

Magic. Depicted in stories and legends, no one alive has ever used it. There are many great tales of wizards and sorcerers using spells to accomplish amazing feats.

Luma loved every story he came across that involved magic, collecting, and treasuring them.

Of course, he didn't solely waste away his days listening to and collecting stories. He had graduated from university with honors in both engineering and physics.

Luma was skilled in both fields from a young age. Even so, in every bit of free time he got Luma immersed himself in studying tales and rumors of magic.

His whole life, something felt missing from the world. It was like a crucial part of it was missing. For Luma, it felt as if the world was wrong, like space was bent in slightly the wrong way or in a constant state of deja vu.

After having graduated, he used stocks he invested in to live a comfortable life out in the countryside where he could immerse herself as much as he wanted in his hobby of magical research.

Recently Luma had some success in his research as he had found gone to a site of some Recently discovered ruins buried deep in the Himalayas. Within the ruins he found a journal which had survived the test of time. Even though the ruins were dated to be at least 20 million years old. Which, according to all known history shouldn't exist.

After spending months deciphering the language within this journal, he had managed to learn that the owner was actually a person capable of using magic!

"Finally! I knew it, magic is real! hahaha!" Luma's excitement had soared through the roof at his discovery finally he had in his grasp knowledge of real magic. After finally finding his proof he dove into the journal reading it day after day. Soon Luma learned that the book was not just a journal of a mage but also a form of spellbook which the original owner wrote down their most personal of spells.

After a few more months of studying the book Luma felt confident in attempting to cast one of the spells that the books original owner seemed to spend the most time on.

Using the methods described within the book Luma took to it. In their backyard Luma stood book in their left hand and open. With their right hand they pointed out their finger and pressed it out as far as they could into the cold night air. He breathed in deep and felt his blood flowing through his veins, the slight breeze across his skin, the rustle of leaves and grass blown by it.

He took one final deep breath and imagined it filling him with energy which he then tried to move to his shoulder, down his arm, and out his extended finger tip. Upon doing so he began to slowly trace out a rune that the book described along with starting a chant at the same speed as he moved his finger. "Ahgu lesti malifirnum de infirni magnimia."

His chant ended just as his finger stopped. As they finished the air seemed to still, the leaves and grass no longer rustling as a new sound became prominent. Right before Luma the air started to crackle, the space before him starting to twist and crack before suddenly becoming still once more.

"Huh? What happened? I followed all of the instructions to the letter and I saw that it did have some effect but it wasn't anything ne...." Midway through his sentence Luma was forced to stop as he suddenly got a splitting headache, his nose beginning to bleed profusely before blood came out of his eyes and ears as well.

After just a moment of this he collapsed to his knees as his whole body quaked violently in pain, a moment later his body suddenly exploded in a burst of white energy. Nothing of his body was left even his atoms had been erased from existence, the explosion of his body didn't leave a trace on his surroundings, it was simply as if he had vanished from the face of the earth.

"Wh-where am I?" Luma was quite confused as just a moment ago he was in his back yard in extreme pain, but now he couldn't see anything but darkness nor could he feel his own body. He was just adrift in this black void with no way of knowing where he was, or how long he had been there.

After what could have been ages or just moments a faint glimmer caught his vision. In the next instant the glimmer had changed to a bright light that filled his vision before morphing his surroundings into a white room. Luma looked around as best he could but he still felt as though he was floating.

From behind Luma a soft voice spoke out. "Hello there, It's nice to meet you. Although these circumstances may not be the best." Turning to look at the voice Luma was met with a lady with sapphire blue eyes and hair that flowed down to her waist, her skin was a soft cream without blemishes, and she was surrounded by a slight blue aura.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why can't I feel my body?" Luma asked the questions in rapid succession to the stranger. "Calm down, I will explain. First let me start with where you are. This place is where divine beings and mortals can meet. Each god has one but rarely are they used. Next as to why you can't feel your body its a simple yet sad explanation, you no longer have a body. When you cast that spell you attempted to use mana to cast it, however you didn't have enough to cast it and it took your lifeforce to cast it instead. But with that level of a spell even all of your remaining lifeforce wasn't enough and your body was destroyed instead. As for who I am, I am the reason that you didn't have enough mana to cast that spell. I am the goddess of creation and magic Lafinia."

"Now hold on are you really saying that you are a god? You're joking right?"

"I am not. I am the goddess that created your world and the one that created magic itself. I however stopped supplying your world with mana after all of the mages were hunted down and killed by those who could not wield magic and were under the influence of the god of destruction and death.

Since they were all killed no more capable of using magic should have been born so I stopped supplying your world with mana to prevent those under the god of destruction's influence from using dark magic.

You however are able to use magic and with quite a high level of proficiency as well. So since I was the reason for you dying I have a proposition for you. Both I and and the god of destruction unlike the lesser gods of good and evil are not able to have apostles as our divine power is too strong and will destroy any mortal that tries to carry even the smallest amount of our divine power.

However the god of destruction has managed to get past this by creating what is called a lich. They have the mortal tear their soul apart and store it within an object and imbue their bodies with dark magic. A twisted form of my magic, those that worship the gods of evil can only use it but those that worship the gods of good can use both proper magic and dark magic since the god of destruction used the magic I made and changed it so that it could be used by the followers of evil.

So now that I have explained that I shall explain my offer. I offer for you to become my apostle, in order to do so I will give you a new body that can handle my divine power. With that I will also have you sent to a new world where you can learn and practice as much magic as you want. So will you accept my offer?"