
Male Spy at an All-Girls School!!

Rin Grayson, Male Agent and Code name "Ant" of the Brotherhood Secret Service. He has one mission, protect the daughter of the Headmaster from all the inevitable danger that is directed on to her but there's a catch... He'll have to do it in disguise... as a girl at an All-Girls School!! "If it's cute, it's not gay!!!" - a certain Chameleon Author's summary: Basically, Boy crossdresses and disguises himself as a girl at an All-girls school for his Agent assignment in protecting the daughter of the headmaster and at the same time, forging friendships and bonds with his new classmates along the way. The Male lead is definitely a bad-ass in this story. He is both trustworthy and kind to his friends and the people that he loves and holds dear. At the same time, he is also shown to be ruthless and cold-blooded, showing no utter bullshit to his enemies, depending on the transgressions that they have done, most especially when they have acted upon his friends and loved ones. He also has his perverted moments, grinning like a lecherous old man having lewd thoughts to his female friends. He can be also quite dense, his knowledge sometimes is outside of the norm due to him being exposed mostly in his Agent duties much to some of the girl's displeasure. So many funny misunderstandings also await in here. The story is set on the fictional country of the Twilight Kingdom, a country where the Queen rules prosperously and is your typical modern one, with some exciting twist. Most especially, a certain place where only the criminal and lawless live... The Underworld. It is a forsaken place that will showcase a string of events that will definitely shake the heart of the very kingdom itself as webs of intrigue and plays intertwine with our MC, his friends, and allies being at the center. Male Spy at an All-Girls School not only deals with the story of our Male lead but also among others, showing how their lives are interconnected with one another in a single thread of fate, ultimately leading to an epic finale where everyone showcases growths in their physical and mostly emotional aspect with the MC leading on the top. In short, there will be cheesy moments, drama, comedy, romance, and definitely, action. It is a Spy story after all, with a harem, dark, comical twist. (Cover photo not mine. CTTO)

redmitte2x · Politique et sciences sociales
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75 Chs

Chapter 58: The meeting in secrecy...

The policemen of three snickered at the creative use of words that the pink-haired police girl just said to them.

"Hahaha, that's a good one, recruit." Brandon commented from the sidelines with a teasing smirk.

Henders though was having a different reaction as she eyed with utter disbelief at the drug that Hannie has shown to all of them.

With a baffled look, the Captain questioned the pink-haired Sergeant as the former patted both the latter's shoulders in a sudden motion. "Recruit, how the hell do you get hold of the drug?!"

"Ehehe, well…" Hannie smiled sheepishly in response. "It's kind of a long story…"

"Really now…" Henders stared at her subordinate, her gaze piercing right at the pink-haired girl with the utmost of intent. "How you were able to acquire the drug in the midst of all those shooting is something quite of a mystery. Do kindly indulge us recruit."

"I-it's getting pretty late Captain." Hannie stuttered as she answered with a sweatdrop, nervous at the terrifying way Henders kept staring at her. "We should probably get going?"

But any attempts on changing the subject are just met with failure as Henders seemed rather pushy on the subject matter.

"Oh, the night is still young recruit." Henders responded, a sinister smile crept on her pretty face that caused Hannie to instantly shrink down. The Captain then faced the Corporal, asking him. "The investigation is still on the go, right?"

The Corporal immediately replied. "Yes ma'am. We are still finalizing the pieces of evidence that we have gathered here in this place. So uh… take your time."

"See recruit, it's still a long night ahead of us." Henders smiled in triumphant, things going in her way. Then her expression shifted, one that is serious and is now unto business without any nonsense. "Now, tell us how you got the drug."

"Fine, fine, sheesh. I was going to tell you all sooner or later ehehe." Hannie said, chuckling nervously as she recalled the events of how she acquired the drug.

"Hehehe, it's a funny story actually-"


<FLASHBACK, A few moments earlier.>

"Twilight Police!!!"

This event happens at the moment a while back when the Police Force barged themselves inside of the Warehouse, making themselves known to the two criminal groups.

Of course, the Revolution having achieved their goal in taking down the leader, immediately retreated, knowing that the police themselves will take care of finishing the other group for them.

Henders could only sigh in utter relief at the backup arriving just in time to save them.

A police and his small group among the others then approached the Captain for her aid. "Captain, we're glad that you're okay."

"Yes gentlemen." Henders nodded with a grateful look. "I and the recruit had it rough but we have managed."

"That's a relief Captain." The policeman answered.

