. Of course Deku thinks that every costume looks cool." Katsuki said, rolling his eyes.

"I actually thought your costume was cool too, Kacchan." Izuku said in annoyance. "Until your stupid gauntlets ruined it for me. So thanks for that."

"This is the fake city from our Entrance Exam. Does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again?" Tenya asked.

"Not quite. I'm gonna move you two steps ahead. The scene flashbacked to Kamui Woods' fight from the first episode. "Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside." The scene flashbacked to All Might punching the Sludge Villain in the pedestrian tunnel. "However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the dastardly evil-doers take place indoors." Izuku flinched, remembering being attacked by the Sludge Villain. "Think about it, backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows."

'All For One.' All Might thought.

'Chisaki.' Izuku narrowed his eyes.

"Well in this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two-on-two indoor battles."

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu asked.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield." All Might said as the scene flashbacked to the Entrance Exam. "But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now."

"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Momo asked.

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Katsuki asked.

"Of course Bakugou would ask that." Tetsutetsu said.

"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Ochako asked nervously.

"Looks like you traumatized your students, Shota." Midnight teased.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Tenya asked.

"Isn't this cape tres chic?" Yuga asked, showing off his sparkling cape.

'How is that last question even important?' The students and teachers thought.

"I wasn't done talking!" All Might said in frustration with a clenched fist.

"You guys really gave All Might a hard time on his first day." Itsuka said.

"Listen up!" All Might said as he opened up a script.

'A script?' Izuku thought.

"The situation is this." The screen showed a mock battle in a retro action video game. "The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plan. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evil-doers or recover the weapon. Likewise the bad guys succeed if they retrieve their payload or capture the heroes."

'Sounds like a classic action movie set up.' Izuku thought.

"That retro animation was cool." Mashirao said with everyone agreeing.

"At least you stuck to the script." Present Mic said. "I remember when I used to do that."

"I feel that the show is going to show how green I was as a teacher." All Might said. "How long did it take for you not to directly have the lesson plan in front of you?'"

"It took a while but you get used to it." Midnight said.

All Might held up an orange box labeled 'Lots' on it. "Time's limited and we'll choose teams by drawing lots."

"Isn't there a better way?" Tenya asked.

"Think about it. Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot. So maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here." Izuku explained.

"Midobro was right. Who knew we would get a firsthand experience in doing something like that?" Eijiro asked, forgetting that another class is here.

"I'm surprised we even got to be a part of it given the circumstances ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"I can't believe that we were able to stop them." Ochako said.

"It's a day we will never forget." Izuku said.

"Are you guys talking about the Yakuza raid that was on the news?" Itsuka asked.

The four of them tensed up, realizing their slip up. "I forgot we're not the only class here." Eijiro said.

The parents and the students except Class A turned to look at the four of them. Aleister paused the show.

"Well done," Aizawa deadpanned. "Now I have to worry about twenty-two more students knowing about an event that even your own classmates were not aware of until after you came back to the dorms."

"Eraser Head." Aleister said. "They are bound to find out what happened as the show goes on. I'll excuse this little reveal but no questions please, inside or outside the theater. Students, consider what Izuku said and the mentioned raid as a learning experience for future events."

"Yes sir." The students echoed out. Sleister unpaused the show.

"At least he knew not to make them ask any questions. I'm still not ready to talk about it." Ochako said quietly.

Izuku squeezed her hand in comfort. "I know. I don't think I am ready either." He said quietly.

"Thank you. For being there for me." Ochako whispered.

"Always." Izuku whispered back.

"Life is a random series of events." Tenya said. He bowed to All Might. "Excuse my rudeness."

"No sweat." All Might said as he turned around. "Let's draw!"

Team A- Ochako and Izuku

Team B-Mezo and Shoto

Team C- Minoru and Momo

Team D- Katsuki and Tenya

Team E- Mina and Yuga

Team F- Rikido and Koji

Team G- Denki and Kyoka

Team H- Fumikage and Tsuyu

Team I- Mashirao and Toru

Team J- Hanta and Eijiro

"I'm gonna say it now. Todoroki, I'm glad you changed your costume. Just no, bro," Denki said. Everyone laughed at his comment on Shoto's costume.

"Was it really that terrible of a costume?" Shoto asked.

"Yes!" Most of Class A yelled in unison.

The pink background with the bubbles, sparkles and stars appeared again. Ochako looked excited being on a team with Izuku. "Wow what are the chances?! We're a team!"

'Oh my gosh, I have to make a good impression on her!' Izuku thought nervously.

"I guess if you want to call it that then be my guest." Kyoka said with a smirk. The majority of the students gave the two of them teasing grins. Ochako and Izuku looked down at their shoes, trying to hide their obvious smiles.

