
Episode 1

You are an orphan child who was abandoned in the woods at birth until you were found by a seemed to be myth almost known to be non-existent Glycon the King Dragon God ((sorry if i made this so sudden))((I see his name as (G-lie-con).))

Glycon: Who left this child out here?

(Glycon looks around to try and find your parents but he can find no sings of your parents anywhere)

Baby ???: *cries* (like baby's do, feel free to play a baby crying in youtube if you want).

Glycon: Don't little child it's okay.

(Glycon calms you down, Glycon couldn't find your parents soon he has a thought and decides to go through with it)

Glycon: I will adopt you little child, now what should i name you?...

(Glycon thought long and hard on what to name you it took him a minute to figure a name out for you and then it hit him)

Glycon: I have the perfect name for you, Y/N.

(baby Y/N was happy with the name, Y/N giggled and laughed happily)

Glycon: now Y/N let us head back to where i live.

(Glycon fly's back to where he lives in the mountains with you)

Y/N and Glycon get back to where Glycon lives in the mountains and Glycon teaches Y/N how to walk and talk the normal basics for a child, when Y/N was at the age of 4 Glycon taught Y/N how to use King Dragon God magic i took Y/N to get a hold of this magic Glycon taught Y/N the basics of King Dragon God magic. But in the year X777 Glycon vanished Y/N was 6 when Glycon left so Y/N went on adventures in hopes that he would one day find Glycon.

While on one of Y/N adventures he saw a blue egg with white paw like symbol he decided to take it and care for it as Glycon did, he took the egg on his adventures a few days after the egg had hatched and a little white cat with blue wings came out and he landed on my head.

Y/N: *he's so cute*, now what should i name you?... i know how about chris.

Chris: Aye. ((insert any voice, for me i like happy's so i'm going with that)).

Y/N is now 14 and Chris was 8 they stopped at a inn for some food and over heard about a guild that he thinks would be a good place to go to and it's a guild where everyone is treated as family.

Man 1: did you hear about those fairy tail guild people down in Magnolia Town.

Man 2: yeah i heard there guild master lets them get away with their destruction but i guess that's what makes that guild number 1.

Y/N: Well Chris i guess we found our place.

Chris: Aye.

Y/N: Well then it's settled (Y/N put's on his F/C jacket) we're off to Magnolia.

(screen freezes with Y/N and Chris heading out the door)

(and roll the first seasons of fairy tail's credits)