
Man to a new path

what if Issei changed after "episode 8 High School DxD hero" instead of Issei confessing his feelings to this haram girl what if issei left the club after not telling rias that i love you stuff and decided not to come home and a certain man tells him the truth about his reincarnatch? Will he take a dark path or a new path?

coolgamerkid05 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

chapter 1

The entire Dxd team was worried after hearing the news of Dulio Gesualdo's death and the continued absence of Issei for the past five years. They were unsure of Issei's current location and concerned because he was the backbone of the faction and a symbol of hope for peace. However, they now must prepare for battle as they face both the Qlippoth Faction and the Khaos Brigade at the same time.

"Any news about Issei's location?" asked a red-haired man named Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly Sirzech Gremory

"No sir, it's as if the world took him away from the light," said a random devil staff. 

"Damn it," said a mad Sirzechs.

"Calm down Sirzechs, I know that kid has been missing for 5 years now but currently we need to focus on both Red Hunter and the whole brigade team since the Red Assassin is suspected of working with the main leader of the brigade group" said a different man who was a black haired man and a formal leader of the fallen angel side name Azazel.

"How, Azazel if Issei is still missing, and we have a whole brigade group try to kill us and our peace treaty," said Sirzechs

"Sirzech, I think we found new information about the identity of Red Assassin," said a random Youkai man

"What do you have?" said Sirzechs"From the reports I have gotten, Red Assassin has one of the holy swords named Galatine, and it is what the thirteen swords of the Knights of the Round Table said Youkai man 

"No, it can't be" said a troubled Sirzechs 

"Yes, from about it, its owner died the day before Issei went missing." said the Youkai man 

"It can not be a coincidence, could it?" said Sirzechs 

"Honestly, Sir, it could be anything" said the Youkai man"OK, save them in the filed." "So we can share them with others" said sirzechs.

"yes sir" said the Youkai man.

Once the youkai man left Sirzech's office,sirzech looked at the night sky through the windows and thought the events that happened today with the red assassin had one of the holy swords that were used in Round Table and the worst part was that the red assassin would try to kill someone else in the team of dxd.

*scene change*

We see the man walk in the street in Athens where the most supernatural, but he knows already so he uses a magic spell for detection, so no supernatural leader in the Greek faction knows he is here. He is here because his leader wants the man to recruit the host of True Cross since his leader wants to use the Sacred Gear of the True Cross to bring the evil dragons back.

"I hope the hotel room that I rent is ready for me since I have to be here for a week, just to find the host of True Cross" says the man while talking to his dragon in his mental mind

"I know Issei, but Rizevim wants to try to recruit the host of the True Cross or try to kill him or her in case he or she doesn't want to join us" said the dragon to his friend, now revealing Issei Hyoudou. Once, he was a person who wanted peace, but now, he doesn't care about that.

"I know that ddraig, but why here of all places?" said Issei to his dragon, now revealing DDriag the real dragon 

"Because of....." said ddriag, but he was cut by a magic circle"Who could it be?" said Issei. Who is he accepting the call to who

"Hello there, issei," said Rizevim in his serious face

"What happened rizevim, knowing that face something want bad"said issei talk to his leader 

"Both the hero team and Alliance of Hell betrayed me" " And they decided to join the three faction because they are " said rizevim

"Really i didn't knew that " said issei, who he was surprised 

"Yes, you have a reputation in the supernatural. They call you the red assassin since you killed the leader of the team dxd. Remember " said Rizevim

"So what do want to do with both of those groups who betrayed you"said issei he already what do those groups but need approval

"You mission after finding the host of the True Cross user, I need you to kidnap Cao Cao since we need his True Longinus gear" said Rizevim

"OK sir" since issei and end the call with his leader

"So ddraig maybe we have to pay a visit with our old friend cao cao" said issei talk to his dragon again

"Yes,indeed" said ddriag

"Are you going to summon those thing that you use to fine the host of the True Cross" add ddraig said

"Yes,since I need to know where the little cao cao hiding at" said issei

"Alright then" said ddriag

"I issei hyoudou summon, you my monsters, существа, которых когда-то боялись, пришли ко мне и помогли мне в моих поисках" said issei both english and ancient Russian language

The creature the issei summon is a greek creature the once bull half man that name minotaur and the people thought theseus killed him but in truth the minotaur faked his death

"My friend minotaur find cao cao"said issei talk to his creature/ friend

"Yes sir and how does he look like" said Minotaur

"He looks like Cao Cao is a young man with short black hair and blue eyes. He wears a combination of a Japanese school uniform as if he a student in the Japanese school and I want you find him both the normal world and the supernatural world but if you have to Disguise yourself since everyone in the supernatural think you are dead"said issei

"Don't worry about that" said Minotaur to issei

"Alright go find him" said issei

Minotaur left so to find his pray (cao cao), he will try to find him first in Japan and then India

"So ddraig let's go the hotel room it sunset and I am tired for today" said issei to his ddraig

"Alright, Partner" said ddriag

*scene change*

The end

(N/A this is the first chapter of the man to a new path)

(N/A 2 issei will have a harem but it will take me time to write who will be with issei)

(N/A 3 with future chapter in will take long since I am 1 man job on the write since I don't have editors)

(N/A 4 with lemon chapter or anything to do lemon stuff it a 50/50 )

(The last N/A I hope you enjoy chapter 1)

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