
Chapter 6: First Villainess: Tianna Monique, Sleeping Lady

"I wish to learn how to wield a sword "

"I don't recommend it," Daniel said immediately.

"But I really want to learn."

"You were born with a frail body."

"Father I am no Longer…I am a blessed Child. I know I can do this."

"No, harsh training will only strain you further."

"I can't take the amount of strain as long as I succeeded!" she voiced back

"…." Daniel was in deep thought just as he was about to say no. He lost his voice as she stared at the black-haired and eyes young girl behind his daughter. Her glare made him lose his thoughts. However, all this happened in the split of a second. "Alright," he said, but it was a bit stunned.

"Really!" Tia screamed in joy, pulling Daniels attention back to her in puzzlement at what he just said.

Seeing the joy on her face, he felt worried at taking his careless words back and….' Just what was that' he wondered before going back to his daughter.

"Tia, why do you want to do this? Is it because of the prince…I see your expression at every mention of him do you not want to marry him?"

"I don't want to get married…..I want to stay like this and live happily with you Daddy."

(〇_〇)Daniel was surprised and stunned, his heart somewhat fluttered. You could tell the inner panic in Tia. It would seem as she said it out loud without any thought. Daniel reached out his hand with a loving fatherly smile. "Tia…..Come here"

(@゚.゚@) Tia nervously walked to her father's arms and felt him rub her hair softly.

"I Thought you were all grown up. But, it seems your still a baby" Her rubbed her small head for a long time. "Right, if that's what you wish for then let do that."


Tia couldn't help but giggle and blush as she laid in her bed.

"Are you that happy?" Mana asked.

"Of Course,w…. Mana?" Tia looked at Mana drained yet happy expression. (⌒ᴗ⌒II)

(๑°⌓°๑) Mana didn't look like her usual self. Her vibrantly white dress was darker and looked older. Her appearance looked ragged.

"Are you-"

"I am fun, but, I am going to have to go to sleep for a little while….It'll be a long sleep too." Mana yawned.


Mana nodded her eyes nearly closing for a dose. "Just really tired that's all…I'll wake up in maybe a year or two" Mana summoned a pillow and hugged it.

"Mana?" Tia stared, but she felt that wave of sleep suddenly as well and dozed off too.

-Next Morning-

"Good Morning!" Tia said O(≧▽≦)O

Tia ran up excitedly greeting all the knights.

"Are you here to cheer for me today as well?" (@⌒▽⌒@) Leon ran out a face full of happiness.


"So, I was wrong" (๑◕︵◕๑).

"I'm going to start training today too" She jeered

"That's great" he suddenly hugged her.



Angry expression began to don on the knights.


(ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ )


"Then We can be together every morning from now on." (♥⌒▽⌒♥)

"Leon, you should let go first" Tia panicked for a moment before pausing she got a whiff of Leon's scent. It was such a comforting...she decided to hug him back. After all, he must be nervous by himself and now that she hears he won't be so.

The Knights suddenly start panicking.


Daniel separated the two of them. ( ╬◣ -◢)

"Sir Raspe"

"I didn't mean anything by it, Sir, and I was just happy that me and T-"

( ╬◣ -◢) "Lady Tia would be training together, haha."

"You can start by running 30 laps, Tia you run ten."


IT was a hard day today, but all of it felt worthwhile. Tia looked up at Mana who was sleeping peacefully. But, she still looked ragged.

-Three Years Later-

Tia gazed at herself in the mirror her eyes somewhat dazed at the beautiful turquoise they have become. There were many more questions she had, but for some reason, she couldn't think of them when she was with Mana.

She looked at the floating women who had not opened her eyes in a long time.