
Mana: Before The Rise (Revision In-Progress)

My life will Never Change from the ‘Hell’ is it. Even Pain had become a Dull passing thing. I am a coward. I am Such a Coward that no matter how many times I try to take my own life, I couldn’t. That’s Why I was so happy when she pushed me into the oncoming traffic. Because surely in death, I will find Peace And Yet……Why? *Disclaimer- Parts of this novel Revolve around the Worlds and Characters of Other Written Works of Literature like Animes, Games, Books, Etc. As such said Works belong to their perspective publishers and creators. Other Books I also Publish this Series Under Both these Platforms, with webnovel being my primary focus of publishing. So if you wish to see more chapters of any of my series then Webnovel is the place. Anywhere else well, that’s on you. Webnovel: Mana: Prophet of Chaos: https://www.webnovel.com/book/15942197805474405 Mana: Goddess of Destiny: https://www.webnovel.com/book/12467253605522305 Mana: Before the Rise: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13840483506653505 Webnovel also supplies and invite Code and Special Link. Here are Mine! Please Support. Invite Code: dyhYa7yC Special Link: https://acts.webnovel.com/2019/63659293/index.html?inviteCode=dyhYa7yC Wattpad Mana: Prophet of Chaos: https://www.wattpad.com/story/211974177-mana-prophet-of-chaos Mana: Goddess of Destiny: https://www.wattpad.com/story/199186161-mana-goddess-of-destiny Mana: Before the Rise: https://www.wattpad.com/story/204855513-mana-before-the-rise

Asalin · Fantaisie
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338 Chs

War of Silver and Red (3)

Gaze sat comfortably at a table she had been awake only for a week, but everyone she met kneed down fast the moment they saw her. She often wondered if they had not hurt their knees because of how force they did it.

As for the Fort that from her memory was nothing but canyons with holes in it, barley having housing but caves. It now had beautiful structures with inscription written on some of the stone. The Camp was small before but now it looks like a flourishing City. They grew indoor plants to feed the populace, they where quiet advance in technology. Their vehicles ran on energy contained in gems, from the mines, and not oil.

Don't know how they managed that but they did, Schools weren't discriminate. They also had an ever so advancing research center. Housing was small but comfortable enough that it can fit large families. Also everyone here is trained in combat in some way.

The next thing was the temple, it is the main supplier of water. Gaze has no idea where the water comes from but it certainly isn't from underground or the sky. '

Vivian had told her the Temple appeared not long after she was brought to Fort Hamon. It is a mystery to them as well, but one they are great-full for. Since water is no longer a problem, the other about this water is that it is unique its like it enhance.

Using it on crops will bring a full harvest in only a month no matter what crop, While on animals and humans it can act as a cure and promotes health.

The past is certainly a strange thing, why did all these good things disappear along with her 800 year old sleep. The people of the red race may not have been pushed into enslavement if these things where still present.

Gaze was entranced by her thoughts that began to harm her head, but she was drinking calming tea maid by the girls here with the curing water. Vivian also brought all the notes and what was left over information by her ancestors, they where of course the original documents. When they where capable of making copies of them Vivian had them distributed among the people.

The Krirrian Order, was the religion the Red Empire Followed. She the avatar was meant to be a vessel for their Goddess. But, was reawakened as an Avatar instead to lead the people. Vivian's family at the time although historians where tasked with protecting the Vessal at that time. The order itself in the bible written by the Fist high priestess Claris, Their Goddess did not care for worship but morally right practices.

As a result, when it comes to worshipping the Order had made their own rules on how to do so, since it was built by them it wasn't fixed and could develop and change over time.

"Vivian, about the Red Guard. You said a single touch from me can turn them into…..Red Guards, does that mean while I was unconscious. People where touching Me." Gaze couldn't help but ask.

"….." Gaze was met with silence, Vivian, did not answer for a while. "Would you like some more square cakes? I'll request the Li'a to bring in some more sweets."

'She dodged the question' Gaze thought as she saw Vivian walk towards a passing Li'a.

Li'a are servants but at the same time not they are considered caretakers and cleaners. They work on Shifts and have two days off during the week. The word 'servant' is a foul world to the Red Race these days.

Gaze couldn't help but find a lot of things troublesome, especially when she read the Krirrian Bible. In it states that Gods can die, and when they do their name will be lost to their worshippers as well as what type of god they were. IN fear of that most Gods don't want to be forgotten and have their worshippers carry their names in other ways.

The Krirrian order and her middle and last name where given to her by the people when she woke up. Her whole name revolved around this Goddess, because the people feared forgetting her. Should such an event have occurred upon her death.

It was at this point Gaze couldn't help but both wonder and shiver at the same time. 'What could Kill a God?"