All Might put his hands inside the villain and hero lot boxes, trying to fish out the first teams to start the training. "I declare that the first teams to fight will be… THESE GUYS!" He took out two balls from the boxes labeled 'D' and 'A'.

"You have the worst luck, Midoriya." Tetsutetsu said.

"Team A will be the heroes. Team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch."

"Yes sir."

As the rest of Class A walked away to the monitoring room, Izuku turned to see Katsuki scowling at him. Izuku looked down and whimpered before clenching his fist and giving Katsuki a determined look. Katsuki was taken aback before growling at the successor.

A chorus of 'Oohs' resonated in the theater.

"Bad guys, you can go on in and get set up. In five minutes, the good guys will be let loose and the battle will start."

"Yes sir." Three of the four combatants said.

"Young Iida, young Bakugo, the key to being successful in this challenge is to embody villainy." All Might instructed. "Think from the perspective of an evildoer."

"That wasn't hard for Bakugou to do." Minoru said.

"Shut it, Grapestain!" Katsuki shouted.

Katsuki was watching Izuku. "Got it."

"If things go too far, I'll step in."


"I've never thought I'd ever see Bakugou so unhinged when it comes to Midori." Toru said, feeling a bit scared by Katsuki's onscreen growling.

Tenya walked into the room with the fake weapon. "Even though this is training, it pains me to be aligned with criminal behavior. So this is the weapon we must protect." Tenya said, walking up to the fake weapon, knocking on it. "Fake, of course."

"Hey." Katsuki said. Tenya turned around. "Do you really think Deku has a quirk?" Katsuki asked, looking at the door.

"Hmm. You saw how he threw that ball. Though I think his power hurts his body." Tenya admitted. "Why is it that you seem to be especially angry when it comes to Midoriya?"

'Because the Angry Pomerenian can't survive if he can't attack Izuku every other time.' Giselle thought in disdain. Aleister noticed the shift in her demeanor and put a comforting arm around her. She relaxed in his embrace, intertwining her fingers with his. She has her reasons and Aleister knew never to mention them but she was thankful that he was by her side, before and now.

The background around Katsuki turned red and foggy. 'Was he seriously just tricking me all these years? I'm gonna roast that damn nerd today!' Katsuki thought with a sadistic smirk.

"Ok now I'm really scared." Toru said, hugging Mashirao's arm.

The other students, parents and teachers looked at the screen in utter shock. Mitsuki was ready to walk up to her son and smack him upside the head for thinking that a sweet boy like Izuku, who was a second son to her, would ever think about doing something like that. Like Inko, she was upset when Izuku was deemed quirkless and now she knew why Izuku stopped coming over.

Izuku himself was stunned. 'Was that honestly the first thing his mind went to?'

"Hold on." Eijiro said. "You knew Midobro your entire life. Why would you even think something like that?"

"Yeah because that's something Midori would do." Mina rolled her eyes.

"Seriously dude?" Denki looked at Katsuki like he had a screw loose. "You honestly think Midobro would go through everything that comes with being labeled quirkless just to mess with you?"

"Well, of course he did." Kyoka said with a glare. "Haven't you heard? Everything was about Bakugou: his perfect quirk, his perfect backstory, his perfect plan to be the number one hero and surpass All Might. There's no way someone he grew up with could possibly make a decision that didn't involve him in some way. So obviously Midoriya let people treat him badly his whole life just so he could privately laugh at Bakugou in the end." Sarcasm practically dripped off of her words.

Izuku was surprised to hear three of Katsuki's closest friends and Kyoka chastise him on his assumptions. The Explosion user snarled at Kyoka's remark but didn't say anything.

"You think they expect us to remember this building's floor plan? It's so big." Ochako said as she and Izuku were going over the layout of the building. "You know, All Might is just as cool in person as he is on television. I'm glad he's not threatening us with some kind of punishment like Mr. Aizawa. We can relax. Ahh.. you're sweating through your costume!"

"Look what you did, Shota." Present Mic teased his best friend. "Now she's going to be scared of you."

"I'm not going to be scared of Mr. Aizawa, I am not going to be scared of him." Ochako looked back at the teachers.

"What was.." Aizawa was cut off by Midnight smacking him upside the head.

"Stop that!" The dominatrix scolded the erasure hero.

"Well.. it's just because we're going against Kacchan." Izuku said nervously as he put the paper down. "Plus there's Iida too. We should be on our guard. Who knows what they'll pull?"

"Oh right Bakugou. He's the one who's always making fun of you." Ochako said, looking concerned.

Izuku sighed. "And he's amazing."

"What?!" Most of the students shouted in surprise.

