
Maniac In The Apocalypse

*First time writing a novel but I hope you guys enjoy it.* Mark was abandoned at a young age because his parents died when he was 11 years old. His new parents only bought him because they thought they would be paid money for adopting him. He was abused every night until something changed his life forever.

ItsJezziA · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The red moon rises

"Who should I kill next and who should it be?" Mark thought to himself.

"Hmm, what's that red light coming from through the window? Did the police find my new hiding spot?"

As Mark got up to see what the light was moving slowly and carefully he made it to the window and found out it was not the police that found his hiding spot but he found that the moon was glowing red. He thought to himself "What a strange phenomenon we have here tonight." without thinking too much of it he went to bed and drifted to sleep.

After a couple of hours he started hearing screams and shots going off, he quickly got up and looked through the window and found the police shooting and what looked like walking corpses. He quickly got himself suited up with all kinds of weapons and then returned to the window to see what was happening, he saw one of the officers get bitten, and then his body fell limp as he dropped to the ground only to get back up and start chasing after the other officers.

"No way, it's a zombie apocalypse... HAHAHAHA" Mark started laughing hysterically.

"I can finally kill without having to worry about being arrested."

"So many toys I can play with and kill now, who should be lucky number one to die by me first in the apocalypse?"

"Actually that can wake because I'm not safe myself either I need to get myself into someplace secure as I'm sure zombies have come inside this building as well."

Mark quickly packed up his stuff and quickly rushed to a supermarket while killing a few zombies on the way. When he got to the supermarket he saw everyone running to pick up whatever they can so he also joined in and killed a few people and stole their stuff before quickly running out the back.

He quickly went through the alleyways but ran into a horde of zombies and found out he was surrounded.

"Shit, I'm going to die so soon."

"The apocalypse started a few hours ago and I'm already dying but well it was a good life."

Mark tried to run back as the horde started chasing him and the 10 zombies in front of him came closer. When he got there he tried fighting them off but with his strength, he could only kill 4 of them before the horde caught up to him and started biting him. As the pain hit him he could only scream in agony as the zombies quickly got up after hearing the gunshots at the supermarket.

Mark's body started healing at an incredible speed and after a few seconds his body was fully healed, he suddenly woke up.


Suddenly a mechanical voice entered his head.

"System binding...."






"System binding complete"

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