"We're going to remain here and gather all clues and pieces of evidence that are hopefully still present. In the meantime ma'am, Colonel Rogers instructed that you and your squad may rest and take it easy, seeing as the both of you must be exhausted from the ordeal that recently happened."

"Oh, I want to help in the investigation!!" Hannie volunteered as she raised her hand enthusiastically. Then she eyed the Captain, puppy eyes on the loose. "May I help them please, Captain?"

Henders sighed deeply, seeing no reason to turn her down, she nodded. "Suit yourself recruit."

"Yay!! I'll start over there!!" Hannie beamed widely, skipping forth merrily in the direction that she pointed as she went out of the Warehouse.

"Wow." The policeman looks impressed with the pink-haired girl's eagerness to help. "You must be lucky ma'am, having a passionate policewoman like her working for you."

Henders smirk in response. "She has her moments.


As Hannie was finally out of prying eyes from the Warehouse, she arrived at a secluded area resembling a forest, looking around for anything out of the ordinary.

She now finds herself in a place akin to a forest, the dark trees in the vicinity makes up the eeriness that the atmosphere is currently emitting.

Looking at her phone, the girl nodded in satisfaction at seeing that the coordinates in the screen match the spot that she is currently standing.

"This must be the place that Lion instructed me to come and meet the old man." Hannie muttered to herself as she stopped on her tracks and proceeded to wait while stomping her feet in patience.

The girl then felt uneasy. After all, being alone in a dark forest can certainly bring out unwanted imaginations inside your mind, manifesting them into fear despite how unreal it seems may be.

And then…

"Yow, Chameleon!!"


Hannie out of character, jumps, and yelps in extreme astonishment at hearing the voice that seemingly pops out of nowhere.

"Up here, girl."

Hannie immediately turns her head upwards, finding the source of the voice.

And the old man referred by Hannie, no other than Kayle Faragus himself was seen on a tree, sitting casually on a branch as he twirled his handgun playfully like the expert marksman that he is.

"Old man." Hannie touches her chest as she breathes a sigh of utter relief at seeing the Agent undercover to the criminal group.

"Yep, the one and only." Kayle grinned in a coy manner, gracefully landing on the ground like a master acrobat effortlessly.


"Aw!!! What the hell, you crazy girl!?" Kayle burst out angrily in a comedic fashion, rubbing the pain on his head courtesy of Hannie slapping it rather hard.

"Next time, don't scare me off like that!!" Hannie gritted her teeth funnily as she raised her fist in retaliation. "You idiotic old man, you almost gave me a heart attack!!"

"Hahaha!!" Kayle simply laughed wholeheartedly. "Sorry about that. It's just that, I could not help it. The dark atmosphere of the forest and all that, hehehe."

"Shut up old man." Hannie harrumphed indignantly, crossing her arms in an amusing manner.

"Hehe right, right." Kayle said sheepishly. Then he took out something out from his pocket. "Here you go girl, just like we planned."

Hannie was given the same one blue drug powder that was wrapped in a plastic seal.

"Finally." Hannie accepted the item and put it in her own pocket. "But just only one? You should have given the whole briefcase old man."

"Maybe." Kayle grinned. "But, I was under strict on the spot orders to retrieve the briefcase immediately when the shooting commenced. Mors seemed adamant as she told me to do so. Not wanting to betray their trust, at least for now, I simply complied. You're lucky that I was able to get one out of the five."

"Fine." Hannie simply nodded. "But wouldn't your boss realize that one drug is missing? You might still get in trouble nonetheless."

"Neh, I'm good at making excuses, so don't worry." Kayle smiled in assurance. "Better for us to have 4 than none at all, right?"

"I suppose." Hannie nodded in agreement.

"If that's all, I guess I better not dally here any longer. Don't want my new friends to get suspicious of my absence now, would we? See you later girl!!" Kayle grinned and turned to his back, waving his hands as he makes his exit.

Chameleon merely looks at the Mercenary's retreating figure disappearing in the distance, a sad and concern smile crept on her beautiful face.

She was disheartened that she was not able to give a proper farewell hug to the man as time was kindly not on their side.

One of the people that she means the most…

"Yeah, be careful out there... Dad."

Hannie Faragus could only feel the utmost worry for her Father's safety, the man being undercovered as a criminal who risks life and limb for the betterment of the Kingdom.

Of course, Hannie never said the true story mentioned in this chapter to the police.

Thanks for reading!!!

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