"That's what I thought back then, now I partially agree with the old me." Izuku said.

The screen flashbacked to Katsuki's proclamation in Aldera Junior High. "I'll end up more popular than All Might and be the richest hero of all time."

"He can be a real pain, sure. But his strength and confidence and his ambition. Not to mention his quirk, they're all so much greater than mine."

"Midori, you took down the zero pointer with one punch. That's something even Bakugou couldn't do with his Explosions." Mina said sternly. "How is that greater than One For All?"

"You gave Bakugou far more praise and leeway than he deserved, Midoriya." Ibara said.

"I know. I guess a part of me was always trying to fix our friendship. Maybe I was too blind at the time to see how one-sided it was." Izuku said.

"Deku, don't say that. You just try to see the good in people," Ochako said, turning to glare at Katsuki. "Even when they don't deserve it."

"But that just means I have to do better." Izuku said as he put his mouthguard on. "I refuse to lose today."

"Yeah! You tell him, Muscles!" Mei exclaimed. The majority of the students cheered for Izuku.

Ochako gave Izuku a smile. "Hmph. So it's a fated battle between rivals?"

"Yeah That's how it's going to be from now on." Izuku and Katsuki said, giving each other competitive grins.

"Not that I'm trying to get you wrapped up in my fight or anything." Izuku said in a panic.

"Are you kidding? We're a team, right? Let's win this!" Ochako said excitedly, raising her fist in the air.

Izuku smiled hearing those four words again. A part of him wondered if she would ever tell him that in the future.

"Can I just say 'adorable'?" Toru asked, making Ochako and Izuku blush.

"LET'S BEGIN THE INDOOR COMBAT TRAINING! TEAM A AND TEAM D, YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!" All Might's voice boomed through the loudspeaker.

In the monitoring room, All Might and the rest of Class A were watching the combat training on a giant screen. "Pay attention kids, think about what you would do." All Might instructed the students.

'Young Midoriya, in this class, you're just another student. I'll grade you as I would anyone else without playing favorites.' All Might thought as he put on an earpiece with a clipboard in his hand.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Really All Might? You're telling me that you managed not not to play favorites when your successor was in the first match of combat training?"

"For the most part, yes Aizawa. I didn't play favorites in Young Midoriya's match." All Might said.

Izuku and Ochako snuck in through a window. "And just like that, we're in." Ochako said quietly.

"Be careful, there are a lot of blind spots." Izuku said.

'I still have basically no control over One For All. I can't risk using it.' Izuku thought as he and Ochako went through the narrow hallways of the building. The screen flashbacked to Izuku punching the Zero Pointer. 'If I did, I'd end up probably killing someone. We'll just win with Uraraka's Zero Gravity or whatever I can do without a quirk. I've got to use my head. I took a lot of notes on indoor battles and fighting in tight spaces. I can do this.' The screen showed his 'Hero Analysis For the Future No. 13' notebook.

The teachers were impressed with Izuku's thoughts on how to handle the fight with the skills he picked up while on screen, the Explosion user appeared from one of the hallways.

Katsuki charged at Izuku with his arm back, preparing his attack. The green-costumed hero in training dove out of the way from the extended arm and explosion from the surprise attack, tackling Ochako out of the way as well. "Uraraka! You okay?"

"Midori with the save!" Mina cheered.

"I'm fine, thanks." Ochako said, pushing herself up as Izuku got off of her. She looked at him in concern, half of his mask torn off by the blast. "Oh, Deku!"

"It's just my mask." Izuku reassured her.

Katsuki waved away the smoke from his explosion, a crevice in the building from the use of his quirk. "What's the matter, Deku?" The Explosion user taunted. "Afraid to stand up and fight me?"

"I knew you'd come at me first. I figured you'd try to catch me by surprise." Izuku said as he got up from the floor.

"A sneak attack, Bakugou? What kind of man pulls cheap crap like that?" Eijiro asked,

"Villains don't always have a code." Aizawa said. "They like to thrive on chaos."

"It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part, acting like a true villain." All Might explained.

"He's really convincing at playing the part." Denki teased.

"Shut it Sparky." Katsuki said, narrowing his eyes.

"It didn't work. Midoriya dodged it." Mina praised Izuku.

"I said it once and I'll say it again, you did a good job at dodging, Midori." Mina said excitedly.

"Thanks Ashido." Izuku said with a smile.

"Look, there he goes." Denki said.

Katsuki ran towards Izuku, pulling his right hand back. "I won't hurt you so bad that they'll have to stop the fight. Just close!"

'There's that right hook Izuku was talking about.' Ochako thought with a smile.

Izuku grabbed Katsuki's arm. "Wow! Look at those moves!" Ochako exclaimed excitedly.

