
Zhang Wei making a scene?

Murong Jinxiang's initial encounter with the monks left her thoroughly bewildered.

They had appeared unannounced at her doorstep, presenting a curiously odd bowl brimming with a shimmering liquid and requesting that she dip her hand into it.

This wasn't a solitary event; they had been canvassing the neighborhood, diligently testing every household for several days.

Driven by curiosity, she submerged her hand into the mysterious liquid, which erupted into a radiant white glow, leaving her utterly astonished.

From that moment, these persistent bald monks became a constant annoyance in her life, harassing her to undertake a journey to Xing Cheng and visit the Shaolin Monastery.

Their insistence grew more unsettling when they mentioned that the Abbot himself wished to meet her personally, intensifying her suspicions and deepening her reluctance.

In truth, the entire ordeal was surreal.