
Malia's Confessions

Malia is going through her college years trying to handle getting a sugar daddy to help pay tuition, falling in love with her new best friend, and attempting to find her way around sex. Follow her journey as she explores her sexuality and takes trips around the world, all while being from a small town with a bubbly best friend who she has always had a crush on.

JakMarandDax · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 8

I hurried out of my class and towards my dorm room. I didn't have much time to get ready before my date with Arthur. We, well, he asked, and I said yes, had set it up a couple of days after talking for a few days. I was nervous but also excited. So far, he seemed like a really nice guy. I felt a bit off about the idea of going on dates with different people around the same time. I had accepted his request before Chani's, but I wondered what she'd think about my date with him as well as her. I suppose I'd bring it up with her if things got more serious between us. I wasn't sure where I even wanted things to go between us. I appreciated her friendship and didn't want to possibly lose it, but at the same time, I really did like her. I guess all I can do is figure it out as I go the best that I can.

I hopped into the shower and began shaving everything. I didn't plan on sleeping with him but wanted to make sure just in case somehow we got there. I still hadn't gotten used to the shared showers in the dorm and honestly kinda hated them. It felt like when my family used to go camping, and sometimes you'd have to shower in those public restrooms with flip flops on to be sanitary.

After showering, Alice helped me do my hair and makeup, as well as helped me pick out an outfit. She seemed to want me to pick something a bit more 'normal' and a bit less gothic than usual, but I didn't want to feel like I was lying to the guy. Eventually, we finished, and it was time to leave. Alice drove me there and made sure to give me plenty of tips on the way. Most of them were about sex, which didn't help, but at least she was trying.

Alice pulled up in front of the restaurant and kissed my cheek before I got out, waving a goodbye. I crawled out with my purse in hand and started towards the entrance. I scanned the waiting area, eventually finding Arthur leaning against the wall, looking down at his phone. He looked rather handsome in his button-down, slacks, and shiny shoes.

"Hello." I walked over to him before speaking up. He dropped his phone back into his pocket and smiled at me.

"I was just waiting for you. I got us a table." He began guiding me towards it. We took our seats across from each other. The restaurant was busy and seemed fancy. Fancier than the usual place I ate at. "You look great, Malia." He continued to smile, his eyes locked with mine.

I smiled slightly, pushing m hair behind my ear. "You look nice too." The waiter came by and took our order, before leaving us to our conversation once more.

He chuckled. "I appreciate that. I like your glasses. They make you look cute if you don't mind me saying."

"Well, I mostly wear them 'cause I can't see too well," I smiled, "but thanks. I'd be screwed in all my classes if I didn't have them 'cause I wouldn't be able to see the board."

"Oh, yes. You said you were in college. How has that been? What year are you?"

"I'm a Freshman, and so far, it's been fine." I shrugged.

"If I may ask, how do you pay for it? Do you have your parent's help?" Arthur asked softly. I figured it was because he wanted to know where my money would go if he gave me any, but it didn't feel any less awkward.

"I'm paying for it myself. I had to take out loans." I admitted. Alice was lucky; her parents had the money to pay for her college outright. My parents had helped where they could, but it wasn't much. Admittedly one of the reasons I was willing to try to sugar daddy website out was to get help with my loans instead of getting a job.

"That must be a lot of stress."

"It is. I--I need to get a job soon to help pay it off." I looked down at the icy glass of water.

"If things work out between us-not saying you should force yourself to make it work-I would be happy to help you pay for it." Arthur's offer caused me to look up at him with wide eyes.

"That's way too much to ask of you." I shook my head.

"At least consider it." He shrugged. "I have plenty of money." His boast was surprisingly comforting. I barely knew him, but he was already offering to help me with one of my biggest burdens. "We can talk about other things." Arthur assured me with a soft smile.

"Sure." I nodded. "Have you…had a…sugar baby,'" I spoke the words quietly, "before?"

"I have not." He shook his head. "I just got out of a divorce. You were one of the first girls I messaged and the only one who responded."

"I wonder why they didn't respond." I tilted my head to the side slightly. "I think you're very attractive, and you've been nothing but nice to me."

"I wouldn't know." Arthur shrugged slightly, the soft smile still on his face. "Are there those you haven't responded to?"

"Yeah. Most of them were just too forward. You weren't that way, though."

"Perhaps that pro for you was a con for others."

"Maybe." I looked over as our waiter set our food down in front of us.

We spent the rest of our evening chatting and eating. We talked about everything from my living on a farm to his business, which mostly consists of buying and selling rare and expensive cars. Arthur offered to drive me back to campus since I would've had to call Alice for a ride back.

"Thank you again for the ride." I shifted awkwardly in the seat. Arthur's car probably cost more than my parent's house.

"I'm glad to give it to you." He smiled. "Do you not have a car?"

"I don't have a license. Not yet. I guess I should get one soon."

"Do you have a dream car?" He glanced over at me as he spoke.

"A Challenger or a Mustang." I laughed quietly.

"So you're a muscle car kind of girl?"

"I am." I nodded, looking over at him as he drove.

We drove for a while before arriving at the dorms. We said our goodbyes and agreed to keep talking. I headed back up to my room to a curious Alice.

"How'd it go?!" She bounced on her bed as I began to remove my makeup.

"Good." I smiled to myself, before turning to face her. "He's very nice."

"I told you that going and finding a sugar daddy was a good idea!"

"Keep it down." I attempted to hush her. "But yes, you were right. I'm excited to keep talking to him."

"Did you two do anything? You weren't gone for very long."

"No, we just had dinner and talked, and then he drove me home."

"Can I see his picture again?"

"Sure." I pulled my phone out and his profile up before handing it to her.

"He's cute, Mali. You hit the jackpot."

"He also offered to help me pay for college." I casually mentioned.

"Holy shit, girl! He's the one."

"I don't know about that, but yeah…he's great."

"Are you gonna go on another date?"

"I hope so." I shrugged, grabbing my phone back.

"You got a notification for Paypal." She pointed out. I checked the notification, seeing that Arthur had sent me a couple hundred dollars from our date. I felt off about getting money for dates, but admittedly the money would really help me. "How much did he give you?"

"Two hundred."

"Not too bad, Mali."

I sighed, taking a seat on my bed. "I'm ready for bed."

"I have so many more questions, though." Alice pouted.

"We can talk tomorrow. I promise."

"Fine." She sighed dramatically.

"Good night, Alice."

"Night, night, Mali."