
A New Beginning Full Of Dog's?

When I woke up everything was super blurry and I knew it was because I was just born so all my senses where terrible and that they would get better as time goes on I hoped. So all I can do right now is sleep, eat, cry, and poop for at least a year. My plan is to let my parents know that I am a genius from an early age so I have more freedom in life. But enough about the future I need to know what time I am in cause Gandolf said I would be in a similar timeline with a decent life, but I don't know what he means by "Decent" cause he is the Father of the Omniverse. From what I can see I am in a wood crib and wood walls with old looking toys and my clothes are super uncomfortable to be in even as a baby. As if on cue a dog came up to the bar of my crib and started sniffing me and I swore I hear the dog say "Oh Master's pup has been born I wonder what he will be like?"

Then a giant man camed out of nowhere and loomed over me and started to pick me up like I was a rag doll. "You have her eye's my son, both green and sea blue at the same time" When he said that I picked up on very important clue's 1. This man is most likely my father and 2. I have the same eye color as my past life.

I don't know how important this information may be but it is something also my dad is dressed in what looks like something from the 1800s with his bushy eyebrows, defined gaw line, his white skin, his top hat, an over cot, and I think that was a cane next to the crib. Then he turns his face around and yells "Slave come hear!" and then turns his head back to me and in a soft sad voice "Dady has to go prepare your mother's funeral so the slave's will look after you while I am not hear, ok Caran, my sweet baby boy" while holding me really gently and rocking me back and forward really slow, he then hands me off to a black lady in rags "If anything happens to him I will personly punish you and your whole family! *whistle* Come girl time to go." while this was happing my mind was a blank canvas from what I just heard! My Dad owned a Slave and my mom was dead that was a big shocker to me who grew up with both parents and in the 2000s. As my Dad was leaving the room another dog enters the room and I am 100% certain that the dog talked cause I heard "Hey Hunny how is Master's new pup?" and "The pup looks and smells healthy, and the Master is taking me somewhere so bye Hunny." then one dog left with my dad and the other came over and sat next to the slaveholding me.

The woman was trying to feed me a bottle of milk which I gladly accepted cause I was very hungry and haven't eaten since I was born I think? As I was eating my breakfast the dog would not stop talking, I don't know what it was that made this dog talk forever, even after I finish my food, but I remembered that there was a saying that 1 year for humans is 7 for dogs so he may just have been talking normal and I perceived it as him none stop talking. Wich, I am thankful for cause it is one more person I can talk to and yes I count a dog as a person, in my opinion, if I can understand it is a person in my book.

And like that 4 years went by and I was considered a genius by walking at 8 months old and speaking at 1 years old. My I say I am going to get really annoyed growing up as a baby doing the same thing over and over again. Now you may be wandering why I skipped 4 years instead of just 1 or something, and to that I say "Nine" I want to get straight to the best part! Now my dad is a big slave owner we have a tune of slaves and land I have no idea how much because my dad won't tell me for some reason but it's a lot. Anyway he said I can pick out 4 slave for my own use out of are field and my plan is to pick 3 kids and 1 adult, my plan is to get them to start the revolution early or stay back and be a ahead of the game and have a good reputation with the people for when I make this world my playground by introducing a ton of magic and other shit later in my next lives.