
Malice of Truth

As time continuously diverts through and our era has been consistently changing with progressive summation and division of cultural development covering the entire grasp of this world. Ones and foremost remains a mystery in the circulation of genuine time for the peak conclusion no one posses. Holding never-ending capabilities of answers pointing directions to uncountable measures of enhanced educated assertion in the revolution of limited seconds. One must hold and conclude the title of "Malice of truth" inheriting divine prowess that upholds heavenly miracles production of information that corroded and forgotten during the genuine time in comparison even Greater king of the world (one that has the backing of the authority of all living beings) couldn't surpass in every aspect. Krezo took the voyage on land to gather hints, clues, to decode the mystery of his past and to gain the truth keeping his mental restraint on hand, slowly eradicating a portion of memories of misery and devoured happiness on an adventure of comradeship together breaking the chain and setting on each other behind equal freedom of achieving their dreams, ambitions, and intentions. As they pick up all the puzzle piece creating a lead, the massive amount of truth embedded into their mind with twists they never expect with midway developments on their selves and as each other's comrade propagating a story of morality, truth, nature, embracement, and dreams propelling their decisions derive to their destiny.

Reiju_Eclipse0307 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 6:Hypocritic Idealism

Splitting images maliciously grinning on the shadow only its left side of the body is visible, spits threatening phrases on a contagious full of ambitious way presenting over the top confidence even a fierce starving blood-bathed aswang of the night is astonishingly afraid to move from its position.

"Even in a garbage society, its monarchy system is segregated huh?"

"You think that petty method would work against my overwhelming prowess???"

"These ants piss me off?!"

Crippling all of the nerves on his head attached with a wrathful storm of a heavy emotional tantrum anticipate a reaction of standing up from its golden throne patterning a repetitive ruby gem every inch with a horizontal line of diamond behind the seating,

delivers a self-justifying speech on regards to his absolute leadership slightly moving in the sunlight coming outside of the glass windows

revealing a face of malice, the same person that terrified Szenzen and Deverra.

"I just want to cleanse the name of my grandfather"

"I am a great king who brings a wonderful smile to my subject"

"The rumored "City of Music" entitles my lovely wonderland that helps this city to experience joy and have a "genuinely true"

smiles on their face"

"Do you agree my gorgeous Strella"

Rapidly reacts on a second coming from the back of his seat is an appealing beautiful-looking assassin with eyes looking like a warm mixture of blood and post-erupted magma, the similar girl who stabbed Krezo,

pays respect to Vincento casually agreeing in his statement.

"I agree my king, you will always be right and always be my beloved king."

"Moral standards are up for you to judge my king"."

Antagonistic grin corporate with shady fierce eyes compound the oxygen forming a dark matter as the two villainous figures individually pinpoint each of the two creating a two one-versus-one diversion, Vincento targets Deverra and Strella chases down Szenzen.

"My beloved Strella, can you cut that girl mouse on that side, I will just end the bloodline on the other side"

"A single city must have only one and only single leader to decide and that's only me"

Scheming ahead on a decisive confrontation capable of either shutting down or retaliating the fate for this city, Vincento and Strella open the stash of the hunting season and rush through their significant prey.

Uncomfortably stabling in the prison, Krezo defies the destined punishment by throwing deluded conversation to the masked sentry.

" Hey, is that Vincento the one who build this prison?"

"Then let me thank him, unchain this iron collar I'll just express my gratitude and cut his throat down."

The masked lady continues the nonsensical talk releasing provoking words.

"Damn you're a psychopath, If you want to get out of here then use force"

"No one gives a single fuck about a complaint from the lower ground."

Shortly sparks an immoral rejection of opinion and persuasion neglects the continuation, cuts down the highway of rebuttal releasing from Krezo's mouth by an eye-fooling speed of injecting the syringe to him and forcefully choke the moldy drug-based algae capable of emblazing fireworks of biological reaction deforming one's anatomy similar to how potassium reacts to water upon touching.

A hearth warming emotional-driven tears keep falling in a motion of lunar phase by four different faces in a pot successfully compound forming a drawing of a slender man with an untuned complexion dooming in while seating, unchaining insanity black air consuming all optimistic thoughts flying through the air.

"(sniffs), finally this rude bastard has felt the pitiful mercy of my king"

"He will go to the heaven of my beloved king"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, realistically speaking..."

"This punishment will be the last momento you will gain"

"Ironic that a devilish creature like you will go to Vincento's paradise of eternal peace"

"Thank him!!!, Pray to him!!!, Beg him forgiveness!!!, and all your sins will vanish."

Notices neutral changes, mirroring a moment when you max out your inhaling limit and exert all force for blowing candle's lit only to know nothing happened and the flame is still living, Krezo seemingly on a grin smile laughing on a convenient style declares and shouted the uselessness of the steroid presenting confidence of rubber during stormy days while lightning.

"HAHAHAHA, is that all?"

" I even stay here patiently waiting for that stupid punishment you boastfully overrate, and all of that just for some foolish candy energizer?"

Continuing the mocking interpretation, the jail lady is enslaved inside a dimensional illusion of endless confusion of how the punishment pills are not affecting Krezo's body as if the first-ever recorded malfunction of a drug on the span of her two-year service.

"Ho-How does my perfect life work is not affecting you? are you some sort of monster? Are humans only a preferred medium of my immaculate creation?"

Spamming wrathful rage and lustful energy as he flawlessly crushed the iron chain and circular entrapment ready of killing, Krezo walks toward the jail lady confronting her looking down on a seeming difference of height mercilessly torment its face-smashing

on the dirt with his foot atop of the back of its head finishing her with his fist in the most humane way.

"I'm a human, I'm not a god or king or a perfect creation."

"I'm seeking for the truth"

"I'm also a human wanting to kill that bastard Vincento."

Baiting their predator into venomous spikes, On Szenzen's side starts off her preparation by releasing kinesa energy into sewers, houses, and tree branches for controlling pests and animals inhabiting those territories.

If the plan proposed by Deverra work out,

Szenzen should be expecting Vincento to kill her down by now.


Is hypocrisy an immoral thing?

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