
Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

“Ms. Li Xue, you are pregnant!” said the doctor as she handed the pregnancy report that has clearly come positive.   Li Xue didn’t know how to react to the news. She had come all prepared to take the virginity test and prove to the world that all their accusations were false. She was all sure that of her virginity being intact, then how was her pregnancy even possible?   This is the story of a woman, Li Xue, who has worked hard to build her modelling career. She wasn’t from a rich family where everything came served in a golden plate, but from a middle-class working family, where one has to work really hard to attain their dreams. Her dream was to become the top leading fashion model but it got shattered when she found herself trapped in a scandal.   No one believed her. Neither her friends nor her boyfriend. She was left all alone with the child that was growing inside her. So, she left the city, with the growing life in her womb. With a growing devilic-angel that was giving her strength to survive in this meaningless world, to become something she was still not sure of. ____ P.S. This is an original work, not a translation. And the cover belongs to me. (Commissioned from: GiselArts). Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · Urbain
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1505 Chs

Darkness has never known to remain for always.

In the big study room of the Royal Palace, only one table lamp had been lighted on the desk to make the room brighten up in the darkness. Behind the desk there was no one but Shin Tinming, sitting by himself. All alone fighting with his guilt.

In front of him, a thick book related to some economic cultural subject was opened. Though his eyes were strained upon it all seriously, just one plain glance on him and people would know that only his eyes were looking at the book while his mind was pondering on something else.

"Tinming, you know I pity that pretty girl. I feel like she has suffered a lot. Being criticized by the whole world with no one standing at your side is too much of harsh pain to take. You and I would never be able to understand. Her so-called mother has called her as an unfilial daughter but I doubt that she has ever taken the responsibility for being a mother to her."