'Impossible. How'd he know?! He's not that good!' Katsuki thought. Izuku did a judo flip on him, spitting out saliva. The judo flip surprised everyone in the monitoring room.

'It's the same move he used on me during the Sports Festival.' Hitoshi thought.

"I guess Bakugou was underestimating Midoriya's abilities." Rikido said as the other students cheered.

Izuku was breathing heavily. "Kacchan, you always use a big right hook to start a fight. I know because I've watched you for years. I analyzed every amazing hero, even you. I wanted to learn everything I could about them. It was all in the notebook you burned and threw away." Izuku gave Katsuki a determined look, his eyes glistening. "You can call me Deku but I'm not the same helpless, defenseless kid anymore. You hear me? I've changed! From now on, Deku is the name of a hero!"

Everyone except Katsuki cheered for Izuku's declaration.

Ochako gasped in realization. She had a flashback to the day before. "You know what, I like Deku. It could make a great hero name plus I think it sounds kinda cute."

Katsuki got up from the floor. "Deku." He said with malice. He flashed back to the memory in the first episode. Younger Izuku was in the same trembling fighting stance as the present Izuku. The fear in his glistening emerald eyes and body language were shown. "You're shaking in your boots, you're so scared." Katsuki pointed out. He activated his quirk in his right hand into a number of tiny explosions. "But you wanna fight me anyway." The camera panned over Katsuki's face, his fierce black mask and glaring red eyes, making him look intimidating as a villain. "THAT'S WHY I HATE YOU!"

The ending began to play.

Most of the students groaned. "Are you serious?" Denki asked.

"Not another cliffhanger." Mina complained.

"It was just getting intense." Itsuka said.

Izuku relaxed in his seat. "At least that's over.. for now."

All Might's music begins to play.

"Midoriya, even though this is just training, I'm going to give it my all 100%. That's the Iida way and I won't tarnish my family's heroic name." Tenya said.

"Iida, are you sure you can play a convincing villain?" Izuku asked.

Tenya let a comical villain laugh. "Of course, didn't you know I'm extremely evil?" He asked in a fake villainous voice.

Izuku let out a small scream. "He's so in character."

"Next time: Deku vs Kacchan."

"Hold on. I didn't know Uraraka was a baseball player." Tenya said.

"Go beyond…"

"Plus Ultra!" The students and teachers yelled out.

"Even Iida gets to do a preview with Midori." Mina pouted. "Also Iida, what is up with that laugh?"

The other students laughed while Tenya looked embarrassed. "It was to get into character."

"Clearly it was." Kyoka smirked.

The screen turned black and the lights turned on. Aleister and Giselle got up from their seats. "That is the first six episodes of Season 1, ladies and gentlemen." Aleister said, putting his coat back on. "Leave your notebooks here and do not worry about anyone touching them, the notebooks will instantly disappear when you leave your seats and will return when you come back tomorrow."

"We have a buffet table prepared for you in the dining hall. The kitchen is also open if any of you wish to cook or bake anything." Giselle said. "Tomorrow we will start the viewing at eleven in the morning since you have a one hour lunch break before the final episode to talk about things you could have done differently. Since we don't want to cause any hassle, the first row of students may leave first."

"Midoriya and Bakugou, stay in your seats. We will leave the theater after everyone else is gone." Aizawa said. "Before you all leave, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Kendo and Shoda, I expect you to be diligent in your duties as class representatives and keep your peers in line. I have no plans for your activities during our time here but I expect all of you to eat dinner and go to bed at an appropriate time so you don't fall asleep during the showing tomorrow."

"Yes sir." The four representatives said.

"That includes you, Eraser." Giselle said.

"Will the parents be joining us?" Nezu asked.

"Yes." The parents said in unison. Mitsuki was glaring a hole into the back of Katsuki's head.

"I guess I'll see you back in our room, Deku." Ochako said.

"Ok Ochako. I'll try not to take too long." Izuku said.

Mina whispered something to Eijiro as the second row left the theater. He nodded while Mina sent a text to the other girls.

"Hey Ochako. Wait up." Mina said as she and the girls involved in the plan caught up to the Zero Gravity user.

"Yeah Mina. What's up?" Ochako asked.

"The girls and I were wondering if you wanted to come to my room for girl talk." Mina lied.

Ochako tried to deny Mina's offer. "I'm going to my room to wait for Deku."

"Knowing Mr. Aizawa, Midori is going to take a while to get there wherever they're going to talk." Toru said as she and Mina intertwined their arms with both of Ochako's. Momo and Itsuka had worried looks while the other girls just walked behind them silently.

'Why do I have a feeling that this is not going to end well for me?' Ochako thought as she was being dragged to Mina's room.